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To Hide Behind a Veil

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The snow felt like fire on their skin as the two figures; a man and a woman, trudged through the waist deep snow, barely able to see as more and more snow battered their bodies, thrown full force by the speed of the winds. But it was not the constant fall of snow that blinded the two travelers. Both felt as if they had lost all of their senses at once, pain coursed through their very being, the emptiness of what they were filling them up as they tried to get to some sort of cover. But where cover could save them from the cold of the snow, it would not save them from themselves.


They felt helpless, like all others who came before them. Even the clan leaders themselves said it was a miracle that the two had survived the first of the three tests, especially with the women’s condition. Her stomach, was bloated almost beach ball like in proportion, the fetus inside the only being among them now with a connection to the force. But even with their connection taken from them, the two continued to wade across the landscape, continued traveling. It was here they would learn the final lesson of the clan, to not rely on the force, but instead use it as a bonus to their abilities, not a necessity.


It was in the last three tests of the children of the clan, that this lesson was truly taught to them. Drilled into their mind so that their next stage of their learning can begin. Many died during the first of these three tests, and those who didn’t die, almost never survived the second. The third ironically was among the easiest. For the third was simple, display your newly formed connection to the force. But this did not matter to the man and the woman. This test was not about being finally accepted as an adult among the clan.

For them this test was a battle, a battle where their child’s life was held at stake, and only their survival could keep it safe.




Even the pale soothing light that filled his bed chambers was not enough to comfort Rejin, visions of pain, of suffering had filled his sleep, and it was only when his own screams had woke him that he had been freed from the age old nightmare that had haunted since he was only a small child. Heart pumping; adrenaline shot through his veins faster than a speeder as the images continued to flash through Rejin’s mind. His eye where wild, his eyes did not register the stone floor as he held his head in his hands his surroundings did not matter, all that he could think about, all that he could feel, was the blistering cold on his skin and a strange horrible empty feeling that started at his heart and added a great weight to his entire body. And then it was over.


Warmth spread through Rejin’s body, and his pupils shrank back to normal size, his heart rate slowing to the calming touch he could now feel on his shoulder. Rejin glanced up to see his comforter, yet know one stood beside him, his sleeping chambers where empty except him of course. The feeling of warmth drifted away. Who was it that had touched his shoulder, giving him comfort so quickly when during previous nights no others had? More importantly how did he not feel their presence, Rejin was known to have the sharpest sense among his clan, as a child as he was still known even at the age of eighteen, he was gifted with the ability to sense even the most subtle changes in the force, as well as others presence in it.


There was a time when many considered this heightened sense a boon, for it was through this the clan could determine and record the events of the outside world, but it had been a long time since anyone in the clan had felt any dramatic changes in the force. Ever since the death of the Jedi on Kattarr, none of the clans people had been capable of determining the events of the galaxy through the force, it was if a great veil had been cast upon the force, distorting its flow, making it hard to read, and it was because many did not care for Rejin’s gift, for even it could not surpass the abilities of the seers at a long distance, and so events on other planets where still a mystery.


But to not be able to sense someone’s presence, without it being on top of him literally touching him, that worried him.

But at least now he was calm, and for awhile, he could rest peacefully before returning the nightmares.




The babies cry was a relief to the two, as they huddles in a small cave it’s walls formed from the ice of a frozen lake, a small fire spluttered beside them as they used what little blankets they had to wrap there new born child up nice and warm.


The women cooed to her child, she calmed it, eyes sketching its every feature into her mind. The clans blue eyes, a feature common even among those without fair hair, a small tuft of the father dark brown hair, and the most delicate tiny hands, balled into equally tiny fists, a smile stretched across her face as she watched her child’s eyes close, sleep overcoming it, and with that last sight etched into her mind, her head slowly fell back, and she was no more.


The child’s connection to the force was all that had kept her alive, and now she knew, she could leave the child with its father. The fate of their child was in his hands.

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It's an interesting start Insignia, and I like your style and the way you've begun.


Welcome to the forums, and don't let lack of replies keep you from posting. I don't necessarily reply to everything I read especially if I don't have anything constructive to offer. Keep posting your fic, and people will eventually get to reading it. Sometimes it just takes time.

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It's an interesting start Insignia, and I like your style and the way you've begun.


Welcome to the forums, and don't let lack of replies keep you from posting. I don't necessarily reply to everything I read especially if I don't have anything constructive to offer. Keep posting your fic, and people will eventually get to reading it. Sometimes it just takes time.


Thank you, I always find it hard when psoting this sort of thing to post more if I don't get comments ^^


And I'm glad you found it both interesti9ng and enjoyed my style of writing.

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