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US Presidential debates

Jae Onasi

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You now have a copy. You're welcome to consider it "fake" if you'd like, however if you're going to be honest, you have to apply the same standards to anything out of the McCain camp (having one set of standards for one candidate and another for the other isn't being objective).


But now that we have that one out of the way, we can move on to the next "lie". Or perhaps you could save us some time and provide a list of all the things that Obama "lied" about. Because just saying that someone lied isn't going to be sufficient.


Other links to Obama's letter: clicky. (hint: the content of the letter does not change)

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Still waiting for that list of lies. Please realize that if you fail to produce one, we'll be left with no other alternative than to assume that you're just making this up.


...and no it didn't. I saw your post, Googled "Obama letter March 2007" and posted a link. It took no time at all, because I actually knew the letter existed (instead of believing that it was a lie).

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Well, in this situation that America is in, we obviously need a strong leader, both parties have the guts to pull us through this crisis, but by now...

It just matters what they stand for, I for one, agree on some of both McCain's policies and Obama's policies. But both have there faults. Then we come to the vice president's candidates, Biden would be a strong vice president, but he probably has something hiding beneath his political smile, he's also not clear on what he stands for, taxes or no taxes{same with Obama}. Palin, she is strong as well, and she has held her own on the last debate, but she doesn't have the experience that Biden might have. But that wouldn't ruin the situation. All the candidates are good, but there standings are all over the place on the economy and how the war should be run, we'll just have to wait and see what the candidates say and stand for.


Reading back on the pages. Obama is off about a lot things he said. Other words, no truth the way I see it. It won't help to have a president who will deny us what is actually happening or happened. But that's politics.


McCain as well, was off on some of the things he said, both candidates have fallen a little short on this last debate. It certainly wasn't like the first one.

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