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Chapter 1

A man dressed in a jean jacket, a Hawaiian shirt, and jeans walked through the streets of 1911 Liverpool. Clearly he was in the wrong time. However, he knew how to get back to his own time, as he remembered being in this time before, but he was a different man then, with a different face. He spotted another man he was looking for, and said to him "Come with me." He told him, and grabbed the man and started to drag him off. "Where are you taking me? What do you want?" The man asked, but got no answer. They then came to what appeared to be a 1950's era Police Box, and entered.


As they entered, however it was revealed to not be a Police Box, and was much larger on the inside that on the outside. Inside was a main with short black hair, dressed in a very Edwardian oufit. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I'm sorry, but I need to use your TARDIS. Mine's been taken." The casually dressed man replied. "Who are you people anyway?" The man from the street asked.


"I'm the Doctor." Both of the other men replied.


"That's impossible, unless I regenerate into you?" The Doctor responded.


"No, I'm two regenerations away." The other Doctor told him.


"Fantastic, you're my eleventh incarnation. And who's he? One of your companions?" The Ninth doctor asked.


"Actually, I have no idea who he is. I just remembered being you watching me bring him in here." The Eleventh Doctor replied. "You can go now." He told the man, who promptly left the TARDIS.


"So, what's this you're saying about your TARDIS being taken? And where are your companions?" The Ninth Doctor then asked.


"Weeping Angels, and my companions are stuck in the TARDIS, with the controls locked. Also, I recommend a leather jacket." The Eleventh Doctor told the Ninth. "I'll keep that in mind. So, when are they?" The Ninth Doctor replied.

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Mr brain is mushed.


I tried to decihper what was happening but all I got was nonsense in my brain. It was good,. despite the fact I have no idea what this is about. I have a feeling I should though.


Hmm... Wierd.

Anyways, nice work. :)

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In case you're wondering, this takes place shortly after regenerating from the Eighth Doctor for the Ninth Doctor (hence the Edwardian outfit and not the leather jacket), and since the Eleventh Doctor is my own creation (and modeled after me), there's no saying when this fits in his timeline.

Chapter 2

"Ah, the good old Coral theme." The Eleventh Doctor commented as he steered the TARDIS through the Time Vortex. The Ninth was in the TARDIS wardrobe, getting rid of the outfit he regenerated in, and into something that suited that incarnation better.


The Ninth Doctor looked through the wardrobe, trying to find outfit he liked. First, he tried combining a velvet coat and a frilly shirt, but that looked terrible. Then, a cricketer's outfit, but that looked even worse. After that he tried a sweater vest combined with a grey coat, but that didn't work at all. After trying various other outfits in the wardrobe, he though about the recommendation his Eleventh self gave, and grabbed a leather jacket, dark jeans, and a green long-sleeved shirt, and then put them on. He then looked in the mirror to see how he looked, and simply commented, "Fantastic."


"You know, Doctor, I always liked the look of this console room, but I still think it's a shame what happened to the previous one." The Eleventh Doctor commented as the Ninth Doctor got back up to the console room. "Really?! I was more relieved that I managed to regenerate after something like that, and that the TARDIS still worked." The Ninth replied. "I still remember that so vividly. Everything burned, even I did. I still don't understand how Rose could control it when I couldn't." The Eleventh Doctor stated. "Rose? Who's she?" The Ninth then asked. "You'll meet her eventually." The Eleventh answered.

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A prequel story to Series One of the New Series is a good idea and a Multiple Doctor story just after the Doctor's regenerated is a good idea too.


One problem I've having at the moment is all the dialogue stuck together in one paragraph, but other than that, it's okay.


Just out of curiosity, what actor did you base your Eleventh Doctor on?

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