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Hanharr to Jee-dai/Sith


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Yeah. Me and Ferc worked out some deets, and we decided. He works on Mandalore, while I get Hanharr.

"But, there is already a mod that makes Hanharr a Jee-dai!"

yes. But that mod doesn't have any storyline to why hes a jedi Sith.

Anyways, I'll be working on the main part of the dialogs, such as the training. I've got a pretty handy knowledge on how to use scripts in the DLGEditor ;)

And, there will be custom sabers for the wook. I am not working on them tho. I won't tell who will. Until he decides to reveal himself, he will be referred to as the "Mysterious Stranger" :xp:

"What do you mean, SABERS?"

There will be a custom single Blade and a custom double blade saber. Both worked on by the Mysterious Stranger.

I will also make an FAQ:


Q: When Will it be Done?

A: When its Done o_Q (I'm hoping before September, but who knows.)


Q: Who is the Mysterious Stranger:

A: That is currently disclosed, secret information. No one except me and him know his true identity.


Q: Didn't Team Exile try to do something like this before they was banished?

A: Yes. But I worked it out with Shem, and hes given me clearance to dock, so to speak.


Q: When will there be progress reports?

A: Keep an eye on this post. I will update the rankings, similar to what Ferc is doing with his mod. I may post separate reports, but only when I have time, and I want to.


Q: What do you mean, SABERS?

A: There will be a custom Single Blade, and a custom Double Blade.



Dialog: 0%

Ideas: 90%

Scripts: 0%

Quests: 0%

Lightsabers: 0%

Total Progress: less then 10% :xp:

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Q: What do you mean, SABERS?

A: There will be a custom Single Blade, and a custom Double Blade.


Mysterious S sent me a doublesaber to test and post:




@MS My TSL is wacky today, so I converted to K1 for test. Can TG call it the Wookie Warsaber?


Edit: As general info, the warblade is in both games.



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Nice; So, both cats are out of the bag now? :animelol: I forsee that your version will definitely turn out better than the one I did for T.E. :^:


All I can say on the shown progress is that the double-bladed saber looks cool.


EDIT: The Mysterious Stranger sent this to me:


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Its drunkside or quannon i bet


Not revealing anything, but I will say this:


It is not either of those. When the Mysterious Stranger tells me to tell you his identity (or he decides to reveal himself) I will make the announcement that he/she/it/other = Stranger.


Anyways, the Stranger sent me the Sabers, I have to say I am very impressed. I will end up doing some stuff, making several sabers in different colors (I'll only use Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, and Red) so expect different sabers. I will make folders so you can choose your saber color. But you can't have more then one. I'll make that clear.

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