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The Rebellion

The Dark Lord

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Stop shouting at each other please.


Insults are not allowed here. If you don't like the advice then don't use it or comment on it.

-The source link about the rebellion is right. Normally, Wookieepedia is an excellent link for Star Wars info. And so is the databank on http://www.starwars.com/databank

-Some of the more 'faithful' members here do feel good grammar is a must and will think that using wrong grammar is a sign of laziness. Copy/pasting of names and races from Wookieepedia or others sources is no shame. It only stimulates others to respond since the question is clearer.


I can only add that there we no real species under threat of the Empire, since it was just the Republic with a new name and ruler.

But of course, like you said, the Wookiees were used as slaves which caused them to rebel. And other species (like the Mon Cal) with them.

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