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Trouble Adding Characters etc to a new git I made from following DI's reskkining tut.

Darth Xander

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Hi people me again, anyway I followed DI's great tut for reskining my own area and likw the tut says i used kas_m23ab. Anyway I have my area completley reskinned and I am satisfied however I would like to add a plc, a uts and a means of leaving the area to the area probably by adding the nessecary modifications to teh git and I have also I have added the new git ot teh mod by using stoffe's erf edit and it still isn't working any ideas?


And yes I have made the s_rim for it I have added the scritps and etc to it and it is in the modules folder.


If you coudl help I woudl appreciate it.


Basically what I am asking is what do I do after I have finished the tut?



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I'm afraid you can't have looked very hard. First page of 'General Tutorials and Tools':



Sorry DI but those tuts didn't do much good for me, I tried adding the git to the .mod by using stoffe's erfedit but the new plc and uts isn't showing up!


Thats all I have in the module other than the npcs that spawn during the plc's dialog.

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I tried that and no I didn't do what DDD reccomemended I will do though.


Eidt: i have tried a few more things, I have placed one of my npcs i made in the git, and i have repacked the git.

But is still the same the only difference is that everything that used ot be i nthe area like thsoe two wookies, the plcs and the door is gone. None of naything I have added ahs shwoed up.

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I am so sorry to have wasted your time guys but the reason why none of my ut*s spawned was because teh appearance for my npc is flaud and I gotta fix that so that explains why it wouldn't appear and I accidentally saved my plc as a .uti I corrected the mistake and everything is nearly finished.

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