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Playable Male Twilek Head

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My hit, the Female Twilek, was only part of a larger pack. This is another part I'm working on. There will be a giant pack of twilek (and other reskinned) heads to choose from.

Linkage: PWNAGE




Moar screenies will be shown on the Mod Page (when its up...)

Info: This a red reskin of Xor, a twilek from K1.

"ZOMG! P0r71ng!"

No. It is an asset Obsidian put in TSL from K1.

TSLPatcher will be used. And there will be another version, to fix an underwear issue... (not an issue of skin tone, but rather, appearance being a b***h to me.)


(PS - If you snoop around my album, you'll see a couple of pictures of a head texture. Thats something Ferc is doing that even I don't know about)

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This got 500 downloads today?




Oops. Nevermind; seems you've been caught.



Believe me, I didn't do it.

I wouldn't do it. I am a man of honor.

Looking at my Female mod, Ferc's KOTOR Version, and this one, it appeared to be a glitch in the system...

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The system doesn't have glitches that randomly boost the download count of two friends by thousands of downloads. That's called working the system, and you were caught. I'd be careful in the future that you don't abuse FileFront's services like that or they might decide not to provide you that service.

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The system doesn't have glitches that randomly boost the download count of two friends by thousands of downloads. That's called working the system, and you were caught. I'd be careful in the future that you don't abuse FileFront's services like that or they might decide not to provide you that service.


I didn't do that!

I know its easy to lie on the internet, but I don't abuse that power. In fact, I can't remember many times when I do.

I have friends who release mods (People like Darth Hanharr, Ulmont, and CaptainSkye) but I don't increase their download count. In fact, I only download when I want it, and when it has a permanent place in my override, so that when I wipe my Override, It goes back in when I forget to make the backups. (Which tends to happen)

Oh, and food for thought:

1) Why would I increase his not mine to about 4000 downloads?

2) If I did, then why isn't my mod currently at Number 1 (Currently at number 4 since the d/l were restored)?

3) Why wouldn't I increase more of his mods (ie. his TSL version, Jumpsuits, Expanded Council) instead of just that one?


If it wasn't a glitch, it was someone else, not me, or anyone at our site. (Ferc is notable member of our site) Or a group of someones.

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The system doesn't have glitches that randomly boost the download count of two friends by thousands of downloads. That's called working the system, and you were caught. I'd be careful in the future that you don't abuse FileFront's services like that or they might decide not to provide you that service.


Well, BIOS, someone is padding your numbers.



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Thats why I'm racking my brain ATM. Why...

Look, all I want to do, is mod. I don't really care what my rank is. My first mod was just a simple uti edit, never made it on the top 20. I didn't care. My third mod was teh same. Mine and Ferc's mod was really good, so people took notice, and downloaded it. It may have made it on the top 20, it may have felt a little good just being on the bottom of the list, but the feeling stayed the same as It proceeded to Number 1. I may have felt good that people enjoyed it, but I wouldn't want to cheat the system to fake a mod to number 1. I'm happy with whatever position its at, as long as I've released it.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi! I installed the mod and while the portrait is okay, the head itself doesn't appear on the 3d model. That is, I get a headless body :D

I only have the restoration project mod installed. I checked the 2da files and they have the new rows for your model, so can't find out what is the problem.


Uh, also, the patchinstaller doesn't backup the portrait.2da file even though it modifies it :(


update: checked with ZimmMaster's mod, same result (but that one at least backs up properly).

Might be a problem with TSLRCM (v1.7), but can't guess what.. update2- the tslrcm has nothing to do with heads, so it should work. it's these mods...

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