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"Keronism", the new trend of Argentina is retro

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American royalty: The Kirchners - or K Couple - have become 158% richer, while the people...


Argentina's history is filled with exponents of truly talented politicians, which are in turn survived by their own legacies. Peronism is one such example. As for the quality of those legacies, however, it's a subject for debate (surely no one said "fascist"). The new political-vampirical dynasty of Argentina, the K Couple, has all but drained the veins of the country and have done a poor job on hiding the marks on the country's neck.


Their census institute (Indec), a known puppet branch of the government, says that only 15% out of 37 million Argentinians are poor. Non-governamental agencies are far less optimistic: 32% of the population, more than two times the manipulated data, are misérables. The (Catholic) Church numbers only scare us further, with an astounding 40% of poor Argentinians.


Meanwhile, the K Couple has become 158% more richer, with money - as in most times in politics - no-one-knows-where-it-comes-from-exactly.


It's impressive that Argentinians allow themselves to be manipulated by a government that tries to emulate both left and right, and fails miserably. Especially when we analyze the country through other aspects, such as education and human development, wherein Argentina ranks fairly high. Then again, it's not like it's unprecedented. A mix of the old Peronism of Evita with the K spice makes this "Keronism"; where the government order "Jump" and the people ask: "From which canyon?"

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"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."


-From the United States Declaration of Independence



I will admit that I don't know much about the situation in Argentina or what the country's political laws are, but it seems to me that if the first couple is only in government for themselves then perhaps a change in government is in order.


If not a change in government then perhaps something similar to the impeachment proceedings in the U.S. if there is such a thing in their constitution.


Barring anything like that it seems that the couple will remain in power until the next scheduled election in 2011.

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I will admit that I don't know much about the situation in Argentina or what the country's political laws are, but it seems to me that if the first couple is only in government for themselves then perhaps a change in government is in order.


If not a change in government then perhaps something similar to the impeachment proceedings in the U.S. if there is such a thing in their constitution.

There's a problem regarding the new and old "Banana Republics", that may hamper this move: quite simply, as long as you keep favoring the elite classes, no one will raise their voice and chime in opposition. And that's pretty much what the Ks are doing, while manipulating the official census data at the same time, to get international acceptance.


We can't forget we're talking about the same country that endured a fairly recent Dictatorship (along with almost every other South American country) ans several Populist governments. Actually, this one is just another one, but the first in decades to successfully create a political dynasty.

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