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1 new armor/robe/clothing for female PC


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Hi all :wavey:


This time a modeling request.

I want a new tunic for female exile that has integrated things from heavy armors and jedi robes. Can someone do it?

If you already know a mod like this, please link :D

Edit: Uh, you can model Bastila's clothing, cauze it's pretty similar with what's on my mind.

All you must do is add something to those clothes that will give a 'heavier' aspect.


Thanks again



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More heavy armor things incorporated... I'm guessing like the extra AC, the Dex limitation, maybe some nifty bonuses, and upgradeable?


Maybe I'll re-install TSL today...


And KotOR Tool on the comp that actually runs TSL...


Sure, what the heck, I'll do this.


Just clarify what you want for me, and I'll give it a shot.

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Ahem... This requires modeling too. Cauze I am more interested in the model then in the bonuses... Get it?

If it were for kotor editor, I would've done that myself, cauze you don't have to be a genius to work with K-T.

I don't have modeling skills, but I'm good at skinning...

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