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The Descent

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Nothing serious, just something I did to kill a little time. ^_^



As her escape pod blasted free of the Ender Spire, Bastila Shan breathed an audible sigh of relief as it hurtled down towards the planet below. She looked out through the transparisteel viewport of her escape pod, seeing the Hammerhead Cruiser she had fled still being bombarded by the Sith ships. She knew that she would have to find somewhere to hide from the Sith forces once she reached the planet’s surface. She knew she would have to go into hiding until the Republic could send a ship to rescue her. As her escape pod broke through the atmosphere of Taris, she saw for the first time the vast metropolis that was known as the Coruscant of the Outer Rim. She was getting lower and lower, she had flown past the tips of the tallest buildings. To her horror, she saw that she was headed straight for the side of a building. As panic flooded her, she fought against her fear, remembering the Jedi Code. ‘There is no emotion, there is peace’. As she calmed herself, she reached out with the Force and tried to divert her escape pod away from the looming skyscraper towards which she was on a dead collision course. She gripped her vessel with the Force. She willed it to avoid the building that was now looming in front of her transparisteel viewport. She realized it was futile, she was falling too fast to be able to save herself that way. Refusing to give up, she reached deep into the Force again, creating an invisible wall of sorts between herself and the building. She knew she would have to time it perfectly to be able to fall safely. She closed her eyes, seeing only through the Force. She would need split-second accuracy if she was to push off of the wall of Force energy she had created to save herself from death. If she pushed from too far away, it wouldn’t be a strong enough impact. If she was too close, there simply wouldn’t be enough time.


“Not yet.” She told herself. “Not yet. Just a little longer”. She was seconds away from the collision now. “Now!” That last word echoed in her mind as she pushed out with the Force, using her own wall of energy to push back on the escape pod, knocking it out of the way of the building. However, while she was concentrating on avoiding that Tarisian skyscraper, she hadn’t considered the busy traffic lanes below. She had pushed herself right through the middle of one. An airspeeder went right into the side of her escape pod. She saw the speeder and its pilot begin the several thousand foot plummet towards the ground. The impact with the speeder had been enough to alter her course again. She was going to miss the Upper City walkways all together, and fall straight into the Lower City. She had heard that this was one of the most dangerous parts of the city.


As she fell closer and closer to the ground, she braced herself for the impact. She held on tightly to her seat, eyes shut, waiting to hit the ground. These last few hundred feet seemed to take an eternity. Then the impact finally came. Her pod ploughed through the ground, jolting and shaking. The pod must have struck something fairly large, because the very next thing Bastila knew, it had flipped over, and slammed side-first into the side of a building. She was thrown out of her seat, flying headfirst into the viewport. Daze, light-headed and groggy, Bastila tried to stand. She only partially succeeded, because she fell straight away, back into her recently vacated seat. She breathed deeply, trying to catch her breath. The fall had winded her. Then she heard a shout from outside.


“Come on, hurry up!” Bastila could sense that this boded ill for her. She realized it was a group of men there to salvage the escape pod for parts. She struggled to her feet once more as the first of the men arrived at the crashed pod. “Boys, we’ve got a live one!” The man shouted. He looked at Bastila. “Looks to be in good shape, too. Brejik’s going to like you, my lovely.” He said with a grin, showing his stained teeth.

“I don’t think so.” Bastila hissed, repulsed by this revolting specimen of humanity.


“Oh, but I do.” Said a voice behind her. She spun around, still slightly dizzy, to find herself staring down the barrel of a blaster. “Don’t worry darlin’, it’s set to stun.’


There was a flash of white light, then the next thing Bastila knew, she was waking up in a cage, surrounded by guards, bound to the bars with chains.


“Ah, you’re awake. Welcome to the Black Vulkar Base… Jedi”…

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