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Kotor Gameplay Improvement Mod


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yes, i did post this before, but i made many errors, and since i changed the name, i think it would be necessary for a new topic.


What i am going to do: Right now, i am working on getting some party members their personal items, or improve what they already have. Some may say it is too high, like missions stuff, but this would also be helpful in the future of the game. I am also adding Revan's items to the game. Currently, they are placed in the tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban. These characters will have either new personal items, improved items, or both


Party Item Improvement:







And I am going to change the AI a bit, make bosses more harder. Heres another thing. I think that the creators of Kotor made NPCs too weak, like sith soldiers or republic soldiers. For all sith or republic soldiers, except the Endar Spire, their levels will be changed from 1 to 3, and heavy troopers to 5, to make them less of pushovers. As you dont encounter Sith from the Spire until you reach the Sith Base. I also will modify the officers and Dark Jedi, who will have a higher lvl, improved feats, etc. These bosses will be modified:

Darth Malak

Darth Bandon

Darth Bastila

Saul Karath




I was thinking, some of the force powers are a little weak, don't you think? If Force Wave was to be powerful, why is it so weak? So, i am improving some of the force powers, and maybe i will add a few. You never know. But these I am definately Modifying:

Force Push

Force Wave

Saber Throw

Advanced Saber Throw



And this is not all, I am going to voice act Revan for this. At first these two will be seperated, but after i finish the items, i will start Voice acting Revan. For those who want one or both, that is why i am releasing them both together and seperate. However, i will only be able to voice act a male PC

Here is an Example conversation between Revan and a PC


Carth: Yes, what's on your mind?

PC clicks on (Do you know anything about this world?)


When the PC is choosing an option, he/she has what a pc' normal conversation animation would be, then when he/she chooses, the camera stays focused on the pc, while he/she talks. The PC will have then the conversation animation that everybody else has, whether male or female.


PC w/ voice: Do you know anything about this world?

Camera turns to Carth

Carth: I don't know much about this place, sorry.

PC chooses again. Same setup, options, and rules as explained above

PC: Never mind

Carth: You got it.


Sometimes the PC has statements/sentences that are said commonly, like what the pc said about. Things like: Never mind, ill be going now, or both together, or Do you know anything about this world will have the same voice clip. Or like when the PC asks Bastila to show him/her a vision.


There is a problem. I dont have the items or tools required to Voice act the PC yet, but i will get them as soon as i can. However, I am getting close to finishing the Party Member Item Pack, so if i get the AI finished as well, i can release part of the mod, and release the rest as a pack once i finish Voice Acting.

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This mod will skyrocket through the roof if you can get voice actors for ALL of the diferent Revans. IE: Black, White, Asian Males and Females. I don't think Asian will be that different that White though.


You ought to get Audacity. It's great for VO's. ;)


But I think that you should leave Endar Spire alone. It's hard enough by itself. I died many times on normal difficulty. :xp:



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What sort of microphone are you using? If you're investing the time to record every single line of Revan's, you should invest in a microphone that do the job properly. Don't rely on a cheap microphone to get the job done. ;)


This one is new, i got it from a local electronic store, it is similar to Best Buy. Plus, it blocks out background noise

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And this is not all, I am going to voice act Revan for this. At first these two will be seperated, but after i finish the items, i will start Voice acting Revan. For those who want one or both, that is why i am releasing them both together and seperate. However, i will only be able to voice act a male PC

Here is an Example conversation between Revan and a PC


Carth: Yes, what's on your mind?

PC clicks on (Do you know anything about this world?)


When the PC is choosing an option, he/she has what a pc' normal conversation animation would be, then when he/she chooses, the camera stays focused on the pc, while he/she talks. The PC will have then the conversation animation that everybody else has, whether male or female.


PC w/ voice: Do you know anything about this world?

Camera turns to Carth

Carth: I don't know much about this place, sorry.

PC chooses again. Same setup, options, and rules as explained above

PC: Never mind

Carth: You got it.


Sometimes the PC has statements/sentences that are said commonly, like what the pc said about. Things like: Never mind, ill be going now, or both together, or Do you know anything about this world will have the same voice clip. Or like when the PC asks Bastila to show him/her a vision.


Hm... that could probably work. Be prepared for a large amount of tedium though. I mean, LARGE.

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yeah, i know that. Unfortunately, i cant record my voice. I have just come down with the cold, of all the times, why thanksgiving break? Oh well, i do need someone else to VO Revan because my voice is too high, but i can do everything else

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thats what i am hoping for. Right now only me and JuniorModder are working on the VO, so we may need more help soon. I did finish the item pack and AI so i will release it soon once i am sure it is ready.


Oh, and if the male voicing project is successful we will hire a female PC voice actor.

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