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[k1] level cap removal


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don't know if it is possible, extensive searches found no hits, so here you go: could the level cap for [k1] be removed or set higher?


I'm not asking it for TSL because 50 is never reached, but I'm up against 20 in k1 pretty quickly, and well.. I'm a timmy, I max out whatever I can.

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so you'd need to edit the exe for it. thanks, I knew that wasn't allowed, I just didn't know that was the reason why this in particular wasn't possible. as for the 2nd poster, you could be nicer.


you say 1000 other threads, I honestly searched about 12 times using various keywords.

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Use the KSE if you want to be at a higher level. Because can make my character level 100 in TSL with KSE, I'd think that it could also be done in K1.

But that isn't what was requested now is it? Please post on topic folks...


@ OP, this has been brought up a few times, and is hard-coded and un-alterable. Sorry.

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When I'll be the president of China- the economy experts said that China will be the MOST powerful state in the next decade. Sorry America!!!- I'll make a law: In videogames, NOTHING IS ALLOWED TO BE HARD CODED!!! And because all things are "Made in China", all countries will adopt this law!!! *Evil laughing*: Muhahahahahaha!!!!!


Edit: Sorry for going off-topic...

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