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Silly modeling question...

Ferc Kast

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I was working on my first saber hilt, but I hit a stumbling-block. I couldn't figure out how to make the bottom & top of my hilt. I would appreciate any advice that can be given to help me out.


Here is how my hilt looks so far:

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Well, I seem to have my top fixed now. But, I am still struggling with the bottom. I can't get it to let me belevel it.


You may need to extrude a little bit to get a tiny secondary extension, kinda like adding a small "cap". Once you have the secondary extension.. you can bevel it, or scale the cap and pull (slide) the cap tip to create your bottom.

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Are you looking in the same location you exported it to, then? :)


Time for good news, and bad news. Good news: It now exports. :^: Bad news: But, my two cylinders somehow ungrouped when they exported.


Here's what it looks like in the replacer tool:


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You can't have more than one object in a lightsaber hilt. Grouping them together is not sufficient -- you must attach them.


Thanks. *cough* It seems I have to do some tweaking on it, still. Your advice has helped me take my step in modeling. :^:

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Just attach the two cylinders and combine their UV maps if you used two separate ones. Keep in mind you can't use two textures for a hilt either.


Of course this is all different for non-hilts, which is why I don't make hilts very often. They're obnoxiously complicated. :)

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