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Chiss Trooper apperance


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Blue skin, red eyes, black hair, taller then normal humanoid.


Quite honestly asking what their armor looks like assumes they all wore the same armor, or even wore armor at all that was specific to a race. What you are asking is like asking what Twi'liek armor looks like, or Rodian armor looks like

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Yes, but im thinking more of their army rather then say House forces, I'm assuming the armour would be influenced by the Empire, but I have no idea, the Chiss are more likly to have more uniform armour then Twi'leks and Rodians, they are more Imperial. Also my question does not assume that they wore armour specific to their race, they could also wear Stormtrooper armour, though it does assume that the chiss wear specific armour( that could include Stormtrooper armour). The main reason why I started this threat was to find out if there is, though as far as I can tell, what there armour looks like hasn't been invented yet, just wondering if it has been though.

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yes, stormtrooper armor is very effective when protecting your head from low ceilings.


But not rapidly closing doors! :xp:


The CEDF seem to be quite fond of black, if I recall correctly. Maybe black armour, slightly reminiscent (but not identical) to Stormtrooper armour?


I definately don't think they'd wear Stormtrooper armour.

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