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Team: Mod Forge. Who wants to join my new mod team?

Te Darasuum Mandalor

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I decided I would form an official Mod Team! I need people to join this mod guild, we need people of different talents when it comes to modding. I decided I would name it Team Mod Forge like the Star Forge. If someone can think of a better name, feel free to share it. Here are the different talents I need.



1. Writer (The person who decides on the dialog and who does all the writing for the storyline and sends it to the modders and also designs the official website)


2. designer 1 (designs locations/planets or other areas we create for mods)


3. designer 2 (same)


4. Scripter (does the scripting and edits the dialog)


5. creator artist (draws the locations and characters in a very detailed way, we need somebody who is a very talented artist)


6. voice actors (we need alot of these guys)


7. sound director (the person who is in charge of placing together the sounds, music and voices)


8. moddler 1 (in charge of moddling and skinning)


9. moddler 2 (same)


10. Editor (Edits everything we need for the mod)


11. Character creator (somebody who is very imaginative and can create persona and design their personalities)


12 Team Leader (a big job, besides frequently checking up on modders, the modders have to send everything to him/her and places everything together and posts the mod on the internet)



If you are interested email me at <snipped>

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^^Disbeliever is correct, you need to show what you are capable of doing and then say what you would like to do.


I, for one, might be interested in this, as the only project I am *currently* working on is fairly simple, but if I signed up, what would I be helping create?


*Also note that most modders here on the forums have projects of their own. The most efficient way of making a mod, from what I have seen, is creating it yourself with a little help from others that can do things you can't*

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i agree with dis, and i was just like you when i started modding, knew how to write but nothing else, simply having ideas will not accomplish much, you should at least try out all the aspects of modding like i should have when i began, now im having to take steps backwards to finish my current mod

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^^Yeah, he has a point. I think almost every new modder has started off like this, with wonderful ideas for a giant mod, but then realizes that he will have to do most of the work himself, and drops the project, at least for a while.


I would suggest by learning things like skinning, modeling, module editing/creating, and the basics on scripting, and then come back with a mod idea with pictures of the progress that you have made.....

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8. moddler 1 (in charge of moddling and skinning)


Whats a moddler? Moddling, never heard of that...


If you like to wright, I'dd suggest to double check your spelling. There some real spelling Nazi's here on the boards. And I'm not one of them ;)


And just like the others suggest, have a try at the various aspects of modding Kotor. There's item editing, placing things around in areas... etc.


Other team members will be far more happy, to join you if they know, you're working your butt off as well. Or at least good for helping out.



Only writing won't do it. Cause you might think that's the heavy work, it's not. In fact writing out the dialogue and plot, is one of the more easier things. Its implementing and creating it all for the game, that take endless hours to get it all right, endless tweaking as well to get it perfect.


Anyway, I wish you good luck and hang in there!

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To give you an understanding:


I posted in this very forum with the idea of making Tari's Middle City, as Taris was my favorite area.


After getting the feedback I got, which was all positive, I realized no one is going to do it for you. Modding is 100% fun and hobby, and asking someone to take on a huge project for you just because YOU think its cool wont fly.


So I dusted off my 3d modeling skills and started making it myself.


Once I got to a point where I needed help with scripting, placing items and people etc, I created a WIP thread and asked for said help, and people responded.


Q and I will be doing the exact same thing with Sleheyron. We will be making the entire planet and putting it in game, and then ask the community for good scripters and programmers to make it come to life, as that is not our best area.


To sum up, read through the tutorials, find new tutorials online, ask questions, and be prepared to do 90% yourself. If you are not willing to put in that dedication and time, why should others?

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I had a cool idea for a Calo Nord expansion mod called Dark Bretheren which, after killing Calo, you take his armor and a datapad and when you go to Anchorhead cantina, somebody asks if you are calo and you reply yes, you then have to work for the exchange and then deliver goods to a planet that involves Calo's past and you must play as him from the time he escaped slavery, to the battle in Davik's hangar. This mod adds three new planets to the map as well as extended Taris and Tatooine playing time. The planets added are Hutta, Correlia, and Nar Shadda. It adds new party members while playing as Nord which include Calo himslef, Hanhhar, and a former twilek dancer turned murderer named Fharim.


I had a good Idea for three KOTOR 2 expansion mods as well! The first one is called Betrayal and involves Kreia. The Mod Begins on Korriban when after being inside the Academy and the lost tomb in Shyrack caves, Kreia says something through their bond about a new tomb that has been constructed over their visit. Kreia says it is an option and she understands if you do not wish to go. If you choose, another tomb entrence appears in a rock in the valley and you may venture down, alone. You must make your way through the corridors until Kreia again speaks through the bond that there is one final room, and after entering the room you find it to be an exact replica of the council chamber on corusaunt. The Exile however passes out. There is a cutscene back on the ship where the people ask where the Exile is and Kreia replies by saying the "tomb of betrayal." And people question if that is the same tomb as in the caves, but she says nothing, only that she must find the Exile. Now you play as Kreia in the Valley and she goes into the tomb. After fighting her way through Sith Assasins, she makes her way into the council room the Exile was in, and she finds that The Exile is dead, and in order to bring the Exile back to life, she must make peace with her past. You play as a young Kreia in the first level fighting a small battle in the Exar Kun War. Next, she must train a young Revan in the ways of the force and they fight their way through an army of training droids. The next quest is as an older Kreia, much like the current Kreia, on the Dark Surface of Malachor with Revan and Malak fighting the Mandalorians, and then, the final test involves the forming of the Sith Triumverite and you get to play as Nihilus and Sion as well as Traya Destroying Jedi. Though this never happened, it represents all the Jedi the three had killed. There is now a cutscene that shows her being Exiled from the Sith and finding T3 and the Hawk, and her finding the Exile, next she is passed out on the Ebon Hawk at Peragus. Then it shows Nihilus alone stumble upon the dead Exile's body, and the Body of Kreia who is still in her state of being. (Though she is battleing through her past, she is actually in a state of mind). Then it jumps back to the Ebon Hawk where the crew is worried, so they pick somebody to go after the Exile and Kreia (you choose) He/She is your temperary character and you journy into the tomb, and you go inside the council chamber room, only to find it isn't the council chamber, but only a mossoleum. It only appears to be a council room to Kreia and Exile. Your character finds the body of Nihilus hovering over the Exile and Kreia who wake up. The three of you battle Nihilus but then he just leaves through small door and after persueing you loose him. After asking Kreia what this place is, she says. The Tomb of Darth Traya, Lord of Betrayal. You encountered her within the tomb in the caves. Then you must leave the dark halls of Traya's tomb and return to the surface, before re-entering the tomb in the caves with Kreia and you must fight a dark version of yourself and Kreia. You return to the ship and leave Korriban forever.....



I will tell you my Hunger and Pain Mods Later.

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Whats a moddler? Moddling, never heard of that...


If you like to wrightwrite, I'dd suggest to double check your spelling. There some real spelling Nazis here on the boards. And I'm not one of them ;)



Well, I am. [sarcasm]I think he misspelled 'meddler' y'know.[/sarcasm].


Also, I am disappointed by the thread, another would-be modding team that's not even assembled, and already wanting to create new planets.

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Hmm that's quite a big team... let me cut it down a little bit.



Module Editor - designs, organizes modules.


Scripter - Scripts globals, events, triggers, etc...


Modeler - In Charge of Modeling, make some skins


Skinner - Makes skins (either in conjunction with Modeler, or by self)


Dialog Editor - Makes and fixes up dialogs. Works with scripter occasionally.


Team Leader - Should be a well versed Module Editor/Scripter/Dialog Editor.


Everything else is so easy to assemble that you might as well just assign the job randomly to one of the above said duties.


The thing about hiring "planners" for any mod team is that they have very little work cut out for them compared to... well any of the above said jobs.

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