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K1 Help Needed

Darth Payne

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I need the names of the 'containers' that are safe to edit.


One on the Endar Spire near the starting point, and one in one of the appartments near the Hideout.


What i intend to do with them is add some various items.


I find myself needing this because i for some reason can't get the KSE to work on my laptop.

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I'm not sure what the names are but the work is more than just adding items. If you find the container and put the new file in the override folder. That could edit literally hundreds of containers throughout the game. You have to extract the entire module, add the new container file, and rebuild the files into an ERF. I've also tried to edit the Endar Spire Command Module and I had problems. It is nothing that you can't handle. You have to put all of the scripts in the override folder and one at a time delete the scripts to the maximum where it has no negative effect on the module and it is as you want it. Then if everything works, you're done.


I hope this helps.

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Ah, i was kinda hoping that there might be a locker or corpse that would be safe to edit on the Endar Spire.


What about the appartements on Taris though, any safe containers there?


I am specifically looking to add a few items and credits.


There has to be a locker or container that is safe to edit somewhere on either the Spire or Taris.

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The mod Sith Special Forces Armor actually puts the armor onto the corpse of the sith soldier you run across just outside your apartment who has the two droids with him. You could use it: tar_troop_pack.utp. The mod was made by Inyri Forge and if just extracting the file from the game files and working with it doesn't pan out for you, you could just download her mod then alter that specific file for your own playthrough.

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Thanks for the tip watcher, i'll check it out.


Edit: wow, it works great. Thanks Watcher. Thought of something though, what about the two bounty hunters that are hasseling the old man across from Zelka's? Could they be edited? I thought of them when i installed one of RedHawkes mods and saw them in there, no scripts to be seen either.

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I imagine they could be, but without diving into the module files and figuring out which one they're part of, it would be difficult to find the right files. If I want to mod an area, I usually just track down someone who has modded it and kind of work backwards since they did most of the footwork, saves alot of time. I don't off-hand know of any mods that work with that area, but there is a mod to kill Gorton (the alien hater guy near the entrance to lower city by the droid shop) that you could probably work with to put something on his corpse, but then you'd basically have to kill him and get the darkside points every time you wanted whatever item you put there. I'll take a quick look around the game files too and see if I can help pinpoint those thugs you were talking about.

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Well, their in a mod by Redhawke and there are no scripts in the mod that i can see.


I also don't find the loot i find on their corpses anywhere else that i remember.


Which is why i mentioned them.


There is also a Republic Soldier Corpse on the Endar Spire in that mod that has been modified.

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