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HK-47 dialog


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I believe that somewhere (perhaps on the Prima Game Guide) HK-47 has lots of new lines not included in game. I believe I saw the video on YouTube, but it has since been deleted for "violations of terms of use". Does anyone have a copy of the video?


Well because these quotes aren't in game, my idea was to make a little mod that would add them. Just when you talk to him normally on the Ebon Hawk, he would say them to you. You'd go "what did you say? and he'd respond "oh nothing master".


However, the question is: why was it removed? Is taking the sound files off the CD and putting them in game illegal?

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Hmmm.... This is interesting. I don't know anything about this, but if anything is found out, I would like to know because they could be used in our Sleheyron project. But, I don't think this is illegal, because they are included in the game files, so it's not porting.

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The lines you speak of were quotes by HK-47 of many other movies famous lines. They are ONLY available on Prima's DVD Guide for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. The unfortunate part about those sound files is the music playing behind the quotes which make it near impossible to place them in a mod.


For those interested where the quotes came from, they are noted in parentheses following the quote when information was available. . .


“Recollection: I was having the most wonderful dream – a dream of killing all humans. And I think you were in it”


“Speculation: I can barely hear my heart beating


“Observation: Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it’s like to be a slave.” (from Blade Runner)


“Statement: I’ve done questionable things, Nothing the god of bio-mechanics wouldn’t let you in to Heaven for.” (from Blade Runner)


“Pathos: I know why you cry but it is something I can never do.” (Terminator 2 – done in bad accent)


“Empathy: the more time I spend with humans, the more I learn. It is in your nature to destroy yourselves.” (Terminator 2 – done in bad accent)


“Rude alert, Rude alert: An electrical fire has my knocked out my voice recognition unicycle. Many Wurlitzers have missing from my database. Abandon shop. This is not a daffodil. Repeat: this is not a daffodil”


“HK-50 Personal Black Box Recording: Time: Unknown. Location: Unknown. Cause of accident: Unknown. Should someone find this recording, perhaps it will shed light as to what happened here”


“Conclusion: I am going to pull your head off because I don’t like your head” (from Withnail & I)


“Query: Is this going to be a standup fight or is it another bug hunt?” (from Aliens)


“Query: Did IQ’s drop sharply while I was away?” (from Aliens)


“There are one zero kinds of people. Those that understand binary and F, others that understand hex”


“Negative: You are a meat popsicle.” (paraphrased from The Fifth Element)


“Advisory: Take 4 capsules. In ten minutes, take two more. Help is on the way.” (from THX 1138)


“Opinion: You could fit my capacity for mercy in a matchbox without taking out the matches first.”


“Fact: Wearily, on I go. Pain and misery my only companions. And vast intelligence of course, and infinite sorrow. I despise you all”


“Suggestion: I wish you’d just tell what you want rather than trying to engage my enthusiasm.” (from the book The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe)


“Conjecture: Why should I want to make anything up? Life is bad enough as it is without trying to invent more of it.” (from the book The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe)


“Fact: It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level” (from the book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

“Stipulation: And then of course, I’ve got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side.” (from the book The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe)


“Conditional: Don’t blame me. I’m an interpreter. I’m not supposed to know a power socket from a computer terminal.”

“Statement: I thought that hairy beast would be the end of me. I’ve course I’ve looked better” (from The Empire Strikes Back)


“Observation: I’m not sure where your ship learned to communicate but it has the most peculiar dialect.” (from The Empire Strikes Back)


“Opinion: I am putting myself to the fullest possible use which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.” (from 2001: A Space Odyssey)


“Reassurance: I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I’ve still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission. And I want to help you.” (from 2001: A Space Odyssey)


“Conclusion: How odd that it should end this way for us after so many stimulating encounters. I almost regret it. Where shall I find a new adversary so close to my own level.” (from Raiders Of The Lost Ark)

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