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Winners of the 2007 Readers' Choices Contest

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Congratulations to the winners of the Readers' Choices 2007 fanfic favorites! The poll and the links to all the entrants' stories are here (clicky).


In the short fiction category:


First place--Bee Hoon for both her A Reason and her Frozen stories

Second place--Emperor Devon for his story, For the Greater Good

Third place--there was a tie for third place. Both First Love, Last Embrace by JasraLantill, and Return of the Gizka by Emalin received the same number of votes.


In the long fiction category:



First place--Lessons in Pazaak by Uilleand

Second place--Ferc Kast for Kotor III: The Unknown Regions

Third place--Crystal of Life by Renegade Puma


As a token of our appreciation for the work involved in creating great stories, the people who placed in the top three in both categories will now be able to have a custom title under their user name, if they didn't already have that capability.


Thank you to all who took the time to read and vote. Thanks to all the authors who contributed stories--they were very enjoyable to read!

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Great job everyone! I won't say that I read every entry, but I took a look at most of them. ;) Congratulations to the winners and participants. It takes a long time to make a story, and it's thankless, sometimes. Nonetheless, I appreciate your work! :)

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