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KOTOR Installation Error


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I tried to install KOTOR I on my new laptop but every time I try to install it, it gets to 10% and then I get this error message:


Component: Cabs US

File Group: (blank)

File: (blank)

Error: Catastrophic failure


I have 6GB RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 graphics, Intel Core 2 Duo CPU and Windows 7 64-bit. The thing works beautifully and runs games just fine with great graphics, but I can't even get KOTOR installed.


I tried running it in compatability mode, but that has not worked at all. Sometimes a different mode will give me a different error message, but it always crashes at 10%. I've looked up the error elsewhere on other forums and such, but no advice has helped me, maybe because I'm on such a new machine. I really have no idea. :confused:


My old desktop still runs the game just fine, and it's a much slower piece of crap with Windows XP. I remember I straight struggled to get it running on that, too, but I eventually figured it out and it runs perfect now. I just don't really remember what I did or if that would help me this time around. It installed fine last time. It's not a faulty disc, so I don't want a cocksure, "It's probably just scratched." reply. :rolleyes:


If anyone had a similar problem and figured it out or has any ideas as to what could be causing the error - or knows what it even means - please let me know!


Thank you kindly. :heart:

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It's probably just scratched.


J/K :p


If it installs fine on your older machine, it might be an issue with your optical drive, because that definitely looks like some sort of disk read error. Have you checked out this thread? Try installing it according to the instructions in the big print in the second post and if you're still getting that error, I'd contact Bioware support.

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Yeah, the other thread in our Tech Forum has Windows 7 in the title, and we need to get the one here in the Work Bench updated.


Windows 7 is basically Vista 2.0, so what works for Vista will usually work for it.

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Nope. No such luck. Thanks for the suggestion, but I can't get the thing installed, so the only step I can complete is the download/installation of DirectX and running the setup in compatability mode and as an administrator, which I'd tried before anyway.


I have to figure out how to get the game installed before I can worry about anything else.


Thanks though.

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I still think that it's some sort of disk read error.


I'd try contacting Bioware support. I would also try to find someone with an external USB optical drive to see if you can use it to install the game.

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