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Leader of the Werewolf Clan

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((Sorry 'bout that guys. Thought the scene would look good. Sorry.))


"Melissa can't we talk about this first. I mean after all if you go by 'Religion' we are all gods creatures and deserve the same amount of respect."


The young woman stood there, speechless. Trace was right. "You're right. I mean... we all deserve respect. The question is... how? With so much chaos going on..."


"filthy monsters huh? So you think humanity is better?" he laughed a little again "You haven't seen what humanity can do to its own kind like I have."


Melissa hung her head low, ashamed. She sighed with sadness, as the anger inside calmed. "I'm sorry, guys. I... I don't know what came over me. I just want everyone to be in peace with each other. Not have war. I'm so sorry..." She could see that the sky was crimson red, which meant that the war probably begun.


She felt terrible. Suddenly, the medallion she wore shattered. She looked down at the shards that fell on the ground. Melissa turned to Baldur, Kalvin, Harding, and Trace. "You guys are right. We have to figure a way to end this. But how?" The young woman rubbed her neck, thinking.

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Harding was quite surprised at Melissa's speech, and even more surprised at response to it, and the appearance of a werewolf, and the discovery of a half-breed vampire. But he had no buisness with them. He looked to the humans in the group.


"Well, you kids can have your war another day, I need to get you guys back to the station and to your familys, they don't quite appreciate you being gone, and neither do we. That, and I've got a long report to fill out, the vamps and wolves haven't seen the last of us, if Velmer was any sign...."


Harding motioned for the humans to follow.




Velmer sighed as he sat in the Black Hawk helicopter.


"My Lord, if there is anything that needs doing, please let us know,"Said Kekringer, one of Velmer's many servants.


"There is nothing that needs doing at the moment, Kekringer."


The man nodded,"Well, My Lord, how did your attack go?"


Velmer smiled,"It went well, though I will be more thorough next time. Oh.....yes, and I ran into...my Grandson."


That made Kekringer stop in surprise,"Your Grandson, my Lord?"


"Yes, and it brought back many...many memories, he's very much like his father...too much like his father. I may half to battle for my throne once again."


"My Lord, the Legion will not let that happen."




Suddenly, the chopper landed, and Velmer immediatley donned a blue business suit.


He straightened his tie,"I guess I must speak with our benefactors, and ensure their loyalty."


He stepped off the chopper, two lines of mercenaries lined up next to a red carpet. Kekringer bowed his head,"Of course, My Lord."


Velmer walked into the tall building where he would begin the war he knew would come.

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Nick got up from the puddle of blood that he was in jumping and running everywhere felling like, he was drunkest person in the world."whatever ever happened to me was something bad if I don't member anything at all and how will I explain this to Melissa". Therefore, nick walked on and on with the sky to the normal he knew that whatever told him that he couldn't control the beast inside was only right when there was red in the sky. However, now he has total control nothing would stop him as he thought this a deep anger boiled deep within him. "I will go into hiding for now and wait until I can have my revenge on Velmer, Melissa and humanity and nobody will stop me as long as I live starting with Velmer than I will go after humanity". " yes they must all die, kill the girl first bathe in her blood "."what NO I will not do that to her, she cares about me even though I don't want her to and get out of my head". Nick ran and ran trying to escape the voice, but it kept on following him like a leach to a blooded animal.

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Baldur's expression turned grim. He sheathed his Gunsword back into its holster. "Bloodhound... you pathetic beast!"


Baldur grew frustrated at Bloodhounds unexpected absense. "As much as I admire your honesty, you're a coward! A worthless pile of dog meat who is afraid to face off against a vampire!"


He turned to Melissa and her friends. "I suggest you go with Officer Harding. He's right! This forest is no longer safe for youths like yourself. You know nothing of battle!"

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Kalvin laid on the ground and raised his hand slightly. He was attempting to be serious and add some comedic relief to the situation since how everyone seemed to be on edge. He wasn't sure if Baldur was saying that they didn't know how to fight in general, or just in battle. In the case of battle it was true he didn't really understand the military structure of battle, all he new was that people got killed and people cried.


"I know how to fight, I'm not weak you know." he lowered his hand sat back up and looked directly at Baldur "and besides if there is something out there threatening the safety of my friends. I'll be damned if I run away like some coward and let it get them them."


"And what we are suppose to just run like cowards" Trace said to Kalvin glaring at him.


Kalvin looked over at Trace with a smile on his face "Not Exactly. I'm assuming you two still haven't talk to other humans about trying to aim towards peace. Maybe you should still be trying to do that."


Kalvin could see that Trace gripped his teeth together tightly momentarily in frustration. Kalvin laughed making sure to mark this day down in his head as one of the few days he out smarted Trace and got him to be quiet.

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"Not Exactly. I'm assuming you two still haven't talk to other humans about trying to aim towards peace. Maybe you should still be trying to do that."


Melissa didn't like it when Trace and Kalvin got into an argument, even if it was a small one. But Kalvin was right. They had to find a way to tell other humans to live in peace with the Vampires and Werewolves. But how? She looked at the sky. It was now Night. Surprisingly, they had no sleep. She felt tired a little.


"I suggest you go with Officer Harding. He's right! This forest is no longer safe for youths like yourself. You know nothing of battle!"


The young girl sighed sadly. "I guess you're right." Before she followed Harding, she stopped, and turned to look at Baldur. "What... what about you? Will you be okay?" This was her first time being afraid for someone she only met for a few days.

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The lunar rise rased nick's powers ten fold making him a deadly adversary nothing would stop his will. Nick ran on the forest floor watching how animals squirmed under the watchful eyes of a beast of the night. He saw deer and rabbit hopping away in a hurry. " better go to look and see what happening". However, what he saw scared him and made him angry Melissa was in the woods at night with just Baldur and the other person for security."why is she doing this to me didn't I tell her to be careful and don't stay in the forest at night". He jumped down making an earth shattering pound. Nick roared. "Why haven't you left already women. WHAT DID I TELL YOU, TELL ME?


--------------------------------------------------------------------------Iain Rangel walked near the collage hearing of an animal mutilation, but as soon as he sees it. Iain curses "perfect looks like my brother had a little feast how many times do I have to save his butt. As he thought this, he heard a roar from inside the forest "I swear to go Nick if you kill another person you will be sore for a year.

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Officer Harding looked back at Melissa as she asked Baldur her question.


"I'm sure he'll be alright. Just look at what happened earlier. Now, you and your friend, we've got to go. Got a bit of a trip ahead of us, and your actions beforehand have made us slightly hostile in the eyes of that wierd army not too far away. Bah...not looking forward to that paperwork...."


He straightened his black uniform and checked his Glock pistol, he continued walking.

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"I know how to fight, I'm not weak you know." he lowered his hand sat back up and looked directly at Baldur "and besides if there is something out there threatening the safety of my friends. I'll be damned if I run away like some coward and let it get them them."


"In my long years, I have seen things you only see in your nightmares. I have done things you dont even want to know about! You would be better off not following my own footsteps... trust me!" Baldur turned to Mellisa as she spoke to him.


"What... what about you? Will you be okay?"


"Don't you worry about me; you take good care of yourself!" He looked up at the night sky. "My mission here is complete, but it seems I still have more work to do!"


Baldur turned to Harding. "Officer! Protect these three youths at all costs: the werewolves will be attacking the city shortly. I advise you to take good cautions!"

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The events of the past two days started to weigh heavily on Trace's mind. So much so that he started to feel tired. He had read a survey one time while he waited for Melissa to get out of class stating that if a person goes three days with out sleep they could be legally labeled as insane. When Trace first read that he thought it was stupid. He knew several people who stayed up for weeks and they're mental capability hadn't changed.


Trace knew they needed to get going if they wanted any chance of stopping the impending war between the species. If they couldn't stop it, a lot of people, werewolves and vampires a like were going to be killed.


"So where do we start? Who do we need to talk to about preventing all side from being slaughtered?" Trace said as he shoved his hands into his pockets taking a step forward.


He wasn't sure if it was just the fact that he had grown tired, or the stress of the situation but he knew one thing he was getting hungry and needed food. He knew the body could only last so long with out food or water until it shuts down, sleep was more for the mind then the body. He laughed slightly remembering what his mom always told him.


"A healthy mind breeds a healthy body" he mumbled to himself.




Kalvin wasn't going to argue with a vampire, he knew it most likely be futile and rather stupid too. Slowly he sat up and stood back upon his feet. He had grown tired, hungry and felt like he was stressed out to the max. Inside he felt so conflicted about whether he wanted to run and hide, or stay and fight. Dying wasn't really on his list of things he wanted to accomplish anytime soon, but he also didn't want to get the reputation as a coward. And he especially didn't want to seem like a coward to his friends.


Kalvin stretched some, popping joints as he did trying to wake up his body a little if anything. T


hen he smiled, one of his everything will be alright smiles as he said "Well damn, if we are going to try and save the whole world can't we at least eat something first. I don't know about you all, but I'll get majorly cranky without any food in me."


After saying that he lightly patted his stomach and laughed. The mood of everyone had become to dense and unbearable that he wanted to act funny just for a moment to lighten things up. People can't think clearly if they are to focused on everything at once, and this situation required them not to make a single mistake.

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Harding motioned for the three humans to follow.


"Come one, we've got a long walk ahead of us. I hope those wolves don't get there before us, or we may not make it to the city. Anyways, come one."


He holstered his pistol and motioned once again for them to follow.


He began walking forward.





Velmer walked slowly around the table where numerous major world business men sat.


"Velmer-san, I have yet to see any of your completed work by trusting you with Kyoto Incorporated money. When will we see these results?"


Velmer smiled to the man, "Takimoto-san, you will see those eventually see them, but patience, my work requires time, you will not regret it."


The Japanese man nodded and sat back in his seat, immediatley, another man stood, the man from one of the German companies.


"Herr Velmer, when we give you money, we expect you to give us results!! Your lack of effeciency is disappointing my company, if you do not give us any proof of your work, then we will withdraw everything! Verstandt Sie!?"


"Mein Herr! There is no reason to do that, the Bundeswher Company will not be unsatisfied with the results. If you are and wish to leave, go ahead, I'm sure you're trip will be comfortable...."


The German snarled and stood, preparing to leave.


Velmer smiled,"Too bad...." He withdrew a pistol and shot the man in the back.


The shot hit the man, sending him against the wall. He turned, his business suit stained with blood.


"Was ist das??" He then slowly fell down, leaving a trace of blood on the wall behind.


Velmer smiled.


He turned to the rest of the room,"My friends, remember we had a deal....do not attempt to leave me behind, vengeance is all to easy to take."


He could sense the pure fear of everyone around him, they had been properly motivated.


He looked to the American Mob Boss leader who had made a deal for weapons.


"Do you understand, Rostini?"


The man replied in a thick accent.


"Crystal clear....boss."


Velmer smiled and walked out of the room.


"You are all dismissed."

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Melissa smiled, taking Baldur's advice. After all, he was a half-vampire. And he could take care of himself pretty well.


When she and her friends began to follow Harding, she heard Kalvin say something.


"Well damn, if we are going to try and save the whole world can't we at least eat something first. I don't know about you all, but I'll get majorly cranky without any food in me."


Kalvin was right. They needed food and rest so that they could build up their strengths and not grow hungry nor tired. If they didn't get any sleep or food soon, they might collaspe. Melissa turned to Trace.


"So where do we start? Who do we need to talk to about preventing all side from being slaughtered?"


Suddenly, an idea came to mind. "Hey guys! We could go on the News to warn all the species. There's this station where they do News for the world!" All of a sudden, a fearsome roar could be heard. She turned and saw Nick. He became enraged on why she wasn't out of the forest while it became night.


The young woman stepped forward to the Werewolf Nick. "Nick... we... we were heading out of the forest. Officer Harding," she said, gesturing at Harding, "is leading us to the city. Hopefully, we can go to a News station to tell everyone to be at peace with the Werewolves and Vampires. Please, Nick, you must help us."


Melissa stared up at him with sorrowful eyes.

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"why should I help humans and vampires they deserve everything, and I should be the one that does it not Sliverhound you humans you disgust me, but, but I will help you Melissa and that's all I will every do for you".

Still with hate in his eyes nick stopped being in a fight mode and walked over to the three men. "tell who you are or you won't have a tongue to speak with". By showing them, he ment buiness, nick sharpened his nails on a rock and should his huge teeth trying to intimidate them. " what are you doing kill them don't help them do you want to be weak again".

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Stepping closer to Nick, tears ran down from Melissa's eyes. "Why, Nick? Why do you hate humans so much? Is it because of the past? Why?" She really wanted to know. Her people might've done something to him to make him like this.


Nick's anger and hate made her feel more worried for him. If he couldn't control it... what would happen to him? The young woman looked up at the huge Werewolf with saddened eyes.


"There has to be a way to show him that not all people are bad. I have to show him that someone still cares about him," Melissa thought to herself.

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"Mellisa!" Baldur barked. "Stay away from him!"


Baldur walked over to the transformed ferrocious Nick. "You forget your place..."


He punched the beast in the face. "You made your oath!" He kneed him in the stomach. He grabbed Nick's arm with a powerful vice grip. "You chose Life over Death, remember dog?" He tightened his squeeze. "Remember who you are now! You are the opposite of nothing! You are of use to us! You are of use to me! Provide us with your services, and you shall be set free from your oath!"


He let go of his arm. "What say you? Help us fight against your kind, prevent innocent lives from falling!" Baldur's red eyes glew brightly through the darkness.

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Spitting out a bit of blood nick walks over to Baldur. "don't think that, that puny oath can restrict me of all people Melissa saved me, you just made me stronger with your blood if she didn't save me then I would be at you mercy, but alas I'm not and your dead for thinking you can control me". As nick says that he tackles Baldur to the floor punching in the face and abdomen "don't ever talk back to me, or I will kill you do you understand bat. "Melissa, follow me, we are leaving this place and don't follow me bat ".

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"Melissa, follow me, we are leaving this place and don't follow me bat "


Baldur smirked and chuckled. "Thats the spirit! Defiant till the end! Blinded by aggression!" He head butted Nick in the face, to get him off. Baldur stood up, wiped the blood off his face. "At least your sense of priorities is still intact, you weak minded beast!"


He walked off in the direction of the city, and stopped to look at Harding. "What are you waiting for? Take these kids out of this place, before things start to get more worse!"

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"Of course you run and hide like a little bat and don't fight a real monster." as nick calmed down, he walked off near the other men examining them if they got in a fight they would win or lose. " why do I always get the hard jobs of keeping everybody alive sigh". " for the last time kill them kill the girl she is holding you back." "and how many times do I have to say it. No means no compendia you son of a ..... ".

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Kalvin let loose a little smirk. This is the first time he's met who ever this is. And the person claims to be responsible for keeping him alive. He looked over at Trace and Melissa they must have met his thing before.


"Some one mind telling me whats up with Mr. I have a truck loud of Anger Issues." Kalvin said pointing to Nick "Oh and maybe we should walk and talk." Kalvin finished noticing Harding and Nick still walking in the distance.


Kalvin started to walk to keep up, he wasn't in the mood to waste was energy he really didn't have. He started to wonder if he could claim this situation as a real head ache. Nick did seem to have anger problems but he also seemed to have some sort of attachment to Melissa in some way. What kind of attachment Kalvin wasn't sure of, but it made him uneasy thinking about it.

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"you two keep up, I don't want to have to find you in the forest" as Nick said this he sighed "Harding. Why are you here no family trying to kill a bunch of werewolves in their own land? For once in a long time Nick laughed.



Iain jumped the trees. "where o where art thou my little brother". As he said this Iain noticed some track leading into town.

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After Baldur and Nick's fight, Melissa thought that maybe having Nick with them might not be so bad. But she worried about Baldur as well.


Melissa followed Harding and the Werewolf Nick, along with Kalvin and Trace. As she walked, she stared at Nick from behind. Why was he always angry? What made him what he is now? Questions started to worry and scare her more.


The young woman breathed, trying to find the courage to talk with Nick. "Nick? Um... what made you so angry at everything?"

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Harding frowned, his face showing distinct anger. He wasn't liking the situation. He looked to the werewolf christened 'Nick.' He wasn't going to have this guy around un-watched, he could blow the entire thing, and was a danger just walking around.

He broke out his hancuffs, not really thinking they could contain the wolf, but it would help, at least mentally.


He pointed at Nick,"YOU! Nick, get over here. If you want to come along, you're gonna have to wear these. They're for your own safety and ours, if you won't wear them, you're gonna have to come in another way. Your choice..."


He knew this guy probably wouldn't react the best way, Harding's other hand rested on his Glock pistol's holster.

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"Melissa I don't want to talk about it my past was .... a very dark place". As Nick kept on walking, he heard Harding say something "YOU! Nick, get over here. If you want to come along, you're gonna have to wear these. They're for your own safety and ours, if you won't wear them, you're gonna have to come in another way. Your choice...". "if you dear put those on my you will be teared limb from limb and don't think I don't know about the gun your hand is resting on".

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Harding chuckled, "I know you know about the gun, and I have alot more weapons than that, and I'm trusting that you will take these in mind and cooperate. They are for your own good, and ours, just be reasonable, and we won't have a problem."


He kept his voice calm, not even showing a hint of fear or anger, he was being very patient.

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