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Zombies Walk!


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Glancing at Sam, Aiden then broke into a dead run to the train that had the bomb. But he had no idea how to arm it. Hoping he would be able to figure it out with Sam's help, he kept on running to the train.


There in front of him was a horde of zombies, doing various things but mostly spread apart and not paying attention to the train. Occasionally they would do strange things. Almost as if they were not working correctly.


Heading for the train, he saw a group of surviving Russians. The screams Aiden had heard before had led him to believe the worst. But apparently, the attack on the hive leader had enabled them to make it this far.


The group was extremely busy shooting the zombies that were working, of which there were many. Every time one of them tried to get closer to the train, they would be cut off.


Somehow, it was going to be up to Aiden and Sam to get to the train. And how they would do that, he had no idea.

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Smith followed the two, working the action on his stolen Kalashnikov and checking their 6. He hated being complicant in what could be considered an Act of War against his own nation, but figured that it would be better to attempt to save the US through this and face the Court Martial later than it would be to live in an infested America.


He noticed the surviving Russians battling the zombies in a desperate attempt to get to the train, which was, thankfully, stopped for the moment. "Dammit!" He muttered as, for arguably the first time in history, a Kalashnikov jammed.


Fixing it, he fired a few of the powerful 7.62mm rounds into the horde to get the attention of the Russians.


"Form a point and charge them!" He yelled in broken Russian, so badly that he was surprised when the Russians did just that, creating a path that their desperate, individual, attempts hadn't netted.


"Sam, Aiden!" He yelled, this time in English. "Down the path, stat!"


He led the charge into the train, trying to break the final barrier that led into the train car. Working the trigger in controlled bursts he killed Zombies faster than the could appear. Then, he saw it.


A brute.


"Oh, ****."

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Vlad was the only one with the special anti-brute serum, and they weren't going to have time to go back and get some. The thing was already preparing to destroy them.


Glancing at Sam, Aiden pulled out his knife and ran at the brute, going for its leg. The ease with which Aiden was able to slice through did not surprise him, as he had no memories of what a comparative slice without the serum would do.


Going for the other leg, the brute collapsed. But it didn't stop there. It's large hand grabbed Aiden by the neck and began to squeeze. He didn't know what to do.

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Sam followed Aiden, watching him cut through the Brutes legs with the grace unparalelled by most humans. Then, the Brute started choking Aiden by the neck. Sam couldn't do anything, he was busy with the horde.

" Aiden, trust me on this, pull apart the Brutes hands, just trust me!" Sam yelled to Aiden.


He just used his last magazine for the P90. Sam pulled out his Desert Eagle, shooting and reloading faster then he thought he could. Adrenaline, it does this stuff to you.

Sam delivered a quick kick to a ghouls face.

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Surprised by his own terrifying strength, Aiden took a more straightforward approach and simply grabbed the brute's neck. It began to flail, but Aiden increased the pressure. Just as he was thrown onto the ground he heard a snap. Aiden had actually broken the brute's neck.


Stunned, he began panting on the ground. Looking over at Sam, he saw that he was using a different weapon than before. He got up off of the ground and reached over to take Sam by the shoulder.


"Let's go."


The train door was right before them, and all they had to do was get to the nuke and then get out. Even if they never made it out alive, Aiden felt glad that at least he would be saving many lives in doing so.


It was time.

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Sam yelled to Smith " Take the rest of them down, I'll get the nuke set off!"

Sam followed Aiden, shooting at the random ghoul that crossed his path. Aiden eventually knelt down, pulling out the Nuke. " Aiden, do you happen to know the intricasies of bomb making?" Sam asked.

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Smith heard Sam's call and groaned, he'd hoped to be away from ground zero, not right there!


"Kid, help Aiden get out and I'll set up this damn thing." He said to Sam, "and, Kid. Take care of yourself." He let a wry grin fall onto his face, a look he imagined many people would find disturbing, "and learn to follow orders if you don't want to end up in Leavenworth for the rest of your life!"


Chuckling to himself as the younger man ran out of the train car Smith looked down at the nuclear device.


He connected all the wires with practiced ease and then flipped the control cover open, ready to set the timer. It was broken.




He reached for his cell phone and was surprised when he found that he got a signal, he quickly dialed in Atrianna's number and pressed the call button.




Pick up!

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Sam looked at Smith. Part of him wished to say 'Yessir!' and run to the nearest hotwireable car to drive off into the sunset. But, where's the glory in that?

" Sir, I can't do that." Sam answered as he pulled out his own cellphone.

Ring-Ring. Ring-Ring. Ring-Ri- " Hello?"

" Yo, Alexis. You know how to" Sam shot a zombie " how to set up a nuke?" Sam asked.

" Sure, how about I get you a proton-laser-beam while I'm at it?" Alexis answered.

" Seriously Lex! I need to know right now!" Sam said as he shot another ghoul through the temple.

" Yeah, whatever, Just connect the-" Bang! Sam shot another zombie, just as it sunk its teeth into the phones antenna.

" Aww sonofa... ****!!" Sam yelled in frustration.

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A stressful situation was only getting more stressful, and Aiden finally just grabbed both men's cell phones and dropped them onto the ground. He then turned to Smith.


"Get out of here, now."


Something told Aiden that he could outrun the blast. He had already seen how strong he was. He didn't, to be honest, have any real idea why he thought it. But he did.


Just to emphasize his words, he pulled out his knife on Smith, almost as an afterthought.


"I'll set off the nuke. How much time do you need?" Aiden remembered that he should probably ask before giving them too little time.

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Atrianna's phone rang just as Vlad finally managed to pull the thing to the ground.


Oh...there is a God...and he really hates me.


Atrianna kept firing with one hand and reached into her pocket with the other and flipped open the switch and brought it up to her ear.


"Hello? This is Atrianna speaking."


Atrianna watched as the russian threw Vlad off and punched the ground where he would have been if he hadn't rolled away. Atrianna quickly fired off a round into the things hand.

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Smith turned to the man/zombie. "You think you can outrun this nuke?!" He asked/exclaimed as Aiden ripped his cellphone from his hands. He quickly recovered the cell and checked -still ringing- before giving Aiden his full attention.


Smith was going for his Kabar when it fully registered that Aiden had drew his but managed to kill the impulse, God only knew that it would worsen the situation.


"Listen, Aiden, we'd need a long, long time to get out of here. In 1952 on Bikini Island the US Government tested an early Hydrogen bomb the contaminated over 6000 square miles, that would also be roughly what the blast radius would be, roughly one hundred and forty one miles. Nobody is going to make it out in time and run... besides the Timer is shot to hell if you care to look at it."


His cellphone picked up:


"Hello, this is Atrianna speaking"


"Thank God." Smith said. "It's me, Smith, we're at the train and there appears to be an issue. The timer device is shot to hell and it looks like manual triggering only. I'm thinking we could get you, Vlad, Aiden and, maybe, Larson out of here and I could set it off.... or anybody else if they have a death wish."

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(I hope this doesn't count as controlling another character.)


"Thank God. It's me, Smith, we're at the train and there appears to be an issue. The timer device is shot to hell and it looks like manual triggering only. I'm thinking we could get you, Vlad, Aiden and, maybe, Larson out of here and I could set it off.... or anybody else if they have a death wish."


Atrianna winced as the russian/zombie picked Vlad off his back and threw him into a brick building. Even with the serum, that was likely to hurt in the morning.


"It looks like Vlad won't be able to unless he wakes up after that last hit. As soon as we finish up here, I'll drag him over and we can figure this out. It's his nuke, he should be able to decide. I volunteer Larson if that counts for anything."


Atrianna watched as one of the russian's hands collided with hers and sent the phone flying.


Oh...that's it.


"C'mon big boy! Lets see what your really made of!"


Atrianna unlaoded her last mini-gun round at one spot directly at the creature's head.


"Vlad you lazy SOB! Wake up now!"


The last shot seemed to have at least dazed the thing. It was walking a bit unsteadily and seemed dizzy.

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" Smith, you obviously haven't learned a lesson from our Jihadist friends in the Middle East. Let's see if I can set it to recieve a call to detonate from a cell phone." Sam said. He checked the wires on the bomb. " This might work, maybe. Get Attrianna over here! STAT!"

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Stunned, Aiden lowered his knife.


"The blast would be that big? Couldn't Vlad's team have thought this through a little bit better before they came here with such a powerful weapon?"


With that, and without explaining his motives to anyone, he rushed out of the train and headed for Atrianna and the unconscious Vlad. He was determined.

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Sam smiled at Aiden. For just having woken up in an Undead world, he seemed to be taking it well. Sam continued to look at the bomb, studying the wires. He pulled out his cellphone and his Ka-Bar. " God let this work" He prayed continuously as he tried to attach various wires to the cellphone. Finally, after a few minutes of fiddling around, he had something that could resemble an Improvised Nuke. But, his phone still wouldn't recieve calls.

" Smith, please give me your knife." Sam asked.

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Smith looked at his Kabar mournfully -the knife had been with him ever since his first deployment- but gave it to Sam, muttering, "I can always buy a Fairbain-Sykes."


"Wait, Sam." He said. "What about your antenna?" He pointed to the mangled part. "Will it receive?" He the grinned again, something he seemed to be doing a lot more lately. "And Atrianna volunteered you if setting it off manually was the only option. I think she likes you."


With that he ducked out of the train car and gestured to the remaining Russians who had fought to get Aiden, Larson and him into the train. "We're going to need to get out, stat!" His Russian wasn't perfect, but he was able to get the point across.


With that, the Russian's formed a protective delta around him and maintained their position until Larson could get there.

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Vlad coughed awake. He sat up and shook his head, wiping away at the blood that he had just coughed.


Not a good sign.. He thought.


Vlad grabbed his Ak and jumped up, feeling a distinct pain in his stomach. The deformed traitor of a Russian/zombie was still alive and trying get back up.


Vlad couldn't get the AK-47 into a firing position, as one arm was holding his stomach, in a failing attempt to stop the excruciating pain. He must've been hit a bit harder then he thought.


He grabbed his holstered pistol and aimed at the zombie, pumping 3 shots into its chest. Adjusting his aim, Vlad fired 2 more rounds into its head.


He then abruptly collapsed to his knees, confident that the zombie was dead, but not quite sure as to if his balance had returned.


Grabbing his AK, he used it as a walking stick, regaining balance and limping forward.


They needed to get the bomb, the time fuse was set specially that if it wasn't checked in time, it would automatically begin the countdown sequence.

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Atrianna watched in relief as Vlad managed to wake up and began to open fire on the zombie.


There is a god and for once he's on my side.


She ran over to Vlad and wrapped one arm and around his neck to give him better leverage. "Vlad, they need us at the bomb. Smith said that the timer is shot to hell and then need someone to stay behind to detonate it."


Atrianna noticed the look in his eyes.


"And don't even think of staying behind to blow it up. I'll knock you out and drag you away if I have to if you try any of that crap."

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Rushing into the room where Atrianna and Vlad were, having dodged the Russians making a formation to block him, Aiden was met with a horrific sight. Vlad was crutched on his AK, but behind him was an even scarier sight.


The super-zombie behind Vlad was rearing to strike, albeit very silently. Taking a glimpse of Aiden, it suddenly sparked into attack mode.


"Vlad, look out!"


Aiden did the only thing he could do at that moment. He leaped in front of Vlad with his knife, taking the blow from the zombie full force. Its teeth sunk into his arm, and the knife barely made an impact on its face. But he had protected Vlad.


He shook away the thoughts and fears inside of him and clung to his raging will. Bringing up the knife, he struck with all the remaining strength he had left, plunging the knife into the creature's large green eye and driving it out the other end of its head.


The thing dropped instantly, completely void of life now that its brain had been severed. Aiden was on his back, in excruciating pain. The last thing he saw before blacking out was Atrianna nearby him. Then sleep took him.

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Vlad jumped forward and rolled into a combat position. Aiden's warning had caught him off gaurd, but what was even worse was that Aiden was unconcious, a large bite on his arm.


Now, with the adrenaline from the roll gone, the pain was returning. Vlad groaned and tried to get back up. He needed to get to Aiden, he only had so long before the bite that he took takes effect...

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Awwww...Vlad can't walk and the kid can't move...I guess that means that I'm on carrying them to safety duty again.


"Vlad...learn against that wall for a bit will you?"


Atrianna waited until Vlad was safetly up against something to lean against and then grabbed Aiden and lifted him up on her back.


"He's heavier then he looks...He really is."


"Alright Vlad...now put your arm around my shoulder and use me for leverage...there you go."


Atrianna was carrying Aiden on her back and was letting Vlad use her for support. "Alright Vlad, lets get going. I may be strong, But I don't think that even I'll be able to support the both of you for more then an hour at most."


Atrianna hobbled along the direction that Aiden had come from as quickly as she could.


"Vlad...when you get out of this, lose some weight, your too damn heavy."

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"Smith, that's what I've been doing. That's why I need your knife." Sam explained to Smith. Sam tried attaching the Knives to the cellphone, carefully attaching wires and stuff to the phone.

"Lets give this a quick test." Sam said as he checked the reception. He had three bars.

" Good, Smith we can leave now. And tell Attrianna she can kiss my Royal A-" Sam was interupted by a train of thought. " We should start running, NOW!" Sam said.

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((I'm going to assume that Sam and the others already ran off. Correct me if I'm wrong.))


Atrianna winced with every step as she dragged Vlad and Aiden along to the site.


"You know...I could really go for some water around now. A nice glass of cold water with a burger and fries. It's been a long time since I've had something like that."


No one answered of course. Aiden was still out and Vlad looked like he was passing in and out of sleep, so most of the time Atrianna was dragging him along.


A short while later


Atrianna had finally managed to drag the others to the bomb site only to discover that no one was there...and that the bomb was active.


"Vlad...I think we have a problem. It looks like the bomb has been activated...looks like someone was working on it before we got here...Looks like they modified the thing to recieve a detonation signal from somewhere else...possibly a phone or something."


A sudden realization hit Atrianna like a shotgun blast.


"I think we need to leave. Now. If I'm right we have until Sam and the others make it out of the blast radious before they set this thing off."

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Blinking his eyes open, not for the first time, Aiden Valko struggled to regain his senses. Atrianna was dragging him, apparently. Conveniently, he also heard Atrianna's last statement, and that made him bolt awake. He shot to his feet as fast as he could.


The blood rushed to his brain, but finally he could see, and he said, "They left without us?"

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