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[TSL] Mira pacing the Ebon Hawk


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Anyone would be interested in doing a mod that would make Mira pace inside the Ebon Hawk like Hanharr does?


The logic behind this is that currently she is just standing inside the security hold doing nothing, which isn't really realistic. Everyone else on the ship does something useful or pass the time as they can, except her (and HK technically, but all HK likes to do is kill people, plus he is a droid, he can stand not to move for a long time). Also it would actually give more ground to the Exile's statement that she seems 'restless', AFAIC standing there all the time doesn't make her seem restless at all.


I was thinking of that when I first played DS recently and I had Hanharr aboard, it made the Hawk seem a bit more lively.

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i think i can make this.... Maybe

if someone will test it for me...


Why don't you just see which script makes Hanharr pace and then beat it until it works for Mira? Or you could use the waypoints that are already in place for Hanharr (I assume he uses waypoints) and just write a series of walk scripts for Mira.

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Why don't you just see which script makes Hanharr pace and then beat it until it works for Mira? Or you could use the waypoints that are already in place for Hanharr (I assume he uses waypoints) and just write a series of walk scripts for Mira.


I always thought Hanharr used path files. So, you should check a path file as well...

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