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Mod Conflicts!


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OK, I have the BOS:SR, the Recruitable Kay, Force Powers 2.0, Force Electrocution, a few of my custom .uti edits, and the "Darth Revan" mod that gives a few items. My problem is that when I go around the blast doors on the Leviathan to fight Malak, after I *lose* to him, instead of Bastila coming in and throwing her saber, Carth begins the Dialouge about how we're being captured by the Leviathan. Then, no matter what I select, the dialouge exits because mission/t3/hk/canderous aren't in my party. And I am standing there...staring at Malak.


I know I could just `warp` out of there, but I must lose to him and lose Bastila to begin the BOS:SR mod.....So either what is wrong....or what can I edit so I can spawn Drex and begin BOS:SR. (I only have kotortool, not KSE)

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This sounds like something in the actual game. The only thing I can imagine screwing around with the Leviathan is the BOS, though something like that shouldn't even touch the Leviathan. It has something to do with the conditions of the dialog, can't tell you which one, but if you can figure out how to fix the condition to say don't start Carth's "captured by the Leviathan" dialog until you have reached the Ebon Hawk or possibly split it up into it's own separate dialog file, and spawn a new Carth that uses this dialog.


What ever you do this will involve scripting, but nothing that you can't get out of the tutorials here on LF and those that were given to the public in Solomon's Revenge.


I've noticed small things like this as well through K1 and TSL but not to the point that it prevents me from going on. I think it has something to do with the PC just quickly clicking away trying to get through the dialog and sometimes (I have no idea how) it skips a dialog which also means it can be skipping critical scripts that need to be fired.


Hope this help and good luck.

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I don't know if this will help but what if you moved your override folder to somewhere else, then do the part of the game that is glitching and then put your override folder back.


If the same thing happens even when your override folder isn't there. I reccomend reinstalling the game.

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The problem is Recruitable Kay mod, there's a dialog there, lev40_carth.dlg, which repeats in other parts of the game. Read the Recruitable Kay mod readme bugs section. You will need to copy a fixed version of lev40_carth.dlg right BEFORE facing Malak in the Leviathan. If you already have another lev40_carth.dlg file in Override, you will have to switch between them.


hope that helps :thmbup1:

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But the problem is that the Carth dialouge is overriding Bastila's dialouge....not Carths dialouge about getting to the Ebon Hawk...


Look, do what he says, it is either Bastila's or Carth's dialogue which is causing the problem. Frankly you use mods at your own risk and if your not going to follow help suggestions what was the point in starting this thread?


It is also clear from the fact that you have got this error that you do not have the skill knowledge to know what would cause the conflict (else you wouldn't of got the conflict). So I'd suggest you follow suggestions instead of arguing about why things aren't effecting your problem, when it's clear to me, you wouldn't know what would, or would not cause the conflict.


My suggestion - delete Bastila and Carth's dialogue from your Override pre Malak encounter, and once you have left the Leviathan put the dialogues back in the Overide. Then see if the Drex scrip fires; however using the ammount of mods you are, carries it's own risk; you could always use the save included with BoS and edit that with KSE to get your desired charachter.

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