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Leader of the Werewolf Clan

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Melissa nodded silently after Nick said this. But then she looked up agan, seeing that Harding wanted to handcuff the Werewolf. Nick looked angry again when Harding tried to reason with Nick.


The young woman stepped in front of Nick, and looked up at him. She felt smaller than him, which made her a little afraid. But then she breathed and calmed down.


"Nick? Please... please don't be mad. I'll try and tell Officer Harding to put away the handcuffs. I trust you." After this, she smiled at him. Then she glanced at her side, and looked at Harding. "Officer Harding? I'm sure Nick won't hurt anybody. He'll protect us, I'm sure. And once we get to the city, he'll be on his way."

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"no I won't Melissa I am going to make sure you are safe every minute until this war is over, I ... I can't stand it if you get killed".


The young woman looked up at Nick and smiled sadly. She then slowly placed a friendly hand on his arm. "Thank you, Nick. I'm glad you want to help me. And I in return to you." After this, she placed her hand down, and bit her lower lip, looking up at Nick.


She didn't want him or the others to get hurt. But as a friend, Melissa would do anything to protect them, even if it meant her life.

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Melissa nodded and smiled. "Yes. Let's do that before you transform into a human again." Before she turned and walked away, the young woman embraced Nick. She smiled. "Thank you, Nick. For everything."


After this, Melissa continued to walk to where the city's direction was at. She felt embarrassed to give Nick a hug... but after everything he's been through, she wanted to show him that not all humans were bad.


She looked back at the others and smiled. "Well'p, let's go, guys."

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High above on a rooftop, Baldur sat on the edge of the roof: looking down at the city below. Day and Night, humans would go about their usual daily routines. Cars followed the streets like small fireflies crawling on the soil. He thought back at what Nick said.


you just made me stronger with your blood...


Baldur smirked. "I have never seen a Lycan as arrogant as that in my eternal lifetime! Blinded by barbarism..." He looked up at the black sky. "My blood can only heal monsters. Not grant strength. He is no different then he is before..."


He looked back down at the streets. "At least my blood is making him behave. He's developed a conciousness; something a werewolf has expressed before. Worth admiring, but he has much too learn... Meantime, I better keep my eye out for anything suspicious down below!"


He continued his lookout over the illuminated city. "Velmer... Illumine... My Grandfather..."

He hung his head down in shame.

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Nick jumped up in the air soaring through until he reached the ground "let's go on Melissa, we have to go now, or else he will return, and I don't wish to fight him right now I .... I need sleep to make sure the changes to body and powers hasn't changed me that much". As nick walked, he thought of his childhood and his rebirth if you could see into his eyes you would see fire,shooting and natural disasters but out of all the horror in nick's eyes. There were only two faces that he despised the most, and they were his brothers Iain the Vampire the one who made him to be a blood thirsty beast and the other made him hate humanity how much he hated them and to his knew list was Velmer and Baldur Velmer for hurting Melissa and Baldur for trying to heal control and giving power to Nick.

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Melissa, along with the others, followed Nick to the city. The young woman kept quiet, not trying to upset the Werewolf. Maybe... maybe it was too late for him. Maybe there was no way to save him from his anger and hate.


"No! There is a way," she thought to herself, "Don't give up. Save him, like you did back when you were a little girl. He needs someone to care about him. Just like you care about Kalvin, Trace, and the others."


The young woman nodded. She stared at Nick quietly, still keeping silent. There had to be a way to help him...

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Melissa gasped, and placed her hands over her mouth. What was happening to Nick? What was it? The young girl ran to him, and knelt down in front of him. "Nick!! Nick, what's wrong? Please, tell me! What's wrong?!" Suddenly, she heard him say the most terrifying thing.




She realized he was talking to the shadows. What was out there that made him so angry? When Nick jumped into the shadows, Melissa ran beside Kalvin and stood close to him. "What's wrong with him? We need to help him! We just gotta!" Tears ran down her cheeks.

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Harding stared as Nick went through a horrible transformation, into something that clealy represented what Nick was at heart.


A monster.


He then jumped away, and Harding wasn't completely surprised.


"I was afraid that would happen...he will come back though, maybe not under the best of circumstances, but he'll come back."


Harding spotted his car underneath several felled branches.


"I'll get this stuff offa my car, and we'll be out and about, and in the safe areas."

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"I was afraid that would happen...he will come back though, maybe not under the best of circumstances, but he'll come back."


Melissa followed Harding, hoping Kalvin and Trace followed as well. Harding was probably right. Maybe it would be better if they were in a safe area where Nick couldn't hurt them. If he came back... would it be the end of them?


"I'll get this stuff offa my car, and we'll be out and about, and in the safe areas."


The young woman turned around to see if Nick was coming. Then she turned back to Harding. "We'll help as well. C'mon, guys!" Melissa brushed off the branches off of the car. She did it in a quick hurry.

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Nick pressed on the attack clawing Iain, while seeing Melissa leaving. "yes finally you leave, now i don't have to hold back my true self" With that said Nick unleashed everything he had within him. howling loud enough that Baldur could hear his howl, but with that Iain kept slashing nick "Brother I've come at last and wish you to join us we can be unstoppable, no one would dear try to fight us Sliverhound, and Baldur wouldn't touch us with the power we could hold". "fool they can't touch me now, neither can you now get away traitor before i kill you for the last time.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( I deadicate this one to SkywalkerRules cause she asked me something)

man i was stupid that day:lock:

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Baldur sat on the edge of the roof, still awaiting for any form of chaos that was to inflict the city. "I grow wiery of this, Bloodhound..."


Just then, Baldur could hear a large howl that echoed throughout the canyons of the city. It came in the direction where the forest was at the edge of the city. Due to the blood-oath, Baldur could sense Nick was in trouble. He smirked. "Well, well... looks like someone pissed on that dogs territory. That oughta short-out his fuse..."


He stood up. "I better check it out, and make sure those kids escaped the forest. But I cant leave this city without surveilancing it..."


Wel'p, I may not have a choice here...


He clapped his hands together to summon his magik. He thrusted both hands forward through the air, and within moments a spawn of veins and blood errupted from his golved fingertips. They cluttered together in a pile, and slowly formed a human-like figure. Pale skin molded around the figure, and eventually grew a set of clothes: Baldur had created a duplicate of himself. It was slightly less powerful then he is, but should be enough for this type of situation.


"Check the forest area..." He barked at his willing duplicate. "Ensure they escaped and protect them by any means necasary. Also, keep a note on the one named Nick!"


The duplicate nodded. He closed his eyes and turned his body into mist. He disintigrated in the air. Disapeared.



Baldur2 appeared in front of the edge of the forest. He sniffed the air, and could sense four humans nearby. Most likely trying to escape using the police car.


Baldur eventually found them, pulling branches from the car. He walked towards Trace. "I've come to ensure you've escaped, and that you're alright. Where is Nick?"

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With that said Iain fled the forest into the deep darkness. " I will find you even if that means destroying everything .... Brother". as Nick walked through the forest he wondered where the has taken the girl then nick noticed that he called her girl what have I unleashed her name is Melissa and she is a friend not a girl she is important to me but before he could think of anything else he heard talking then he heard his name. "I've come to ensure you've escaped, and that you are all right. Where is Nick?". "who wants to know not you your just a copy not the real thing now tell me friend or foe." claws extended nick picked up the copy by his throat squeezing his throat. "tell me who do you work for now I am not in a good mood if you can tell oh yeah Trace tell Melissa that she cannot talk me out of this anymore cause I've gone native." Nick had a smile on his face when he said the last four words.

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Baldur smiled when Nick grabbed him by the throat. He grabbed his Gunsword and slashed the blade across the beast's chest. "ENOUGH!" he sliced the wrists as well, freeing him.


Baldur watched as the gaping wounds sizzled and burned. "The blade of my Gunsword is weaved with pure silver. If I had impaled you, it is doubtful you would have survived. Disintegrated into a thousand pieces of ash."


He approached the beast and glared at him. "Your are an arrogant, untamed beast who cant even heal bullet wounds! I saved your life, the least you could do is show me proper respect. I mean you no harm!" He sheathed his Gunsword back. "Dont waste your strength on me dog. There is no point..."


"He is correct though." He turned to the others. "I am a duplicate of the real Baldur. As of now, the original is overlooking the city for any signs of Lycan activity. It wont be long till they begin their assault."

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Baldur smiled when Nick grabbed him by the throat. He grabbed his Gunsword and slashed the blade across the beast's chest. "ENOUGH!" he sliced the wrists as well, freeing him.


Baldur watched as the gaping wounds sizzled and burned. "The blade of my Gunsword is weaved with pure silver. If I had impaled you, it is doubtful you would have survived. Disintegrated into a thousand pieces of ash."


He approached the beast and glared at him. "Your are an arrogant, untamed beast who cant even heal bullet wounds! I saved your life, the least you could do is show me proper respect. I mean you no harm!" He sheathed his Gunsword back. "Dont waste your strength on me dog. There is no point..."


"He is correct though." He turned to the others. "I am a duplicate of the real Baldur. As of now, the original is overlooking the city for any signs of Lycan activity. It wont be long till they begin their assault."

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Melissa really disliked it when Nick attacked someone out of the blue. She sighed and shook her head. After Baldur cut the Werewolf Nick to let him go, he came over to them and the Officer.


"He is correct though." He turned to the others. "I am a duplicate of the real Baldur. As of now, the original is overlooking the city for any signs of Lycan activity. It wont be long till they begin their assault."


The young woman was surprised. Baldur can make duplicates of himself? Then she shook her head, almost getting sidetracked. Looking up at the duplicate, she asked, "Will... um... will the real Baldur be okay by himself against some of those Werewolves?"


Melissa was starting to get worry about all of this. They had to get to a News station to tell humanity to be at peace with Vampires and Werewolves.

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Trace walked up behind Melissa and placed a hand gently onto her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. This situation was becoming more and more dangerous as things went on but they were already to far involved now to pull out. Which his something Trace would of really enjoyed.


"I'm sure he'll be alright. Considering who and what he is after all." Trace told her trying to sound calm.


They still needed to get into contact with some type of military leader before the whole forest was incinerated with them still in it. Gently he patted Melissa's shoulder and placed his hands back inside his pocket.


"So who are we going to need to talk to before this war goes any further." He said his eyes shifting to everyone wondering, hoping if anyone had a decent answer.

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Harding found himself surprised again and again. Just like today.


Nick had returned, Baldur had a clone, and now they were running out of time to get to the city.


He sat in the car and put the keys in the ignition. It started without problem and Harding stuck his head out of the window.


"I would not want to break up this reunion, but if we are going to make it back in time, we'll have to start now. Jump in, all who want to come..."


He pulled on his seat belt and sighed, they were running out of time indeed, but at least there wouldn't be much paperwork if he was late.

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"Will... um... will the real Baldur be okay by himself against some of those Werewolves?"


"Its not a problem. If he spots trouble, then my original can summon me back to his own and restore the power he used to duplicate himself."


"I came here because I felt a disturbance. But it appeared to be a false alarm..." he glowered at Nick. "Who were you combating against, old Nicholas?" he smiled.

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"Copy, you are really lucky Melissa is hear or you would be dead and next time you see Baldur tell him thank you for his gift."


"Melissa lets go and i promise that i won't fight anybody unless they harm me ,and you or your friends."


As nick calmed down after several minutes you could see a more human side to him almost all his hair was gone his nose looked human and his eyes changed back to their oringal color

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"Its not a problem. If he spots trouble, then my original can summon me back to his own and restore the power he used to duplicate himself."


Melissa nodded, thinking on how that might work. Boy, Vampires and Werewolves sure knew how to attack and protect themselves from harm. Better than Humans. Then she turned to Nick.


"Melissa lets go and i promise that i won't fight anybody unless they harm me ,and you or your friends."


The young girl nodded, and got in the car with the others. She looked at Nick from the window. Strangely, he looked like he was changing. More human-like. She wondered if he knew...


"Nick? Are you gonna run, or... ride in the car?"

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