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Is it time Britain had an election?


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Yes, I said that Labour had made mistakes and I am in no way a supporter of their agenda. I just dislike this black and white view of politics that people seem to take on.


Well, that's true. Too many people make their vote based on routine, rather than what the party actually does. I seem to remember hearing someone say on TV, after Labour shafted them out of something, 'I'll probably still vote Labour, but not as enthusiastically.' :lol:


And, people automatically assume that the Tories will be the opposite of Labour - unfortunately not as true as it once was. If Cameron gets in, we still bid farewell to Grammar Schools, and we'll still see many of Labour's current policies go forward. (As Astor said, many were nicked from the Tories in the first place.)


In my opinion, Blair killed off the real opposition, in the Lords, by getting rid of hereditaries, most of whom were cross-benchers (independents), and now Labour is trying to get the Upper House to be wholly elected, Cameron's support of which was another betrayal.

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Well, Brown's reshuffling his cabinet as we speak...


And the shock news of the day has got to be Peter Mandelson returning to the Cabinet.


More here


Will this strengthen his chances come the next election, or is he prolonging the inevitable?

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