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Ord Mantell Revealed for The Old Republic!


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hmmmm, still aint found the wow factor yet, dont get me wrong I appreciate the updates but the only thing that has even vaguely interested to me so far was the time line...


Comic? thumbs down.

Time line? Thumbs up.

Bounty hunter? thumbs down.

Planets? meh.

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Screenshots look good, though I don't like the not-so-subtle way of putting in a Mustafar-like area.


Yeah...the 'Separatist Landing Platform' and 'Separatist Stronghold' pictures especially look a lot like Mustafar scenes...but regardless, it looks like a good planet, especially since it seems to have had so little exposure.


Planet updates are so much more interesting than most of the other updates they are putting out...but I suppose we should be grateful that we are getting so many!


Bastion next please, BioWare. Or Mandalore.

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