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Best Duo?


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I am thinking about returning to SWG for a bit (maybe until TOR goes into beta). I played before (like 4 years ago) but my wife has never played. I'm intrigued at the availability of Jedi's at the start.


I don't want my wife to get disinterested or frustrated with this game (or MMOs in general) so what would be the most fun and effective DUO to play as? We will only play together (rarely solo).


We don't plan to join a guild right away and will probably just casually play for a while, so I don't care if there's many Jedi and few of another class, just what's most fun for us.


Also, recommendations on what species are best for those classes as well as the crafting professions that synergize well would be much appreciated.



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I have just returned myself, and alot of that depends on your play style. You could do a damage + healer combo. Which would be the most common duo prob. Like a commando or jedi and medic.


But I am not one to really give such advice cuz I have not played all the classes. So your prob best to ignore me. =D

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Commando and Medic, or Commando and officer... Commando is a one way ticket to killville, so no frustration with keep getting killed, and medic or officer because they provide great buffs and support for the group... Win win duo IMO.

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Are two Jedis a good duo?


Well, they are, but if you die that's it. You're out of buffs, and you have to decide whether you want a tank and dps, or two tanks, or two dps. Personally, I'd have one light side the other dark side. The light side could agro, then the dark side could blow it away.

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Yeah, two bounty hunter would be more than a match for a buffed up elder Jedi with General status.


Is this sarcasm?


Do I need to be worried that no matter what I do we will get creamed because we are new?

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