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Knights of the Old republic: Jedi of Destiny

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This is a story idea I had for a tale that takes place during the Old Republic. I only started with the introduction here so theres alot to do yet but I wanted to see what everyone thought of it before I get too far into it. Ill post more about it as I go along. Enjoy!



Knights of the Old Republic: Jedi of Destiny


The Old Republic, It is a time of relative peace in the galaxy. The brave knights of the Jedi Order have vanquished the last of the Sith Lords and banished their remaining followers to the far reaches of the galaxy.


On Antarros 5, a remote planet of the Republic. A child is born to two peaceful settlers. Unbeknownst to them, this child has a destiny that noone is aware of yet but will eventually lead this youngling to greatness as a hero of the Republic.


Little does anyone know that a great evil lurks on the edge of the galaxy, waiting to plunge the Republic into darkness once again.......

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Hello there, and welcome to the CEC! :)


It's too short to say much, but the premise sounds pretty much like that of the movies. I definitely hope to see better dialogue from you than what Lucas has produced >_> Hopefully, you'll put a fresh spin on things :) Good luck!


P.S. It should be "no one", not "noone".

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Hello there, and welcome to the CEC!


It's too short to say much, but the premise sounds pretty much like that of the movies. I definitely hope to see better dialogue from you than what Lucas has produced >_> Hopefully, you'll put a fresh spin on things Good luck!


P.S. It should be "no one", not "noone".



Thanks! Not to worry, this is just an introduction to the story. I wanted it to have a sort of classic star wars feel to it so they would recognize it as star wars. I dont intend for the whole story to follow too much of George Lucas premise from the movies. Besides its a work in progress so I can always go back and change things before the final version is done. Ill change the noone part.

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There are like 3 things that are important initially in the story.


There's a evil force user manipulating things from behind the scenes and some bad things happen from time to time but not everything bad that happens is caused by him just to throw people off. He wants everyone to think its him though but they dont know the true extent of his power or what his whole plan is yet and he purposely doesnt do too much to attract any unwanted attention until its time. Im not sure if I want him to be a sith, dark jedi or something entirely different yet, all I know is hes got this weapon he uses that resembles a lightsaber and it kills people really quick when he uses it and nobody has survived being attacked by it, theres more to it but to divuldge that now would give away too much of the story. Basically hes a shady character that sticks to the shadows and few people have seen him and few have lived to tell about it. He has a method to his dirty work though so hes not just another bloodthirsty killer.


The second thing which is important is an idea I was thinking of for a while in a story, the protagonist has this droid which was built for him that resembles a humanoid but still is obviously a droid. The droid is meant to move like a human and do most things that humans can which other humanoid like droids such as protocol droids cannot do. The droid's face can even show facial expressions and its mouth can move like a human's can. This unique model uses an experimental chip with a rare program on it that allows the droid to emulate its user and create a unique personality from this and to form a bond with him/her. The protagonist doesnt have alot of friends so the droid was created to give him as real a friend as they could. The full details of its past and the origin of its CPU are a mystery. This droid was chosen to be the protagonist's friend and also to protect him at the same time. His designers didnt want just another fussy nanny droid to look after him so they gave this droid alot of freedom and while it strives to keep its master from life threatening events its not going to stop him every time he tries to do something risky and lecture to him about the rules. Sometimes he even comes up with some brainy ideas of his own. I also thought it could have some interesting tools and weapons it uses at different times to protect the protagonist and also help him with his training. Later on as he gets older obviously the droid's goodies would get bigger and better. Obviously this isnt going to become some inspector gadget droid, most of its "gadgets" will be practical and yes its also capable of mistakes and will in fact run into dangerous situations that not even its nifty toys will get it or its master out of.


The third part of the story is the main character of course, hes born on a far flung Republic planet near the outer rim. His parents initially dont know much about the Republic and even less about the Jedi. He has powers that they dont understand and after a few accidents they contact an "expert" of sorts in the Republic that they think can help them with the problem. Next thing they know of course two creepy looking men show up and convince the parents that their boy is special and will be taken somewhere he can learn to use his gift wisely to benefit the Republic. Unfortunately the parents are told if they agree to do this they can never see their child again. So they agree and he is taken away to be trained and meet his destiny....


Theres alot more to the story obviously but thats the general jist of it so far. I know alot of it still probably sounds pretty regular but this is just the beginning of the story and im trying to get everything set up here so it doesnt get real exciting until later. I hope you like what youve read so far though and if you have any questions by all means ask me. :)

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Heres a complete updated list of all the characters, locations, vehicles for the story so far.


Jayce Darren: Force sensitive youngling born on Antarros 5, future padawan (hopefully) to Taarvin Vance.

Kayden (KDN-4): prototype humanoid emulation droid MK-1, friend and protector of Jayce Darren.

Antarros 5: Outer Rim, home planet of Jayce Darren, also home to Vento Darren and Vena Darren.

Vento Darren/Vena Darren: Parents of Jayce Darren

Darth Kaevros (Lord of Darkness): Sith Lord, enemy of Jayce Darren (may or may not be shadowy figure at beginning of story, have to read more to find out!)

Taarvin Vance: Jedi Knight, master to Jayce Darren

Mentalleos 4: smuggling port

Torvaan: Jedi Training Outpost, Mid Rim

Quinlin Vento: Master of Torvaan Jedi Training Academy

T2-M6: Jayce Darren's trusty astromech droid

Chancellor Maeloveck: Republic Supreme Chancellor.

T-7 Skyhopper: Jayce Darren's training vehicle

Jando Korr: Mandalorian Elite, leader of Mandalorian mecernaries on Torvaan

X-14 landspeeder: vehicle of choice for Taarvin Vance

Taarvin's Luck: freighter belonging to Taarvin, later to Jayce

Oomdar The Hutt: local Mentalleos 4 Hutt gangster

TC-1A: droid translator for Oomdar, used only when talking to non-jedi

Boss Klatto: Toydarian Bartender of Mentalleos 4, lieutenant to Oomdar the Hutt

The Sarlacc Pitt: Cantina in Rimkar City, Mentalleos 4

Rimkar City: Main Settlement of Mentalleos 4, current base of operations for Oomdar the Hutt

T1-M4: Taarvin's trusty astromech droid

T2-M6: Jayce Darren's trusty astromech droid.

Master Valtaan: Jedi Council Member, Jedi Temple, Coruscant.

Zandor system: Mid rim system where Oomdar the Hutt is transferred to a Republic cruiser for transit to Coruscant.

Scrags: Oomdar's humorous yet devious pet monkey lizard.

Renkor: One of Oomdar's lieutenants who meets a gruesome end at Oomdar's hand.

Unknown Smuggler: Captured by Jedi, tells them of Oomdar's operation on Mentalleos 4.

Neeku: native herbavores of Torvaan.

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Mentalleos 4, a dry, dusty world for most intents and purposes, devoid of life. What few sentients live here are the scum of the galaxy: theives, mercenaries, smugglers, and bounty hunters. Mainly people trying to escape notice in the galaxy. The Republic had a presence here once but the constant threat of criminals and the cost of maintaining a government here in the middle of nowhere made them forget Mentalleos and it escaped into the shadows of history. That thought didnt stop one named Taarvin Vance from coming here. Taarvin knew this place by reputation, he didnt come by choice but then again few people did. Mentalleos 4 is the slime pit of the galaxy, barely in the Republic as it is. The planet only has one outpost, Rimkar City, an old tracking station. The Republic used a large transmitter dish here to monitor their military convoys through this sector, now the only thing kept track of here is the crime trade.


This is Oomdar the Hutt's territory and he has his slimy hands in everything, from slavery to spice smuggling. That is why Taarvin is here, he was sent by the legendary jedi council on Coruscant to spy on Oomdar's activities. The Republic has forgotten Mentalleos but not the Jedi, since they are the protectors of the Republic they cannot afford to forget anything. The jedi got word after the war ended and the Republic moved out of Rimkar City that Oomdar was expanding his operation, knowing that the cash stripped Republic was too weak to do much about criminal activities in the galaxy, his thugs moved in and captured Rimkar within hours. He set up his base of operations here, thinking it too far flung from galactic society for anyone to notice. Oomdar grew fat and happy during the war as most hutts do, smuggling arms to both sides at outrageous prices and making lots of money in the process. He could get away with this because he had a mysterious individual who supported his business and gave him access to resources most people couldnt even dream of. He helped keep all of this secret from both sides so nobody could retaliate against the hutt. Near the end of the war, the jedi caught a smuggler sneaking weapons to the enemy, they impounded his ship, confiscated his weapons and put him through a long interrogation process.


What they found out was disturbing, he told them the story about Oomdar and his mysterious employer and how Oomdar was paid handsomely to sell weapons to both sides of the war and how his employer ensured that noone lived to expose the conspiracy. The jedi wondered who this person could be and how this lowly smuggler escaped his grasp. The smuggler said that he was a special employee of Oomdar and for a substantial fee he convinced Oomdar not to tell his boss about the fact this man worked for him. The jedi didnt entirely buy his story but could not ignore the opportunity it presented either. They decided to send an operative to Oomdar's base. The smuggler's detailed account plus his navigational charts confirmed Oomdar's base was on Mentalleos 4. The Order decided to send their best Knight Taarvin Vance to investigate. Taarvin had experience with the underworld so they figured he would be the perfect individual for the job.


Taarvin didnt like being back here, it brought alot of bad memories but he didnt let those bother him right now. He had a job to do and was intent on doing it. Taarvin exited his ship Taarvin's Luck and walked towards the main gate of Rimkar City. He was dressed in standard smuggler attire, a worn brown jacket, a black pair of pants with faded stripes on the side and blue shirt which you could see his rippling muscles underneath. On his belt he wore a holster with an old DL-14 blaster in it. Taarvin hoped he wouldnt need the antiquated weapon but he couldnt risk bringing his lightsaber.


Taarvin pounded on the doors saying "it's Kessler Hann, I need to have an audience with his greatness, Oomdar the Hutt!".


A battered robotic eye popped out of the wall and scanned him with a red light and asked "Kessler, I cant beleive its you! What is your business with his highness Oomdar?"


Kessler in his griff smuggler voice answered "I need to talk to Oomdar about something he owes me."


"Ooooh my! What can his high smellyness possibly owe you?" the flustered eyeball asked.


"It involves some old trinkets I left in his posession!" Kessler lied, hoping that Oomdar received the "trinkets" the jedi conviently let Oomdar acquire with his name on them.


"Ooooooooooh yes! the uh *trinkets!*, Master Oomdar hoped youd come by for them. He thought you mightve forgotten them from the last time you were visiting him on Vallos 1" the droid said.


"Can I come in or not, pally? For old time sake?" Kessler eager to get in and get the job done.


"Oooooooh yes Master Kessler, come in. You can meet his high exhaltedness in the Sarlacc Pitt Cantina at the other end of the outpost. You cant miss it. He will be waiting" the droid eye said as the huge metal doors slowly lifted and allowed Kessler to walk inside. He knew this would be a long day.


Kessler walked through the gates and examined his surroundings. Rimkar City was once a bustling spaceport for the Republic workers stationed here and any travellers who passed through. There were many cantinas and shops that sold many refreshments and merchandise for customers to purchase. There were several modest apartments for people to stay in for a reasonable price during their stay. There was also the benefit of the Republic Fleet being stationed in orbit to protect this world because of the Subspace Tracking Station that existed at the far end of the compound which monitored all fleet movements. Now of course, all of that has changed. The cantinas and shops still exist but they are sleazy businesses with extreme prices and pleasure houses for the many Hutts and other crime bosses who visit here. The Transmitter dish also is still here, when the Republic pulled out of the system they saw no further need of it and as it was too big and costly to remove it, they just left it. Of course they tried to remove most of the communication equipment from it so it would be useless for anyone to use, for someone like Oomdar though where money is no object he was able to easily buy the parts needed to put it back into operation. Now though, the dish is used to run his smuggling operation and its used to track the ships coming and going on a daily basis. Kessler already remembering his previous visit here during the war in another life as Taarvin didnt want to think about what the place had turned into, he just wanted to meet with the hutt and conclude his business.


The Sarlacc Pitt cantina loomed ahead, Kessler knew this place well, it was once a major cantina where Republic officers and spacers came to buy a drink and talk about their day, now it has become something else entirely. This is the private domain of Oomdar the Hutt, most people who enter here areint coming for a casual drink and they dont come without some business with the Hutt. Those who he no longer found useful seldom leave. Kessler wasnt worried, he wasnt here for a casual drink either and he wouldnt be foolish enough to come without something important to discuss with the local slug lord. He walked up to the entrance, there was a sign on the wall near the door.



Enough Entertainment and Thrills to Last a Thousand Years!

This is the Private Domain of Oomdar the Hutt

Only those who have business with His Highness can enter

See Boss Klatto for Admittance to the Audience Chamber

No Droids!


The last part about droids didnt surprise Kessler, most cantinas in this part of space had a innate hatred of droids. Lucky for Kessler he left his trusty droid T1-M4 back on the ship. Kessler entered the cantina ready for anything. Inside the cantina it was dark and musty. A strange fog filled the air. Strange beings moved around in the shadows, Kessler could only make out a couple of them, a trandoshan and a Gran. He figured while it was dark many of these aliens could probably see better than he could and would pose a worthy threat if trouble came his way. In the back of the cantina a bith band played a upbeat music on their shiny new instruments, no doubt bought and fully paid for by Oomdar so he could have the best music for his patrons. Near the band shown a dim light, Kessler walked towards it and recognized the bar he was looking for. As he got closer he spied a familiar figure talking to some thugs in the darkness. Before he could identify him he heard a familiar voice:


"Whatz it to you? Do you think im stoopid or somethin? I told yous once and I aint gonna tell yous again, get outta here before you make great Oomdar angry and he sends his thugs after yas ta give yous sum new cement slippers"


Once they were gone the person Kessler identified said to himself "Oy tough crowd"


He recognized this man instantly as Boss Klatto the wily toydarian, he was Oomdar's right hand thug and obviously the new owner of this establishment. Kessler knew that besides Oomdar himself, Klatto was the voice for the organization, what he said goes and if people didnt listen to him that made Oomdar mad and Kessler knew better than to upset a Hutt Lord. He walked up to the bar and watched as Klatto moved some things around furiously behind the bar, obviously flustered with his wings flapping angrily. Kessler tapped the button on the table to summon Klatto, he turned around quickly and swatted a plate at kessler and yelled angrily




"Hey its your old friend Kessler, remember me?" Kessler explained to the frustrated toydarian.


"Kessler? Oy! Kessler, yous gave me quite-a scare there! Thought yous was one-a those thugs whos been-a hasslin me all day!" Klatto proclaimed. "Speakin of which could yous help me with some-a deadbeats who owe me alot......."


"No, not that same old story again Klatto! Thats not why I came here and you know it" Kessler said trying to keep the greedy bartender from taking advantage of his abilities to rough up some customers.


"eh....hehehe, sure! Of course! What was I-a thinkin? Youre not here to get involved with-a that, youre here for somethin much-a bigger" Klatto said sadly.


"Im here to see Oomdar" Kessler got to the point.


"About-a what exactly?" asked Klatto.


"Personal business, some trinkets he owes me." Kessler lied.


"Oh yes! He told-a me about those things he came-a into possession of that he wanted to give yous" "Just-a wait here a moment and he will be right with yous, hes-a in the middle of an important meetin right now with some big time people." Klatto told Kessler as he reach down below the bar to press a secret button that started flashing.


"In the meantime would yous like-a drink? A Ryloth Firestorm perhaps?" Klatto said eager to distract the smuggler until Oomdar was ready for him.


"A Corellian Brandy, in a clean glass" said Kessler.


"Of course-a, comin right-a up" Klatto told him as he flapped away in a hurry to mix his drink.


Kessler saw the toydarian press the button under the table and knew he was trying to tell someone about him being here. He knew it was only a matter of time.


Klatto took his sweet time coming back with the drink. Kessler sat there for several minutes on the barstool sipping away at his drink, looking around at the cuthroat crowd around him, hoping that they didnt have too much to drink and want to take their problems out on him. Soon Kessler got his wish and two Weequay guards came up to him and spoke in a rather scratchy voice: "Oomdar the Hutt would like to ssspeak with you. Pleassse follow usss to the audience chamber."


"Its about time" Kessler thought, now we'll get to the bottom of this.


"I guess yous number has come-a up at last! hahaha! Good luck my friend, yous gonna need it" Klatto said mockingly, figuring he probably wouldnt see poor Kessler again.


Oomdar the Hutt kept lavish trappings, he was a hutt that loved to show off his wealth. He sat on a large dias in the middle of the circular room with colorful tarps and gold edges on the sides as Twi-lek dancers entertained him by dancing in front of him in a pleasing manner wearing brightly colored yet skimpy attire. Oomdar grabbed one of the bright purple Paddle frogs that lay in a large bowl near him and devoured it in one loud slurp. Paddle frogs are Oomdar the Hutt's favorite food, they come from a lush outer rim world and are multi colored. They are a rare delicacy because of the effort it takes to capture them and the rarity of their species. They are available to only the richest of merchants, of course few come richer than Oomdar in this sector. Besides Oomdar, a small kowakian monkey lizard, Oomdar's personal flunky Scrags waits in eager anticipation of Oomdar's next meeting. A couple of guards at the door bring a haggard prisoner forward, his hands bound by stun cuffs that glow bright purple in the dim light. The guards drop the prisoner and he falls to his knees, the victim of severe beating and brutal interrogation. He looks up at the hutt with bloodshot eyes, not knowing what his fate will be but sure it wont be plesant. Scrags stares at the prisoner and laughs uncontrollably.


"Silence! Scrags" Oomdar booms!


"oh yes yes yes! Mighty Oomdar! Whatever you command your hugeness!" Scrags mumbles.


"Yes, I would hope so my loyal pet" Oomdar says as he stares at his new source of enjoyment crouched down in front of him.


"Renkor! You slimy dolvian sea snake! How dare you fail me like this?" Oomdar demands.


"My lord, I dont understand" Renkor says through pained words.


"You dont understand? hmm. You let my best agent leave my organization. You allow him to be captured by the jedi and you left him alive to devulge information to them that could cripple my operation! What is there NOT to understand?" Oomdar asks angrily.


"yes yes yes! details man! details!" Scrags chirped at the prisoner.


"SHADDUP SCRAGS! This is my interrogation, if you want to make someone crawl to you and beg for his life, go find your own prisoner!" Oomdar yelled and raised his fist above Scrag's head.


"Okay boss, ill be good!" Scrags said sadly.


"I wish I had gotten a gizka for a pet, theyre more loyal and not so loud either!" Oomdar said under his breath.


"I didnt realize the extent of his convictions. I thought I could catch him before he could flee to the Republic and be captured to tell them anything of consequence." Renkor pleaded.


"Well you didnt Rimkar and now I hear rumors that theyre going to send a jedi here to expose my operation!" Oomdar shouted.


"Give me another chance, Great Oomdar! I'll show you I can make good!" Renkor begged.


"Besides this sniveling simian lizard next to me the only thing I hate worse is someone who comes in on his knees begging!" Oomdar shouted. "I think its about time we show you what some of our new merchandise can do". Oomdar is handed a large slender blaster by one of his guards and points it at Renkor.


"Ooh no! Mighty Oomdar! Dont! I promise ill make it up to you!" Renkor spat out in tears as a bright light eminated from Oomdar's blaster.


"ohhhh boy! ohhhh boy! Nothing I like more n a barbeque!" Scrags cheered as he placed some minature shades on his face to sheild his eyes.


"Goodbye Renkor! Your services are no longer required!" Oomdar shouts as he pulls the trigger.


"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhrrrgghhhh!" Renkor shrieks a moment before he is consumed by a bright flash of light and dissappears leaving a large burnt spot on the ground and green goo covering much of the room and the twi-lek dancers as they run for cover and even Oomdar himself who doesnt mind one bit as he smiles and observes what is left of Renkor.


"Wow! Boss, that blaster is hot stuff! Your customers are just gonna love that new model disruptor. That is unless they get on your bad side like ol Renkor there! Ha!" Scrags says with glee.


"You know Scrags, thats the first intelligent thing you said all day!" Oomdar chuckles.


"Ooooooh yes master! Scrags very smart, oh yes!" Scrags laughs


Oomdar like many hutts doesnt stay focused on one thing for very long without getting terribly bored so he quickly moves on to the next item on his list. He orders his weequay guards to escort his next guest inside. The doors to his great audience chamber open and Kessler comes in with the two guards who met him at the bar. They walk him up to Oomdar's throne. Oomdar smiles with glee.


"Ah! Kessler! Welcome to the humble home of Oomdar and my new expanded operation here! I hope it meets with your approval." Oomdar says to Kessler.


"Oh yes! Prime real estate here my friend! Yes indeed! Got it at a very cheap price!" Scrags jokes loudly.


Oomdar lifts a hand to swat Scrags but then thinks better of it.


"I apologize for poor Scrags here, he grew up with a few thrusters short of a starship so hes not exactly flying at lightspeed" Oomdar joked innocently.


"Thats okay, life comes in all forms and we just have to make do with what were given" Kessler says in Scrags defense.


"Yes, that is correct my dear Kessler." "It seems Scrags you have a new friend here" Oomdar says mockingly.


"Oh yes! Thank you! Scrags loves new friends" Scrags chirps wildly.


"Yes, youve got a fine base of operations here Oomdar, I'm impressed" Kessler exclaims.


"Im glad you approve, now to business. I have those trinkets you came for" Oomdar said loudly.


A servant comes into the room with a box and hands it to Oomdar. He opens it and shows its contents to Kessler. Inside are 3 items, a datapad, a blaster and a small box.


"Here you are Kessler, from one friend to another" Oomdar says to Kessler.


"Thank you, might Oomdar" Kessler says gratefully.


"Might I interest you in a job?" Oomdar asks.


"Why would I need a job? Ive already got one." Kessler asks.


"This is more than just some simple smuggling operation. Our business here has expanded since the war. Our client has need of large amounts of ships and men in the outer rim to get ready for a major offensive against the Republic. He needs experienced bounty hunters and asassins to do his bidding." Oomdar explains.


"What would you have me do?" Kessler asks.


"Theres a jedi coming who wants to expose the operation here and knows too much about our organization. I want you to eliminate him" Oomdar says.


"Theres just one little problem with that Might Oomdar" Kessler says suggestively.


"Eh? What would that be?" Oomdar asks curiously.


"I'm the jedi!" Kessler proclaims. "My name is Taarvin Vance of the jedi order on Coruscant and your operation here has ended. You Oomdar the Hutt are under arrest for trafficking illegal weapons to our enemies. Come quietly and you wont be harmed and will be assured of a fair trial"


"Hoo hoo hoo! This is rich! After all our time together you turn out to be a sniveling jedi whelp! How exactly do you expect to get out of here alive with me to make this arrest?" Oomdar asks the jedi.


"Its quite simple." Taarvin says as loud explosions are heard outside. "My astromech droid has arrived with my ship when you opened the box. Hes blown open a hole in the wall for us to escape from. As for you...." Taarvin says as he throws some devices at Oomdar and they surround him in force restraints that glow bright blue. "These will keep you from resisting while we make our way outside."


"What are you waiting for? Guards, kill the jedi!" Oomdar says anxiously.


"Oh, I dont think they want to risk doing that?" Taarvin says to Oomdar.


"Why not?" Oomdar asks.


"The datapad in there is connected to the box which has explosives inside of it. If the box the items are in is shot at, the bomb goes off and you become a mess of goo decorating your new headquarters." Taarvin says.


"Hoo hoo hoo! if bomb goes off you die in the blast too jedi scum" Oomdar says.


"If it means I get rid of one traitorous crime lord then its worth it!" "Besides I dont think you want to end your career so soon and I doubt your guards want to risk killing you and possibly injuring themselves in the process" Taarvin says.


"Okay guards, hold your fire! Let the jedi have his small victory. He doesnt have any proof. Ill be back in no time" Oomdar says with satisfaction.


"Oh no! Dont want Oomdar to die! Oomdar is like father to me! Please dont kill Oomdar jedi! Ill tell you whatever you need to know! Anything just dont kill my fat partner in crime!" Scrags says sympathetically.


"Come on then you two, lets go" Taarvin says as he jumps on Oomdar's dias and uses the controls to move it outside into the bar and towards the door. They pass by Klatto's bar on the way out and he looks at them puzzled. "Where is he taking-a yous Boss?" Klatto asks.


"Oh just on a little vacation Klatto, dont worry. Hes got nothing on me and ill be back soon. Just keep things running smoothly here until I get back." Oomdar says to the puzzled toydarian.


"Youve got it boss, I guess that means we wont-a be seeing our favorite smuggler around-a here anymore. Right Jedi?" Klatto asks.


"Oh dont worry Klatto. Ill be back, we've got some unfinished business." Taarvin says brazenly.


"Yeah sure, absoulutely. Yous know where-a to find me!" Klatto says jokingly, fully intending to be ready when the jedi does return for their "unfinished business".


"Come on fatty, lets go" Taarvin says as he jerks on the control stick and move Oomdar outside to his ship that already has the ramp down waiting for them to board.


"So, one question jedi. If the datapad and the mysterious box inside are a bomb, what is the purpose of the blaster?" Oomdar asks.


"Oh, just in case you want to shoot yourself in the head before your master finds out you got caught and comes looking for you" Taarvin says with an evil grin.


"Jedi Scum" Oomdar says as hes given a violent shove onboard.


"Thanks T1M4, that was a brillant rescue. Now lets get out of here before anybody gets any stupid delusions of grandeur and take this hutt to the Jedi so be can answer for his crimes" Taarvin says to his plucky astromech companion.


"Beep beep whoop!" T1M4 proclaims excitedly.


"Yes youll get your nice oil bath and full tune up when we get to the Temple." Taarvin said to T1M4.


Taarvin took Oomdar by the arm and pulled him off the floating dias as he guided him into the ship to a storage area in the back that would serve as his "quarters" until they reached Coruscant. Then he went to the cockpit and sat down to do the preflight while T1M4 plugged himself into a nearby socket to help with the take off procedures.


A blue screen lit up on the control panel as Taarvin checked the controls. This allowed the plucky astromech droid to speak in basic instead of droidspeak. "I see this was a sucessful mission, the Jedi Council will be pleased." T1 said to Taarvin.


"Yes, we got our man and found out what his employer has been up to in the Outer Rim" Taarvin exclaimed.


"I hope the Republic takes more notice of Mentalleos 4 now and keeps an eye on it" T1 said concerned.


"Im sure they will now that they know Oomdar set up shop there, but dont worry without the slug not much will be able to happen. Klatto might be Oomdar's right heel but he has the administrative skills of a womp rat. Theyre essentially out of business" Taarvin told T1.


"I hope youre right sir" T1 not totally convinced.


"Dont worry the council will get to the bottom of this. Now lets go home" Taarvin said in a note of finality as he started the engines and watched as the ship took off from the Rimkar City Spaceport.




The Taarvin's Luck took off from Mentalleos 4 and shot towards the nearby hyperspace beacon to make the jump to lightspeed. Before he could calculate the coordinates to Coruscant he received an urgent call from the Jedi Council. Master Valtaan of the Jedi Order appeared in a hologram before Taarvin on his forward display.


"Master Taarvin, have you concluded your business with Oomdar?"


"Yes Master Valtaan, I have Oomdar in custody and disturbing news of a plot against the Republic" Taarvin told Valtaan quickly.


"A plot you say? What kind of plot?"


"That I do not know Master. I overheard Oomdar mention working for someone with considerable wealth and resources that is planning something involving ships and people in the Outer Rim"


"He's hired bounty hunters and assasins Master and has been supplying a considerable amount of illegal weapons to these people. Oomdar has quite the operation out here. Dont worry though without Oomdar running it, there wont be much going on. Boss Klatto his second hand man is an idiot and couldnt run a garbage scow much less a criminal organization." Taarvin exclaimed.


"The Jedi Council will have to investigate this...." Valtaan said.


"Master, im in the area, I could look into it!"


"No. Your priority is to get Oomdar to us. You are to rendezvous with a cruiser in the Zandor system, they will bring Oomdar to us under heavy guard." Valtaan told to Taarvin in a serious tone.


"Master, wouldnt it be easier for me to bring him in?"


"No, your mission is over. You have performed your duties well and thus are being reassigned to a position at the Jedi Enclave on Torvaan. There's a jedi academy there where you will be assigned as an instructor" Valtaan said to Taarvin proudly.


"You mean im to be a teacher and given a padawan?"


"Not yet. For now you will simply teach the younglings there at the temple and prepare them to become apprentices and be assigned to a master. Eventually you will be given a padawan of your own to teach but we feel you have much to offer the younglings before that without any needless distraction or attachment to a single padawan" Valtaan said


"Yes Master, I understand and graciously accept this new assignment."


"Very well. Good luck with your new assignment Master Taarvin and May the Force be with you! End transmission" Valtaan said as he dissappeared in a cloud of static.


"You heard him T1, plot a course to the Torvaan system, maximum speed!" Taarvin told his minature copilot.


"Oh course right away sir!" T1 chirped as he moved his droid arm in the interface on the console to plot the coordinates and finally give a satisfying "thumbs up" when he was finished.


"Course plotted and ready sir!" T1 said.


"Alright good job T1, now lets punch it and remember its just Taarvin?" Taarvin said as he pulled back on the controls and his old freighter lurched forward as its hyper engines glowed and the ship streaked into hyperspace.



Chapter 1: The Darkside


The Deep Core, the very center of the galaxy. All of the star systems here are compacted together into a dense cloud of stars and planetoids. Not many sentients come here and for good reason, there are few hyperspace routes plotted through this region and those that are recorded are notriously dangerous and unstable. That does not bother one individual, a lone man who is cloaked in a black robe that covers his whole body and a hood that leaves his face in shadows. He waits in his sleek black ship hanging in the middle of a deserted system with a star that recently went supernova and several dead planets, their civilization and accomplishments all taken out when the star exploded and destroyed all life in the system. His people have known about hyperspace routes through this area for centuries and he was able to use these to reach this place saftely.


This is one part of space where he can feel safe from both the Republic and the Jedi, neither dare to enter this desolate region since few of their scouts have returned alive from exploring here. A red light flashes on his console, because of his status he has the best in hyper communication technology, able to contact anyone anywhere in the galaxy in the blink of an eye. The strange man flicks a switch on his console and a hologram appears on the pad near the console, it is full of static and flickers at first due to the interference from the dense starclusters of this region but then materializes into a short, stubby figure which appears to be floating in mid-air. He recognizes it as Oomdar's flunky Boss Klatto. He'd rather be speaking to Oomdar himself but settles for his meager subordinate since hes the only other sentient to know of his plan.


The shadowy figure speaks to Klatto; "What do you have to report?"


"Uh Boss, I dunno-a how to tell yous this but-a Oomdar has been arrested by the Republic for-a his crimes against-a them."


"What do you mean hes been arrested?" The man asks the wily toydarian.


"I mean hes-a been captured by one-a those stinkn Jedi"


"Who was it?"


"Taarvin Vance, your excellency"


"hmmm, that changes nothing. You will continue to run his operation while he is gone and my plans proceed as scheduled."


"Of course-a, my lord"


"Very well, do you have that shipment of hyperdrive modules and turbolasers I require?"


"Yes of course-a, We stole them from that convoy which headed through this system last week. We hid those from the jedi before-a he came as-a contingency."


"Very good. Send them to my outer rim facility at once. A drone barge will arrive soon to receive it. Dont let the Republic find out anything about our operation."


"Of course-a, what about Master Oomdar my lord?"


"I will deal with the Hutt, dont you worry my friend just keep up the good work and everything will go as planned."


"Thank yous lord-a, yous are most generous."


"End Transmission"


The image of the toydarian faded from the screen in front of him and he slammed his hand on the console. The Hutt Mastermind got caught by the Republic. He should have considered that, Oomdar was getting a bit too bold for his own good. He obviously fouled up with that smuggler who brought the cores and weapons to him because the poor fool got captured by the Republic and thats why they sent the jedi to come fishing around Oomdar's operation.


The cloaked figure didnt worry about Oomdar being captured though, he had powerful friends in the senate and would see to it that Oomdar got away so that he could run his operation again and continue his master's plan.


He smiled as he reached forward and pulled a lever. With a hum, the ship phased and ripples covered it as it cloaked and dissapeared into the star studded darkness of space.


Chapter 2: New Life


Antarros 5, a small planet in the outer rim of the galaxy. There are few people who live here, only small settlements dot the largest continent on the planet. The Republic chose this world for its proxmity to the major hyperspace lanes and for the raw minerals that exist here. The only major structure on the planet is the large computer processing facility. Here is where the Republic builds most of its computer systems for its vast fleet. The workers mine the raw materials from the planet's crust and that material is brought to the processing facility where it is turned into computer chips and semiconductors which are installed in all the latest navigational and defensive systems that are built into the capital ships and fighters of the Republic Navy.


The Republic keeps the population in check because they want their workers to live in comfort without all the problems that exist in the core. They also want to prevent anyone who might compromise the security of their processing facility from being anywhere nearby to cause any trouble. Thats why outside of the processing facility and domestic settlements there areint any major cities or towns of any kind. To defend the planet the Republic uses small patrol satellites that look like inanimate space objects so that passersby dont realize the planet has any major importance and leave it alone. Only when there is a real threat do the satellites show their true nature and reveal hidden ion cannons and disruptor weapons to disable anyone who would threaten the planet. The Senate decided that if the planet didnt have the large home fleet or huge particle sheilds that many important planets in the core do then the Sith or any other potential enemy would be less likely to attack the planet. Most people dont even know that this planet even makes such valuable technology. They think its all made on one of the major core worlds. Unassuming drone transports come everyday to collect the computer cores and weapon modules that are created here and take them to random locations to be fitted onto capital ships and frigates. To the naked eye, these ships look like garbage scows or refugee transports, just the sort of thing that happens all the time on planets like this.


Vento Darren and his wife Vena Darren are just two regular settlers who work away day after day in the computer processing center. Theyre experts at making smart droid brains and advanced navigational computers for starships. The recent Sith War resulted in many advances in technology. Droids could speak and understand far more languages than previously and were able to think as well as react quicker and smarter than before. Starships could go further through hyperspace, no longer being restricted by sluggish navicomputers and having to rely on outdated hyperspace beacons. Many of the large capital ship and war droid components were made here with their assistance. Without which the war might have lasted much longer.


Its the end of another long day at the processing center, tired and covered in grease the weary couple put down their tools and head for the exit. They walk outside to their battered old landspeeder, not much more than a couple of seats, some juryrigged controls, a few simple coverings and a couple of ion engines. They like it this way, after working with so much technology all day its nice to be able to use something simple to get home in. They get in and start the engine, with a cough it sputters to life and off they go. When they get to their home, which is a simple modular building, like the rest of the settlement, they walk inside and find the serving droid an old blocky protocol unit named B1N1 preparing a meal for their young son Jayden. Since they consider B1 part of the family, they can him Ben instead.


"bzzrt! welcome back Mr and Mrs Darren." Ben said.


"Hello Ben, its great to be back." Vento said to Ben.


"How is Jayden doing?" Vena inquires.


"Hes doing great! zzt! Least he didnt manage to throw me around the room like vzzzt! yesterday!" Ben said nervously.


"Oh Ben, it seems like theres something wrong with your vocabulator."


"Oh bzzrt! that!, ummm well Master Jayden flung some of his uh soft organic poridge like stuff around the room by means I have yet to determine and umm well some of it got into my speech vocalizer and im still trying to bzzzrpt!!! purge it! What is it that your food synthesizer makes for this kid anyways?" Ben said slightly hesistant.


"Its called Yuzzem delight, its something that comes from those little rodent things on Endor I think" Vena told Ben.


"Hmmm, well I certainly dont think it was meant for droids so bzzt! with the sincerest delicacy my protocol module can provide I would suggest you make sure it goes in his mouth and not mine. bbzzrt! I know he would like me to sample his food but this is just ridiculous."


"Of course Ben, we're sorry"


"Thank you! zzzt! Anymore of that yucky goo gets into my components and I think they just might seize up!"

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I'm interested.


A tip: trying making a new line for when a new person talks.

And example:


"it's Kessler Hann, I need to have an audience with his greatness, Oomdar the Hutt!".


A battered robotic eye popped out of the wall and scanned him with a red light and asked "Kessler, I cant beleive its you! What is your business with his highness Oomdar?"


Kessler in his griff smuggler voice answered "I need to talk to Oomdar about something he owes me."


"Ooooh my! What can his high smellyness possibly owe you?" the flustered eyeball asked.


"It involves some old trinkets I left in his posession!" Kessler lied, hoping that Oomdar received the "trinkets" the jedi conviently let Oomdar acquire with his name on them.



Nice start and I'm looking forward to more. This is a very original story and I can't wait to read more of it. I LOVE originality, lol. :D:D:D

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I'm interested.


A tip: trying making a new line for when a new person talks.

And example:



Nice start and I'm looking forward to more. This is a very original story and I can't wait to read more of it. I LOVE originality, lol.


Thanks, thats a good idea ill be sure to implement it. Im glad you like my story being original. I was told initially that my story was too much like the movies so I tried making it more creative. I wanted to get something online for people to read.

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Here is the cantina sign for the sarlacc pitt coming up in the story. Just thought it might create a few laughs. :)



Enough Entertainment and Thrills to Last a Thousand Years!

This is the Private Domain of Oomdar the Hutt

Only those who have business with His Highness can enter

See Boss Klatto for Admittance to the Audience Chamber

No Droids!

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Don't know yet what to make of it. Original is difficult to start with because you need to get the reader's attention: the first few posts countered that to a degree, but I wasn't that interested based on the content alone. I didn't write it, but I would have not taken the first posts into consideration and written as if starting from scratch.


Descriptions and the actions intertwined and meshed well. That is a talent I appreciate. You also have quotes that always have the speaker defined. If you have a two way conversation, you can skip that as long as you state the person talking once out of four lines or so. Only when multiple people are there would you have to define the speakers.


Like this so far and will keep watching for updates.

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Don't know yet what to make of it. Original is difficult to start with because you need to get the reader's attention: the first few posts countered that to a degree, but I wasn't that interested based on the content alone. I didn't write it, but I would have not taken the first posts into consideration and written as if starting from scratch.


I want to get the reader's attention but id like to develop the characters and the whole situation going on and build up to all the action. I didnt want to begin the story with the typical space battle between the big destroyer ship and the small ship on the run. I suppose I couldve done that to make it more star wars-ish but I wanted to keep things original. I havent even got to the main character or the actual villian yet because well the main character is still a baby and the villian well hes out of the way doing whatever hes doing and nobody's supposed to really know who he is or what hes up to yet. The character of Taarvin is important later on but right now I just wanted people to know how hes involved with the whole situation and how he gets where he is later. The Hutt is important too but overall hes a minor player in the grand scheme of things. I just thought id be good to throw the whole underworld element in there. I dont expect everyone to think of the whole story being as exciting as it is now, it gets better.


Descriptions and the actions intertwined and meshed well. That is a talent I appreciate.


I needed to make sure that the descriptions were detailed as possible without going into too many paragraphs and dragging on the story and I wanted the action to be described in a way people could understand whats going on.


You also have quotes that always have the speaker defined. If you have a two way conversation, you can skip that as long as you state the person talking once out of four lines or so. Only when multiple people are there would you have to define the speakers.


I always used to get confused in stories where I couldnt understand who was saying what. I do think the quote thing after reading it was a bit excessive where I mentioned who was saying what all the time but I just wanted to be thorough. I could always go back and change that. At first there were only about at most 3 people talking at a time, I want to include more people in a conversation but until I add new characters theres not many people who are in each conversation. My character list is long but many of those people are on different worlds and appear in different parts of the story and while they have important ties to each other, not all of them encounter each other in the same place at the same time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heres a complete updated list of all the characters, locations, vehicles for the story so far.


Jayce Darren: Force sensitive youngling born on Antarros 5, future padawan (hopefully) to Taarvin Vance.

Kayden (KDN-4): prototype humanoid emulation droid MK-1, friend and protector of Jayce Darren.

Antarros 5: Outer Rim, home planet of Jayce Darren, also home to Vento Darren and Vena Darren.

Vento Darren/Vena Darren: Parents of Jayce Darren

Darth Kaevros (Lord of Darkness): Sith Lord, enemy of Jayce Darren (may or may not be shadowy figure at beginning of story, have to read more to find out!)

Taarvin Vance: Jedi Knight, master to Jayce Darren

Mentalleos 4: smuggling port

Torvaan: Jedi Training Outpost, Mid Rim

Quinlin Vento: Master of Torvaan Jedi Training Academy

T2-M6: Jayce Darren's trusty astromech droid

Chancellor Maeloveck: Republic Supreme Chancellor.

T-7 Skyhopper: Jayce Darren's training vehicle

Jando Korr: Mandalorian Elite, leader of Mandalorian mecernaries on Torvaan

X-14 landspeeder: vehicle of choice for Taarvin Vance

Taarvin's Luck: freighter belonging to Taarvin, later to Jayce

Oomdar The Hutt: local Mentalleos 4 Hutt gangster

TC-1A: droid translator for Oomdar, used only when talking to non-jedi

Boss Klatto: Toydarian Bartender of Mentalleos 4, lieutenant to Oomdar the Hutt

The Sarlacc Pitt: Cantina in Rimkar City, Mentalleos 4

Rimkar City: Main Settlement of Mentalleos 4, current base of operations for Oomdar the Hutt

T1-M4: Taarvin's trusty astromech droid

T2-M6: Jayce Darren's trusty astromech droid.

Master Valtaan: Jedi Council Member, Jedi Temple, Coruscant.

Zandor system: Mid rim system where Oomdar the Hutt is transferred to a Republic cruiser for transit to Coruscant.

Scrags: Oomdar's humorous yet devious pet monkey lizard.

Renkor: One of Oomdar's lieutenants who meets a gruesome end at Oomdar's hand.

Unknown Smuggler: Captured by Jedi, tells them of Oomdar's operation on Mentalleos 4.

Neeku: native herbavores of Torvaan.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a sample of a later chapter in which Jayce gets a special droid to help him with his training to become a jedi. I wanted to see what people thought about the idea. Im still working on the rest of it but heres what ive got so far, the first part here is about Jayce practicing with a training remote, similar to what Luke fought against in Episode 4, but this time Jayce finds its a bit more than he was expecting and he learns how easy the dark side can corrupt people. Enjoy.


A New Companion


Another day on the planet of Torvaan, morning comes quick to this planet as the sun rises rapidly over the plains. The native Neeku cry out as they follow the grassland looking for edible vegetation. The early morning sun shines off the chrome walls of the Jedi Enclave as younglings start to filter out to start their morning exercises.


Jayce Darren exits the Enclave by himself once again, many of his fellow younglings are older and more experienced than he is so they do not find much interest in spending time with the budding apprentice. Jayce wishes he had a friend, someone he could spend some time with, maybe even just someone to talk to. As it is, he is alone for the moment so with a sigh he reluctantly begins his exercises. Jayce pulls a small object out of his pocket, a minature remote. He presses a button on it and with a small hum a small orb floats out in front of him and hovers in mid air. Jayce presses another button on the remote and several colored lights start blinking on the orb in a random pattern showing its readiness. He reaches to his utility belt and grabs his training blaster out of its holster. Jayce wants more than anything to train with a lightsaber but unlike his older classmates, his master does not feel he is ready to weild a lightsaber yet so hes stuck with this small modular blaster to use against the orb. The blaster is a simple stun pistol, it wont do any damage but will still disable the orb and complete his task. He turns the safety off on the blaster and pushes a button on the remote. The orb starts to move slowly around the quad, a simple electronic voice from within says "you may start when ready, youngling". Jayce sighs, wishing he wouldnt be called that, especially by all things a simple training device. He carefully aims the blaster and fires off a round straight at the orb, but at the last minute it moves out of the way. Frustrated, Jayce aims for the orbs new position and fires again, once more it moves quickly to another position. The anger slowly boils in Jayce, he thinks it should be much easier to beat such a simple machine.


Seeing what the orb did the last couple of times, he tries to guess where its next move will be and aims for that place and fires thinking it will beleive he is shooting at its current position and move where he is really shooting only to get neutralized. At the last minute the orb moves quickly in the opposite direction! Jayce grits his teeth in anger, having enough with this stupid device, he channels the force and lets out 3 consecutive blasts towards the orb thinking it cant dodge all 3 but faster than his eye can see the orb moves 3 times and dodges all of them, only to have them smolder the grass in the distance. The orb comes to a stop and several of the lights wink in sucession and the voice speaks again "Good try youngling but you must use the light side of the force with your inner calm and peace to defeat this drone, anger and aggression will not win this trial". Jayce scoffs at the drone thinking that with such a difficult test, the only thing to come from this IS anger and aggression!


"Now proceeding to level 2" the drone announces.


"Youngling, in this level you must wear your visor to sheild your eyes. A jedi does not always need to see to acheive his objective. Sight can sometimes hinder a jedi more than help. You must use the force to not only target and shoot this drone but also avoid the stun blasts that come from the various emitters on its surface. Are you ready to begin?"


"Ha! Like ive got a choice!" Jayce scoffs.


"There is always a choice youngling, you can always chose to quit, but then you wont become a jedi and it will be the feilds of Telos for you."


Jayce turns to the drone and shouts "I WILL BECOME A JEDI!"


"Ah, I assume youre ready to proceed then youngling?" the drone asks


"Yes, proceed"


"Excellent. Beginning level 2"


Jayce pulls the opaque visor over his eyes on his helmet, sheilding himself from seeing the drone. He can hear the hum of its repulsorjets as it hovers around, waiting for Jayce to make the first move. Jayce reaches out with the force, trying to see where the drone is. All he sees is darkness at first but then finally a dim light appears and it looks to him like the drone. When Jayce thinks he sees it, he fires off a shot towards the drone, everything moves in slow motion as the energy projectile slowly moves towards its target. Just before the shot hits the drone head on, it moves out of the way. Then in the wink of an eye, it first 2 blue bolts from one of its emitters and Jayce barely has time to roll out of the way. He tries to catch his breath and thinks that was too close. Jayce gets upset thinking to himself that this visor just makes things more difficult and isnt helping him to complete his task. He thinks for several seconds while the drone hovers patiently and almost sounds like its humming to itself waiting for its master to resume his attack. Finally he gets a crazy idea. Jayce aims at the drone and fires a shot off, preidictably the drone moves, before it can move to its next position though, Jayce squeezes off another round and it heads straight towards where the drone is going to be a second later. The drone realizes its mistake too late and the second shot grazes one of the emitters just as it tries in vain to move out of the way again. Sparks and a thin wisp of smoke pour from the fried emitter as it shorts out from the blast and is useless.


In retaliation, the drone fires off 3 blue blasts of its own. Jayce ducks out of the way of one of them and jumps to avoid the other but the third one is too quick and hits him in the arm. Jayce yelps out in pain and grabs his arm, not being used to the pain of a stun blast. He looks at his arm where the stunner slightly singed his youngling robe. Jayce realizes the drone is adapting and learning his strategy and he has to improve if he wants to win. Jayce turns away from the drone and starts to walk away. The drone looks on puzzled wondering why Jayce is walking away, curious as to weither those stun shots affected him more than expected and he is giving up. Suddenly Jayce turns around and points his gun straight at the drone. he squeezes off a shot and it hits the drone head on, blue arcs of electricity coarse through the drone's body as the blast overloads many of its circuits and it cannot beleive that it fell for such a obvious trick. The drone knows that no other student has ever beat it so outright and while its a simple machine, its ego within its simple intelligence just cannot bear defeat. The drone cycles through its systems, running a diagnostic trying in vain to see what it can do to save itself and defeat this child to avoid cybernetic oblivion. The drone realizes it still has one emitter left, hardly enough to deal with this powerful adversary....unless it shunts all the available power to that one emitter and generates a huge enegry burst that will be nonlethal but sure enough to make certain that boy thinks twice before challenging him again and giving in to his anger.


Jayce looks on at the drone, floating motionless and smoking from its various damaged emitters. Jayce thinks the drone is done for and decides to finish it off and put it out of its misery, the droid techs can always fix it again he assumes. Before Jayce can fire a shot though a massive surge of blue energy comes towards him, expanding rapidly. The boy barely has time to brace himself as the huge stun blast hits him squarely in the chest and knocks him on his bottom. Jayce falls to the ground with a loud thud as his already aching body hits the ground and the wind is knocked out of him. He looks up and tries to collect himself as he thinks about what just happened. A new thought goes through his mind: "those drones dont have enough power in their stun blasts to do that!" He obviously underestimated the drone's eagerness to win. Anger seethes in him at the prospect of this tiny droid taking advantage of his ego like that and stripping him of his victory. Jayce immediately gets up and stares directly at the drone. The drone turns to him, surprised he is still conscious and asks....


"Im surprised youre still able to stand, are you willing to accept defeat and admit to failure this round?"


Jayce stares at him angrily and knows inside he will not accept defeat, his eyes start to glow a dim yellow and he raises his hand towards the drone. The drone sees this unexpected turn of events and knows it cant be good. The drone desperately tries to flee as fast as its micro-repulsor jets can go but its too late. A burst of red force energy shoots from Jayce's hand and flies towards the drone at inhuman speed and accuracy. It hits him right in the middle of his round little body and before his sensors can even acknowledge what happened, his shell is split in two sparking peices that fall towards the ground and roll to a stop where they continue to spark and smoke rises from them.


Jayce looks on in horror at what he just did, he never knew he had such power. It strangely enough felt good to him but at the same time scared him. He thought "what if that had been a person?", "what if that had been my master????" Jayce was worried what would happen if he let his anger get the better of him again. He hurried to collect the peices of the droid, thinking that he could discard them before anyone saw what happened. Unfortunately before he could even scoop them up, a dark shadow loomed over him. Jayce looked up into the stern eyes of his master. Taarvin Vance, his master and teacher looked down at him with shocked concern for what his apprentice did.


"What happened here Jayce?" Taarvin asked


"Umm, I was practicing with the remote."


"Id say you were doing quite a bit more than practicing. Practice usually doesnt involve a remote drone from being literally cut in two, at least not with your level of training."


"Uh yeah, I guess I got a little carried away." Jayce said


"Looks like you were getting more than carried away, several students saw a red blast of energy come from your hand and sever this droid in two with such lethal speed that noone has seen since the Sith War."


"Are you saying that im becoming a Sith?"


"No, but you are showing signs of going down a path that isnt part of the Jedi Way. If you want to become a jedi knight someday then you have to learn to control your emotions."


"Thats easier said than done, this stupid droid was mocking me, goading me into using my anger to fight it. Besides the cocky training drones and the stern emotionless caretaker droids, nobody wants to talk to me or be my friend. Most of the students here are either alot older than me or are off fighting for the order. I dont have anyone I can relate to or tell my problems to, at least noone that will listen." Jayce told his master


"Well im here and I will always listen to you but I understand your point and I think I have the answer, please come with me into the enclave."


"What about the training drone?" Jayce asked


"The protocol droids which watch over the grounds will recover the droid and take it down to maintence for repairs. Now come, please"


Jayce turned and walked with his master towards the enclave entrance.


The two walked through the door into the main hallway and went around several corners until they arrived at heavily sheilded security door. Taarvin punched in a code at the keypad and the door opened. They walked into a clean room where they quickly doned some clean suits. Then they went through an airlock where they got decontaminated before entering into a large room full of computer banks and diagnostic equipment. In the center of the room was a shiny silver droid that looked surprisingly humanoid, hooked up to an array of monitors. The two walked over to the droid where a technician was checking various readings on the screen. When the techie noticed Taarvin and Jayce approaching he stopped his work and turned towards them.


"Welcome to the Jedi Enclave's Equipment Diagnostic Center. My name is Kendar. I am one of the technicians assigned to the KDN research project." Kendar told his new guests.


"Hello again Kendar, this is Jayce Darren, he is a student here at the enclave and is also my apprentice."


"Ah, yes Jayce, ive heard so much about you as of late. How is training going?"


"Very well Master Kendar" Jayce told him.


"Oh please Jayce, you dont need to call me master, im hardly a jedi. Just someone who is force sensitive and just happens to be handy with technology, droids in particular."


"Im sorry uh...Kendar" Jayce told him


"Its alright, I get that alot, no harm done."


"I brought Jayce here to see the project youre working on" Taarvin told Kendar


"Oh yes you brought Jayce at an excellent time, im just making some final adjustments and then we'll turn him on and see what happens"


"Is this a protocol droid youre building?" Jayce asked


"Noooo, of course not Jayce, dont we have enough of those awful Czerka built droids around here as it is? No no no, this is something much more impressive. Its been my project for the past few months."


"What is it?"


"Its a prototype for a new droid. His name is KDN-4 or Kayden for short...he doesnt like droid names. He's a state of the art Prototype Humanoid Emulation Droid."


"Ive never heard of one of those before." Jayce said to Kendar.


"Im not surprised, Kayden was originally designed by some scientists on Antarros 5 as an idea for a experimental software program which was to be presented to the Republic Senate to be installed in a new line of companion droids. They were going to showcase him when completed in the new Republic Museum of the Future For Science and Technology. Before they could do that the Jedi Council on Coruscant approached them and told of a need the Jedi Enclave on Torvaan had for such a program and that it would be an excellent opportunity to test the completed product before putting it out on the market for the galactic public. The council told them that they had a droid body currently being built for it so they didnt even have to design one." Kendar told both Jayce and Taarvin.


"Companion droid?" Jayce asked.


"Yes, hes designed to fill the role of a friend or assistant on remote worlds in the Republic where people are stationed for a long time and personnel is limited and there areint many people to interact with or help with things."


"Areint there other droids for such things?"


"Yes but this droid doesnt only mimmick the behavior and abilities of humans, he can literally become an individual himself and do everything that a normal human can. He can even fill a gap where normally an organic friend or companion would."


"How is this possible?" Jayce asks Kendar


"He has a revolutionary new microprocessor which can sample an individual's personality and adapt its own to meet that person's needs."


"So you want to use this droid as a companion for someone here in order to test it?"


"Yes, thats correct. We have determined that you are the best candidate for this and you have the most need for such a droid since most real friends you might have here are absent and it has affected you greatly."


"It would help to have someone to talk to and play with sometimes who was my own age and had similar interests. How could this droid take the place of a real friend though?"


"Im glad you asked, we'll switch him on in a few minutes and you can see for yourself." Kendar told Jayce.


Jayce wasnt sure when he looked at the shiny silver droid in front of him. It looked to him like countless other droids but had an unusually humanoid design and it seemed more user friendly than the more blocky protocol droids that walked stoicly around the Enclave.


"I brought to the attention of the Jedi Council here that you seemed to be feeling alone and restless without someone to have fun with and train alongside. So I suggested to them about finding an alternative solution since there were obviously no real friends here for you to interact with." Taarvin told Jayce.


"The Council wanted to build a special droid to fill the place of a friend, at least until we could gain more students. However they did not want just another utility droid and many of the droid bodies here wouldnt be adequate for the task at hand. So the council scoured the great Jedi Archives for a droid body and came along this unique companion droid which had been designed to assist younger jedi with their training a long time ago but never was developed past the planning stages. They felt it was time this droid was made a reality." Taarvin told Jayce.


"It became obvious to the council during construction that this droid would need a extraordinary personality to go along with the unique body considering it was to be more than a simple utility droid so they searched through the Republic for a suitable program to insert into the droid's database. They found a Republic Computer Processing Center on a far flung world which had developed a revolutionary new droid program. The Jedi went there and procured it and brought it to the Enclave to integrate into the new project."


"The human droid technicians led by Kendar upgraded the companion droid model design to the current droid specs of the time and added some new features based on suggestions from the people at the Processing Facility. About a month or so ago they finished construction on Kayden and had downloaded his program into the droid. They have spent nearly 3 weeks testing the droid's functions but this is the first real test of all its systems." Taarvin finished telling Jayce.

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