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BoS-RHJawaShop Compatibility Fix

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Hello friends! This little piece of script and JRL merging does not really deserve the designation of "mod", as it does nothing on its own. It does however fix an issue that has come up for some players - players who like to play classic mods and newer ones, specifically RedHawke's Jawa Shop and silveredge9's Brotherhood of Shadow.


These two mods have conflicting k_ptat17_enter scripts, and BoS overwrites this script, as the patcher cannot merge scripts. With a little knowledge and KotOR Tool, I merged the two scripts, and now they play nicely. Be aware that this only fixes the spawning of the shop - if you want the global.jrl to work, you will need to use stoffe's JRL Merger.

EDIT: Version 1.1 uses the TSLPatcher (also by stoffe!) and will patch the .jrl for you :)


Following is the readme, and also the actual code for the .nss, which you can copy and paste into notepad, save and compile yourself, if you don't want to download anything and do not need/care for automatic JRL merging.


From the readme:

** BoS-RHJawaShop Compatibility Fix v1.1

** by Qui-Gon Glenn (contact me by PM at lucasforums - qui_gon_glenn)

** April 11, 2009


** Credits:


RedHawke, who made the Jawa Shop and wrote the original script I edited.

silveredge9, who made the BoS and wrote the latter script that I merged with RH's.

Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool, which makes it all easier

stoffe for the wonderfully helpful TSLPatcher program and general godliness

tk102 for K-GFF and other tools - where does he get those wonderful toys?

Lucasarts and Bioware, the makers (Thank the maker!)


** What is this?


This was simply a merging of the two conflicting k_ptat17_enter scripts that, when installed together, would cause BoS to eliminate Weebul and Utini's Shop. It has been updated to include the global.jrl for all of RedHawke's mods, and is now installed with stoffe's wonderful TSLPatcher.


** Why?


I wanted to be able to play both, made this fix, then found out I was not alone.


** Installation:


1. Install RHJawaShop per his instructions.

2. Install BoS

3. Install "BoS-RHJS Compatibility Fix v1.1"


** IMPORTANT: This installer does nothing really, without these two mods installed. Without either of them, you may cause issues. I did not test against this - the mod is made to these mods work together! If you don't have them both installed, you do not need this fix!


** Uninstallation:


1. If you choose to keep BoS, copy the BoS k_ptat17_enter.ncs file from BoS tslpatchdata

2. If you choose to keep RHJawaShop, copy the RHJS version from the RHJS "To Override" folder

3. Paste file into override, click "Yes" to overwrite.


** Bugs/Issues: None that I am aware of. Really shouldn't create any... but let me know!





Here is the code for you handy kids who want to compile this for yourselves, NOW.

void main()
    // QGG: Edited April 1 2009 by Qui-Gon Glenn
    // QGG: To make BoS and Weebul & Utini's Shop play well together.
    // QGG: The following is RedHawke's original code:
    // make sure the PC is the only one who can trigger this script
    // otherwise if you spawn a creature the system will get in a infinite loop
    // of creating new creatures!
    object oEntering = GetEnteringObject();
    object JawaTest = GetObjectByTag("rh_jawa_69");

    if (GetIsPC(oEntering))

         //  Check if the Jawa Guard exists - if he does not then create him
         if (GetIsObjectValid(JawaTest) == FALSE)
              ExecuteScript("rhshopspawn", OBJECT_SELF);

    // Now we need to launch the original script
    // QGG: No we don't !!! (RH Code: ExecuteScript("k_ptat17_enter2", OBJECT_SELF)
    // QGG: silveredge calls the enter2 from a later script, via thug1 (see below)
    // QGG: Now to insert silveredge9's code from BoS, which follows

    if ((GetGlobalNumber("Tar_Gelrood") == 36) && !GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag("daemon"))) {

object oNPC = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "daemon", Location(Vector(151.32,90.75,3.75), 270.0));

AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionEquipItem(GetItemPossessedBy(oNPC, "g_i_mask99"), INVENTORY_SLOT_HEAD, TRUE));

   ExecuteScript("thug1", OBJECT_SELF);     


I want to again thank RedHawke and silveredge9, both for their permissions and for their excellent work! This mod will be updated for BoS:SR if necessary.




I may make one final update to this mod, with the RH .2da's included. I will need to ask permission for that, and then I will need to learn how to do it with the TSLPatcher. If it's not too hard and it's all kosher, I will do that and then call it a day.

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You must have the ancient version, that was patched quite a while ago to spawn automatically on the first entry.


Actually in version 1.1 you included the old spawn through mechanic script. I just used it to avoid any incompatibilities with BoS


The way you stated it was like you had an issue with that method, so I responded accordingly. -RH


Oh, sorry RH

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[Eric Cartman] Sweet! :sp1:


Now all you folks can stop pestering us! :xp:

My pleasure!


Glad that a few folks have found this helpful... I am already working on a patcher version that will hopefully fix the .jrl issue as well.


Happy Modding, and it's great to see FF back up and running - thanks Marius Fett for the positive review and quick admission

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi all you modder types! So now that I have already installed BoS:SR and the Ver1.5 Patch, I can't run this compatibility patch? I had to manually install Bos:SR because of an Unhandled Error (Modules\bos_msp1_tmp\bos_cage.uts).....it took a long time to manually install this long awaited mod. There doesn't seem to be an "easy" way for us non-modders to uninstall BoS:SR (And Patch?) in order to make these two mods non-conflicting by re-installing all files according to Qui-Gon Glenn's instructions. I want to keep both without a big song and dance uninstall/re-install headache. GOD!!! I even merged the two global .jrl's,,,,,WTF is going on that the top modders in the KOTOR community can't get together as they are making these mods for us end users? Maybe we should have a "vote-contest" event and the top ten modders would form a consortium that they might work together for a change!!! I am SOO sick and tired of not being able to play my favorite game without all these incompatibility headaches!!. And don't cop out to me about I should be the one to learn modding either! That logic don't cut it with alot of us players!

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You do realize that Modders do everything they can to help. You shouldn't be bitching or all of us just might decide to stop. x] And that logic may not cut it with "alot of us players" but hello? We were just normal players once. Download the damn tools and fix it yourself if you're going to bitch at us. -_- We have lives outside of modding you know? We're not going to sit at a computer all day just to please a few people who we didn't even need to make mods for.

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Hey,,,,I am sorry,,really I am. I just was so frustrated at that moment I let my mouth get away from me! I have tried alittle manual editing of different types of files and it's really hard for me to pick up. I'm 53 years old. My eyesight's not really great. And I have some anxiety issues, taking on these files is a really big challenge for me. I'm not trying to justify my last post, I just wanted you to see where I'm coming from. I should have stated that I have have a lot of tools and even tried some tutorials, but so much of it goes right over the top of my head.


You see the thing is I was trying install these two mods on a fresh install of Kotor1 and I didn't realize the incompatibility until I came here. But there was also a BoS:SR Unhandled Exception message too from the TSL Patcher. Might be there was a corrupted file in the tslpatchdata due to a download glitch....(Maybe?) Sure I always check for viruses, but how would a guy spot a corrupt file before committing to the install? I mean that puppy was almost completely installed when I got the Unhandled Exception message! Argg! I've installed RH's Jawa mod by itself awhile back and it worked great!!


I guess the only thing to do is re-download another copy of BoS:SR,,install it over RHJawa Shop,,,install BoS:SR 1.5 patch and then RH's compatibility fix. God I hope I don't get another Unhandled Exception message from the BoS mod.....Again,,,I am sorry that I mouthed off like that!!



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Well actually, if you're running KotOR on Vista and you updated the Mss32.dll file before you ran the mod, it's possible that it was searching for the original file. I've had that error with a few mods/updates. I just copy the old one and replace it with the updated one and then replace the old one with the updated one again after the mods and stuff are installed. Try that.

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Hey starlynx57!


Silveredge9 made this compatibility patch unnecessary if you install BoS:SR. He changed the way his OnEnter script worked so that it would no longer botch the Jawa Shop.


My recommendation.... install the Jawa Shop, then install the latest most recent BoS:SR, and that should be it! No need for my silly little fix :p


If this does not work, let us know, perhaps I can take a look - and as far as my patch goes, in retrospect I may have set up the TSLPatcher incorrectly, so if for some reason someone does need to use my fix, I suggest using the the older version that you can simply drop into the override. REMEMBER: this fix only covers two mods, BoS and RHJawaShop. It will not do anything else, it will not fix other incompatibilities.

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OK,,,!! Back again with a similar prob that just keeps hassling me....Oh by the way I am using WinXP, all service packs. AMD Duron (2002,,pretty old!) GeForce 8400 GS. I could get my specs with Sandra standard lite, if it even makes a difference!!


OK,,to brass tacks,,,Fresh install Kotor1, used Kotor's updater to Ver 1.3,,,used Kotor's config only to change resolution and force software sound. Installed RHJawa Shop main file,,,,and here's the usual I have been going thru,,,,fresh download of BoS:SR,,used its TSL Patcher,,,got almost to the end of install (as usual) and got a "new" Unhandled Exception,,::As follows,,,Error: Unhandled Exception: cannot create file C:\Program Files\Lucas Arts\SWKotor\bos_sr_1.0\modules\ship_tmp\astro.utc. Access is denied (0)


I'm not gonna scream bloody murder this time as it seems as though some of you folks might forgive my frustrated outburst yesterday and give me a hand. WinXP and all it's SP's are sooo bloated, I hate this new 'Sparkle' GeForce 8400 GS card,,,I was better off with my 8600GT card B4 it burned out!! I am using nVidea's 'generic' top of the line driver and it could be one of the problems,,but I don't really know much about which of the older driver are best for this stupid card...Also, I have gone into WinXP services and tweaked a bunch of settings there from a tutorial on that subject. Made some services manual, some I did away with completely.....Let's see,,what else,,,Oh,,when I was doing the BoS install, my Norton Security 2011 came up with a message saying I was 'straining' my cpu.


I hope that all is definitive enough for any help that might come my way.

I really don't know what to make of this continuing problem with the BoS TSL patcher giving me these errors at the very end of it's install run!


Well, thanks for hearing me out,,,,starlynx57

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OK,,to brass tacks,,,Fresh install Kotor1, used Kotor's updater to Ver 1.3,,,used Kotor's config only to change resolution and force software sound. Installed RHJawa Shop main file,,,,and here's the usual I have been going thru,,,,fresh download of BoS:SR,,used its TSL Patcher,,,got almost to the end of install (as usual) and got a "new" Unhandled Exception,,::As follows,,,Error: Unhandled Exception: cannot create file C:\Program Files\Lucas Arts\SWKotor\bos_sr_1.0\modules\ship_tmp\astro.utc. Access is denied (0)
Unusual that this occurs in XP, it must be a SP3 behavior. Seems like you are working as a normal user, not as someone with limitless POWA, ie. an administrator level account.


Try these things... go to your SWKOTOR or Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic folder (name of folder depends on your game version) as a user with administrator privileges (if this is a foreign concept to you, PM me) and right click on the folder. I recommend unticking the Read Only Box, and apply that to all subfolders. You may have to go to the modules folder specifically and re-apply this folder setting, just to be sure. Next step...

...my Norton Security 2011 came up with a message saying I was 'straining' my cpu.
Disable any anti-virus program when installing games, mods, or any important software. You can trust our mods to be virus free, and it is just a good general rule of thumb when installing software to eliminate as much background CPU activity as possible. So disable your anti-virus, and after doing the unticking of Read-Only from earlier, reinstall BoS:SR.
Well, thanks for hearing me out,,,,starlynx57
I hope this is helpful! If not, we will try the next set of random ideas :)
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Well,,,I think I may have solved this problem by doing this: Fresh Kotor1 install and Updated,,,RHJawa main manual install,,,,BoS:SR manual install,,,(wasn't any .2da's to worry about),,then TSL'ed the Bos:SR 1.5 patch,,,and finally the RHJawa compatibility fix. But this time I'm playing from the start,,(Endar Spire) instead of the BoS savegame file,,which was WEIRD to begin with!! There were many journal entries I couldn't resolve....The Sand People History quest is the 1st one that comes to mind!!


But,,It really does remains to be seen if this install configuration will work AFTER the Bos:SR Mod fires,,,,I'm really looking to pull my hair out this time!! errk! Halloween's over, but I seriously need a Jedi Mind Trick put to my remaining brain cells!! HaHaHaHa!!!


My newest glitch is the never been seen by me,,"I am broken, so very very broken" And I think it may,,,(just may) come from uninstalling ORD Mandell and re-installing it...any ideas folks?


Good-Night and Good Sports!


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^^^Starlynx, you may have hosed things by installing my mod!


Did you not read my post, or Silveredge9's release thread in BoS:SR?!?! You no longer need to use my fix, it is obsolete. It would only be useful for playing the original BoS.


As for your broken, so very broken issue, sounds like you may have been playing around with KSE? Changed your class to Jedi? Otherwise, not sure what to say, ORD Mantell is a pretty stable old mod.

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