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ToMI: Chapter 2 Released


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Just finished it and loved every second of it! They've even improved the character models by adding a lot more variation to them. They didn't bother me at all anymore. I did, at first, have some problems with

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the mythical merpeople
but that passed pretty quickly. It's nice to see new elements added to the world of Monkey Island.


As of now, I only have one complaint about the series but it's pretty damn tiny and nerdy: where's the cheat code that let's you win the game immediately? It's been in all the past games and I kind of liked that tradition.

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Yeah, Chapter 2 was pretty good. The humor is still there. Morgan La Flay, bounty hunter/fan girl cracked me up. However, I think that the recycling of character models was even more visible in this chapter than it was in the previous one. Heck, at one point even the Spoon Island jungle looked a little too much like the one back on Flotsam Island. Even had the same music. I hope that deja vu element won't be present in the remaining chapters. I also hope they increase the gameplay length a little. I finished Chapter 1 and 2 in four hours each. I hope the next one lasts longer.


As of now, I only have one complaint about the series but it's pretty damn tiny and nerdy: where's the cheat code that let's you win the game immediately? It's been in all the past games and I kind of liked that tradition.


There was? Seriously? :eek: I had no idea. Ah well, on the plus side I didn't miss all the funny in-game moments.

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Just finished it, love it, Tales is turning out way better than MI4.

Guybrush is just spot on, Elaine's acting is also loads better than the first episode.


At first I also had problems with...

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the merpeople, but due to the overall high quality and loyalty to the style to the Monkey Island series, this just becomes a minor thing.


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Wondering when I'd finaly see a manatee, I chuckled at the end.


(Manatees are my favorite animals)



Can't wait for the next episode.

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Heck, at one point even the Spoon Island jungle looked a little too much like the one back on Flotsam Island. Even had the same music.


That definately isn't the same music but it is similar.


There was? Seriously? :eek: I had no idea.


Yeah! Try them out and you'll see how ridiculous they are. The one for SoMI is CTRL+SHIFT+W and the others are slight variations. Just the existence of cheats like that in an adventure game cracks me up and it's a shame that there doesn't seem to be one for Tales. Are you listening Telltale?


Anyway, did anyone else find it creepily amusing when

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Guybrush said "Oh brother..." to LeChuck while getting frustrated by his puzzle solving skills?
A coincidence or a throwback to the mysteriously creepy ending of MI2?
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Telltale have addressed a lot of the original complaints with the first chapter. Most importantly the dialogue is a huge improvement over the first chapter - it's no longer linear and is fully what you'd expect from a true Monkey Island game. The character models are a bit better too, and the game's "scenary" is also more interesting (that's the stuff that in regular MI1/2/3 you could "look at"/"push"/"pull" etc), and I've experienced far less glitches this time around. However I did notice the following two mistakes:


1. When you find the gold turtle try prying it out with your hook. It doesn't work. After you've solved the puzzle and it's in your inventory try it again (combine the items); guybrush tries to pry it out as if you didn't successfully get it to begin with!



Once you've got your rubber mask attached, go back to the island... you'll notice the rubber tree is still lying there despite the fact that it's been attached to your ship!



The gameplay is remarkaby good.

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Nah, there was an establishing shot before that scene that clearly showed it happened on Flotsam. I think Morgan had a motorboat or a jetski... or maybe a wizard did it.


Whatever the case, she probably used the same mysterious way of transportation to

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sneak up on Van Winslow at the end.
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Did anyone notice, when trying to sail to Flotsam Island you can't go there because of the winds, yet Morgan La Flay went there?


On the floor of the shack on Roe Island there are papers identified as "Submarine Schematics?", so perhaps Morgan somehow obtained a submarine. That's the only mode of transportation, besides swimming (or a rowboat), that doesn't require wind power, or at least the only one that comes to mind for that time period.



However I did notice the following two mistakes:


1. When you find the gold turtle try prying it out with your hook. It doesn't work. After you've solved the puzzle and it's in your inventory try it again (combine the items); guybrush tries to pry it out as if you didn't successfully get it to begin with!



Once you've got your rubber mask attached, go back to the island... you'll notice the rubber tree is still lying there despite the fact that it's been attached to your ship!



The gameplay is remarkaby good.


Well, if we're looking for glitches, I also found one.


After McGillicutty damages your regular mast and you return to Spinner Cay for repairs, Winslow will comment that Elaine and LeChuck managed to stop the blockade. Now, if you use the raft and travel to Spoon Island and try to use that cannon on the shore, Guybrush will make the same comment he made when LeChuck was using the cannon, even though LeChuck is nowhere to be found.


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On the floor of the shack on Roe Island there are papers identified as "Submarine Schematics?", so perhaps Morgan somehow obtained a submarine. That's the only mode of transportation, besides swimming (or a rowboat), that doesn't require wind power, or at least the only one that comes to mind for that time period.


That's my theory too. It's pretty much the only explanation I can think of, and seems pretty likely. Also one of the rewards to a treasure piece you can get alludes to it...

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