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editing gui extension


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I can't seem to find the tool/plug-in I need to view or edit the gui extensions (in the gui.bif tree in kotortool) among the tutorials or those I've downloaded.


Is it possible to view/edit the gui extensions? What tool do I need?


I've got tk102's kgff editor in the KTool directory with its source file. It seems KTool wants to open the gui extensions, but lacks the plug in (it asks me if I've got a gff editor in the same directory as Ktool, which I do, so I don't get it).

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I've got gimp installed and that didn't open it.


I do have gmax/nwmax and mdlops on file. I've no experience with graphics editors so haven't installed it since I'm not likely to use them much. I don't even really know what gmax/nwmax is for, it was just on the tools page so I downloaded it.


The only image editing I might do is things like copying a standard tga, adding a transparency layer and pasting parts I want shiny there, and adding a txi file.


I just wanted to have a poke around the .gui files so I know what they are and how they work.


I'm in the midst of what is becoming some complicated scripting for a gameplay restoration mod (TSL was cut and simplified as we all know, it is not only story elements cut but important gameplay and balance/difficulty elements which were cut too).


Since everyone's doing restoration mods, particularly with the TSLRCM out now I think TSL is getting a new lease on life and I really want to get this mod sorted and uploaded.


I'll try PM'ing some of the old hands at the boards, I just don't like bothering them like a groupie. I can imagine some of them get enough PM's asking for things like, "Can you make me a Mod for the Ultimatekilleverythingsabre award unlimited XP and Superinvulnerablearmour kthxbye"



edit. I found a hex editor and indeed the gui is a hex file of some sort. I've no idea what I'm doing with those. I was hoping it was some sort of script attachment.

I'll assume then the gui files are editable hex templates for the game engine, but can't add things like script tags to a hardcoded process.

grrr @ obsidian for not making the level up gui a dlg script.

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I took a look at the GUI ext in kgff program....you might not need to hex edit...


What I see is there are .tgs files listed at to use to fill and use as the image.....hypothetically if you create a new colored .tga file with a different name then original and replace the old one with the new one using the kgff editor you should get the new color. ( you can't use the same name since it seems that it will always go the the original color or design.) I have not tested this yet but if you do this you will have to go to every GUI extension to make sure it goes to that new file .tga name or it might cause color issues.


Now some files only need you to change the tgs file's color and throw into the override folder. But for ones that don't I believe this will work.


Again I have not tested it yet but wanted to post this incase you wanted to test it before I do since I'm in the middle of doing some scripting for my MOd and will test this later.


Vanir, let us know if this helped and worked if you try this.:thmbup1:



If you have any questions feel free to contact me.


PS. if this works this should also allow you to have new designes for borders as long at you doing get to crazy on the design since it will still be using the placements for the original borders tgs image.



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You did help mate, now that I know what the gui ext does I realise it wasn't what I was looking for.


I'm trying to access some hardcoded script tags and of course, can't. I have some revised gameplay scripting and need it referred to as an #include somewhere, I need it at the level up GUI as a tagged script-fire but can't do that.


I'll have to go with tagging it on the heartbeat, but it means the mod will be bugged.

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