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(K1-TSL) Crystal Deposits

Darth Payne

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I recently thought it would be nice to find crystals in places other then the default places.


Then i thought, 'why not put small crystal deposits on the other worlds.'


Is it possible to put some small crystal formations on the other planets, containing custom crystals?


Possible locations: K1

Korriban: the cave, in various locations throughout the cave.

Tatooine: the starmap cave, there should be room for maybe two or more formations here.

Kashyyk: Shadowlands, there are plenty of places to put the formations here.

Manaan: Starmap clearing, maybe the republics found more than just the stamap here.

Rakata: there are several possible locations here.


Possible locations: TSL

Peragus: the mining tunnels.

Telos: there should also be plenty of locations here for deposits of crystals.

Dxun: here there are plenty of locations for crystals.

Dantooine: There are two or so locations in the cave that could work here.

Korriban: the same or similar locations as in K1.

Malachor: there should be over a dozen locations on the Malachor surface.


Can this be done?

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