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Zimbabwe Economy makes U.S economy look like perfection


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This is quite insane. Just read this and now you'll feel a lucky that you live in an economically-stressed place like the U.S, if you're an American.




Now, they're even printing 1 Million, 5 Million, and 10 Million dollar bills, which will barely buy dinner in Zimbadwe! Also see the newer articles about Zimbabwe on CNN... That Government is way more corrupt than the U.S government. Now I feel lucky to be an American, as our inflation rate is only about 4-6% per year now.


This makes the Great Depression look like the gold rush!

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This isn't anything new. Look up Hyperinflation.


See also...




That's a 500 billion Dinar note, from Yugoslavia.


In 1923, Germany was issuing 100 trillion mark notes. Hungaria distributed 100 Quintillion (For those of you who aren't aware of the near-pointless numbers, Quintillion comes after Quadrillion, which comes after Trillion) notes.

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