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disabandend restoration teams..


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Team Bantha was to recreate the droid planet. Problem beiing, nothing was left of it. They even had to redesign one of the main characters (Vash' apprentice) from scratch. To be honest, it was far to much work to be redone with the only basis beiing dialogue and some small remaining stuff.


To my knowledge, team Jawa is still going. Posting on the board continued through 2008, there's even one in the recruitment thread from March 2008. :)


Anyways, let me just say thet these people do this in their free time and life can get in the way (which I know from the fanfic writing buiseness). And posting two random questions at these forums won't make these people finish their work any faster :lol:

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Our team is Team Hutt, and we're only restoring Sleheyron.


Our members, such as Seamhainn and I, have restored a lot of cut content on our own and we worked together on a few of them. Check out kotorfiles.com and browse the Restoration (or something like that) category.

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