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Radio Host Paul Harvey has died at age 90

Jae Onasi

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For those of you who love hearing "Stand by for...news!", I am sorry to bring this news to you that radio host Paul Harvey died within the last few hours. I grew up listening to him. When his show was done at lunchtime, I knew it was time to walk back to school. I still listen to his program every morning as I get ready for work. He was a wonderful tale-teller and I enjoyed listening to 'the rest of the story' or his recounts of the 'stupid criminals'. I will miss all his interesting anecdotes and insights.


He was a man of faith, so he has gone home to his Lord and his beloved Angel, who preceded him in death last May. I know he would wish us all Good Day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll miss you Paul.


I liked his report on how if there were less modern conveniences, that the incidence of crimes would decrease. IE paved roads disappearing.


While it would be interesting to explore this more thoroughly, I'd suffice it to say that the overall impression I get is that the days of the old west had a lot less petty crime of opportunity, and less gray areas w.r.t. crime. The predatory criminal mindset, after all, isn't really looking ot fight, it's looking to dominate with the least resistance possible.


He had an interesting perspective that really tinted the mainstream. Unique. Now it is forever gone. Except within our memories.



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