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[K1] Robe Request


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Hey all,

First all wanna say I love all the hard work people have put in on this site. Kudos to all of you.


Second I'd like to know if anyone can build a little mod for me that will add the robes used in the make Canderous a jedi mod available to be worn by the PC in kotor. I would particulary like the all white/silver version.


I hope this is possible and that someone could make it for me because I'm absolutely useless at modding.


Thanks in advance.

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Well unless Redhawke didn't do anything to the robe model(and I don't know if he did or didn't),but if he did then you would have to ask him to do this or whoever does would have to get his permission to do this.


If he didn't do anything to it and it is just a robe in game (from what I can remember I think it was the armor Bandon wears when you see him in game)then it could be done.



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But if both models were already in the game then someone could add it and make it wearable by the PC right?




Yes and there have been various mods that have done this however generally speaking the credit is still given to modders such as Redhawke as much out of respect as anything else.


Some veteran modders consider the fact that because they have the right to take offense that you might have used there mod or there idea without there permission. So to be on the safe side it is best to keep there ego's from being bruised by at least giving them token credit.


Now just to be clear Redhawke is generally not one of these modders however I will leave the names best unsaid of those who I know are and some of them are still active in the community.

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RedHawke did add the model to make Canderous look like Darth Bandon, only the white one like the Governor on Taris.

Actually I gave him quite a few textures to wear on that model, bandons, The Siver one, A one for the Star Forge Robe (Brown), a Red one, a White One, etc. One for each of the different flavors of Revan Robe mods I made. For personal use, I have ones for both of Svosh's Revan Redemption robes, and some of the others that I have made and never released for K1 (Some saw the light of day in TSL as part of the Prestiege Class Robe and Saber Pack).


I see the make Canderous a Jedi mod, I have it installed but it doesn't allow you to use the robes for your PC character only for canderous. I'm looking for a mod that lets my character wear them.

If you have that mod installed and you want to overwrite the Revan robes to use this model you can edit your appearance.2da on your end in a few minutes to do this for your PC. I had posted instructions on how to do this but I can't find it atm. :(


So from memory here we go... (Rusty modder brain alert! :xp: )

  1. Open up your KOTOR override's appearance.2da with Fred Tetra's KOTOR Tool. When the KT Program starts it is in the Tools menu, open 2da file editor. Navigate to your KOTOR Override and open up the appearance.2da.
  2. Scroll down the file to lines 136 through 180 those are the Male Player Character lines.
  3. On each of those lines change the modelj and texj fields to "N_DarthCand", without quotes.
  4. This next part is optional (I would only do this if the skins are transparent) scroll over to the envmap cell and change it from DEFAULT to "CM_Baremetal", without quotes.
    Now I am unsure of what mods you have installed but the ENVMAP cell can be left to DEFAULT but some of the Bandon Model robe skins might be transparent, and setting this to CM_Baremetal might have other unintended consiquences with other mods skins (Such as ones that use transparency), just an FYI. So you can skip this part and if they come up transparent then change the ENVMAP cell.
  5. Once you have edited all those lines then click on another line/cell that you didn't edit (this is important), then save it to your KOTOR override and you are basically done.


To use all the skins shipped with the Canderous Dark Jedi mod you will likely need to install my 3 item packs, or if you don't want to use my 3 item packs and Crimson Sith Templar items (totally understandable) you can make a few item uti files for those skins on your end. We do have tutorials for those and the texture variations are easy to spot all the tga files that have N_DarthCandXX in them. ;)


N_DarthCand01 is Revan's Robe (Will appear automatically when wearing that robe or a modded one)

N_DarthCand02 is Star Forge Robe (Will appear automatically when wearing that robe or a modded one)

N_DarthCand04 is the Crimson Templar Robe

N_DarthCand08 is the White Robe

N_DarthCand11 is the Robe Canderous gets and is similar/same as the Sith Governors on Taris.


I hope this helps. :D


(Now I'm going to add these instructions to the mods release thread like I should have done in the first place.)

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Thanks for the instructions redhawke.


I tried to edit it as you said but for some reason the kotor tool just will not run on my system.


I've attached my appearance.2da file to this post is it possible you or anyone could edit it for me please. I would be very grateful.




thanks in advance guys

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