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Regular jedi space-clothes


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Hi all. Something I've been highly interested in from the beginning is jedi fashion. Love the Zeishon-Sha armour set, adds a real "Old Republic Jedi era" feel to the game, particularly if you're playing a battle jedi. I remember the tabletop RPG expansion for the Old Republic era in which you could select Jedi Weaponmaster as a class template and he came with something like the Zeishon-Sha armour and two lightsabres...


Now the jedi robes of the Trilogy era were always intended to appear "unassuming garments" in keeping with the later role of the jedi as counsels and advisors, where arguably at least in the Tales of the Old Republic comic series they were a little more rough and ready, real space warriors with a scary esoteric aspect. Of course admitedly this did lead to the initial formation of the Sith Lords, but it was an exciting time all round. Some became wise masters, some famously powerful spacefarers and naturally some used their power to make themselves royalty.


Even at the beginning of the Trilogy, at Yavin's moon I feel we see what the typical spacefaring jedi would wear as Luke strolls to receive his award, perhaps at a time where individual jedi were more independent or in this case, so scarce as to be all but extinct.


What I'm interested in is a reskin of some jedi robes. A small selection of good looking spacefaring fashion. A smuggler's outfit like Han Solo in ANH, another like his outfit in ESB. A workmanlike, though paramilitary outfit like Luke's in ESB. Perhaps something dress-casual like Lando's too. Somebody already did Luke's black outfit from RotJ, an outfit which furthers my point and forms the basis of the contention.

These attached to the jedi robe templates, for some force associated gain as "Jedi Spacefarer clothes" would be simply great. Lando's outfit might be somewhat like the Ossus keeper robe or somesuch, say just a basic +1 Dex, +1 Cha or something, Jedi Defence required to gain these benefits (ie. to wear it). The Luke and Han ESB outfits could give a little defence protection, after all I've owned jackets much the same as either (Luke's for example is based on an old British woolen military jacket, quite warm and in fact really do offer some, conceivable combat protection). Luke's might give an extra +1 Int for its utility value, whilst Han's might give a +1 Dex for its comfortable, gunslinger design.


You get the picture. Ultimately all I really need is some nicely done models of regular looking spacefarers wear I can simply tag and replace some existing jedi robes slots with, I can alter the templates myself.


Nice idea, yes? Pretty please? :)


PS. If anybody knows of some decent looking existing clothing skins...but as far as I know it's all variations of the original "unassuming spacefarer's desert garments" old Ben Kenobi was plastered with that eventuated to become "the standard jedi robe" (annoyingly made canon by the prequels and remastering of RotJ). I mean even the comics and thankfully Luke's portrayal dumped that idea off straight up (or more to the point existed before this particular canon), but that doesn't mean in kotor you can find anything to run around in besides hardcoded underwear/potato-sack and jedi robes...or armour. But what if you want to play a jedi sentinel? Seems to me a set of "smuggler, scout or spacefarer" clothing would be a more appropriate look. A jedi consular, something more formal. In the Old Republic that is, before they got sectarian with a fantasy for cheaply dressed monks (yeah, like that doesn't stand out).

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I think the Jedi General and Investigator robes might be something for you.




i think the requester means more the sort of fare one would wear to looks as they weren't fighting on behalf of the republic. more as if they were simply roped in the stuff they were wearing during exile.


unfortunately my modding skillz are lacklustre. i've thought about doing the same thing myself >.>

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