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Darasuum's storyline


chapter 9: Confrontation



Blaze starred at a masked John Clarke as he pulled out his weapon. "Why have you been following me? It seems like wherever I go, you're there. Tell me your name and I won't shoot!"


(note for Holty, I have confronted your character and I was thinking we could have a small duel)

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Blaze starred at a masked John Clarke as he pulled out his weapon. "Why have you been following me? It seems like wherever I go, you're there. Tell me your name and I won't shoot!


"First off, My Friend i have never seen you before in my Life" Said John, "My Name now thats a Different Matter" John Turned around and threw One of His Daggers at The Mans Pistol knocking it out of his Hand.

"Lets do this again" John said as he falls off the Roof and escaped into the shadows Below.


(P.S you said starred at the masked John clarke then asked his Name. In Future if you havnt yet been told his name just say Masked Man :p )

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Darasuum's storyline


chapter 10: The Duel



"Let me teach you some manners knave!" Blaze pulled out his sword and started dueling with the masked man. The duel took at least ten minutes with no clear winner, both men were bleeding hard. Blaze stood up after being knocked down and reached out a hand for the man in the mask. "Say, you fight well friend, you'd make a fine Pirate. I'm Edward Sharpe, but you can just call me Blaze. Now tell me, what is your name? Also, Were you the same lad I saw back at the inn a while ago? If so, then you know Alvaro Dias."

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(Fine, But in Future Before you start something like that PM me First with what your going to write k? )


2Maybe, I am Maybe im Not." Said John Clarke Putting his Two Daggers Away. "That My Friend is a Question for Another Time" He said Jumping off the Edge into a Moving Carrige. The Carrige Went off into the Distance on the Floor John Left a Scroll. On this Scroll the word Yes was Etched out.

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Darasuum's storyline


chapter 11: Recruitment



"Oh boy," Blaze said to himself, "Another mystery man! I think I need a good meal inside of me before I begin this expedition." And with that, Blaze walked towards the Queen's Inn. The Queen's Inn wasn't an ale house like most of the taverns on Port Royale, it was a gentleman's tavern, fine dining. Blaze walked in, found a seat next to the fireplace, and ordered a meal of Turkey, pork, red wine, corn, grapes, and spoon bread. When he finished his meal, he noticed four honest looking merchants enjoying a meal together.


He overheard them talking of no ventures and rarely any business opportunities. Then an idea came over Blaze, what if they could join the crew of Dias! "Hello, would any of you gentlemen want to be rich beyond your wildest dreams?"


"Doesn't every man?" One of the men asked, "In other words, yes."


"How would you fine gentleman like to assist my colleague and I on a little business venture?"


"Of coarse we would!"


"Well then, follow me, There is a covered wagon round back we can "borrow" I have a tiny bit of business I must take care of first.

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"Please, get down here and introduce yourself. You seem like a capable pirate to me."


"I am no pirate. I don't kill for pleasure, only when I must. However I will reveal myself only if you promise not to turn me in." he replied form the roof.


He took a deep breath before leaping off of the roof down to the floor below. He opened his arms up allowing the red cloak to cover the moon if you were directly under him which in this case the pirate was. He quickly rolled as soon as he was near the ground. He stood up slowly and faced the pirate he was trying to get a ride with. The white eyes of his mask looked soullessly at the pirate.


"I have no real name, only what the people call me if they see me. They call me the Red Death, El Rojo Muerto, Rojo, El Muerto, Death...I suppose if you wish to call me something you can call me Red," he replied.

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"I have no real name, only what the people call me if they see me. They call me the Red Death, El Rojo Muerto, Rojo, El Muerto, Death...I suppose if you wish to call me something you can call me Red,"


"I welcome you, then, El Muerto," Alvaro said. While Spanish was not his native tongue, it was similar enough to Portugese that he had an easier time saying El Muerto's name in Spanish. "I think I should tell you that I'm searching for a certain treasure. Your services and abilities seem useful to me. Now, I have three or four more crew members that ought to be back here soon, and then I believe we can disembark."

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I'm not adding two more people, the three men in the tavern are just crewmemhers and won't have any speaking lines


((May as well go ahead with them, then. For future reference, please PM me.))

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Darasuum's storyline


chapter 12: Seeds of a Crew



There were currently only four men on the jetty next to Dias' dingy, Nathaniel, Clarke, Red Death, and Dias. They were still waiting on Blaze and the crew he was hiring. At that moment, they were approached by three sailors, two of them looked to be middle aged or so, and the other looked to be around 20. They looked as if they wanted to join up. Nathaniel asked the captain, "These gentlemen look eager to join our meesly crew. We will need several more men to man our ship if we are to effectively sail her. I will take our new 'recruits' along with Clarke and this assassin over to the ship." And with that, they left Dias alone on the docks.


(Ping: I left your character to rap up everything else you need to on Port Royal because frankly, I believe we should get to the ship all ready and get the story moving along. Holty and CN, if you have any objections to coming aboard the ship, you could stay ahore or just PM me to edit it.)



Darasuum's storyline


chapter 13: The Chase



Blaze and his companions did indeed find a covered wagon behind the inn and hopped on, "I hope no one minds I take this. I probably won't return it, but then again, I am a pirate!" The wagon was being pulled by a black mare named Shadow who Blaze found to be very fast. they rode off to what was left of the Black Anchor Tavern. Apparently, it didn't have as much damage done to it as Blaze thought it had. The upper floor's roof was still burning and was in ruins but people were still going about their drinks on the lower floor. Blaze hopped off of the wagon and strolled over to the tavern where he saw three drunks sitting at a table telling jokes and tall tales to one another. He reconized two of them to be some of the men he fought in the bar earlier that evening, one of the men with the dagger and the other with the blade. The third man was a new face, but Blaze figured that three more men to join the crew wouldn't hurt, that would make twelve men in all, plus the three men just recruited on the docks that he didn't know about yet.


Blaze motioned for them to go over to the wagon, which they did, but then he caught the eye of a squad of seven Redcoats. "You there," the Redcoat said, "Weren't you the man who started the brawl here at approximately 11:39 PM this very night?"


Blaze thought to himself, "Oh no, I shouldn't have come back!" And motioned to the men on the wagon that he needed their help. they tossed him a blunderbuss which was already on the wagon and he shot it into the squad which bought him just enough time to hop onto the wagon, but the confusion didn't last for long. Blaze pulled out the last of his stinkpots from his satchel and threw it buying just enough time for the horse to pull the wagon down the streets. the soldiers continued to chase after them and to slow them down even more, Blaze grabbed a knife from one of his men and threw it at one of the soldiers, killing him almost instantly. Just as Blaze thought they were safe from the squad, the Redcoats mounted horses and began to ride after the wagon. One of the soldiers jumped off of his horse and on to the wagon. Blaze pulled out his sword, and after a brief duel knocked the man off the wagon. One of his companions finished loading the blunderbuss and he shot it once more into the crowd slowing them down more. The wagon neared the port gates and bursted down the doors. They were nearing the water and it seemed like it was a dead end, when Blaze had an idea, a brilliant yet stupid idea that just might work. he remembered hearing that wagons were just like boats and could float in the water, so, even though it was a tight fit, he unhitched Shadow and had her leap up onto the wagon just as it landed in the water. Sure enough, it did float and went in direction of Dias' Frigate moored in the shadows. The squad rallied more men though who began piling up in the jolly boats with guns and sabres. "Haul the wagon up!" Blaze yelled to a crewman on the ship and dropped down a harness strong enough to lift a wagon with seven men and a horse onaboard. Soon, they were safe aboard the ship.



"Men, load round shot in the swivels and fire at the boats! We will have a hell of a problem if they board us!" Blaze yelled as he led Shadow down to the livestock pen. "And get that wagon down bellow, I will sleep in there after I furnish it."


"Glad you made it Blaze!" Nathaniel said popping his head up from the gun deck, "That was quite a display you put on back in port!"


"Thank you old friend, we still have some work to due though before we set out. We have to stock the ship with supplies, hire more crew, and most importantly, find the captain!"


"Your right, I was about to go to shore and see if I can find Alvaro anywhere. Something tells me this will be a long night." And with that, Nathaniel walked in the direction of one of the rowboats.

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Alvaro noticed both Nathaniel and Blaze had boarded his ship. What the hell are they doing? Are they trying to steal my ship? Alvaro then noticed some British authorities were firing at Blaze and company. Little maggot, he's going to destroy my ship! With that, Alvaro got into a row boat and paddled as fast as he could toward his ship, boarded it rather hastily, and loaded his pistol and fired at one of the British soldiers.


"Next time, wait for me!" Alvaro fumed at Blaze. "Hoist the sail and get ready to make a get-away!"


Once the ship made a rather hasty get-away from Port Royal, Alvaro looked at the main people he had recruited - Clarke, El Muerto, Blaze, and Nathaniel Hawk.


"Come with me into my cabin, I want to explain why I recruited you guys."


Alvaro made sure that there were no eavesdroppers on the cabin, and then locked the door.


"You may or may not have heard about an Amulet, a treasure that is said to give the user near immoratality, and may have been built by the Atlanteans. This Amulet, however, is hidden away in a temple on an uncharted island. To get to this island, we need to obtain a map. There are only less than five copies of this map in existence, at least one of which has been scattered into different pieces. But, once we find the map, we still need the nine gems that attach to the Amulet, of which only very powerful individuals possess the gems. Once we find the gems and the map, we can get the treasure. Any questions?"

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Nathaniel was the first to pipe up, "Atlantis you say? How. Much do you exactly do you know about this artefact? What if it could have a power to destroy life as we know it? Hmm? I have an old friend by the name of Clement Aurentis. Twenty five years ago, he helped me find an ancient Aztec treasure and a lost temple. He can translate ancient texts. I don't think we will find anybody with an education like his in 100 years! Maybe we should stop by his er, home and he could translate. He doesn't have to join the crew, he's far too old anyway, but his knowllege could help drasticly."

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((@Holty: You're in the cabin with everyone else, not outside on the deck. Not to be rude or anything, but please pay attention to what's going on))


Alvaro simply looked at Nathaniel after he suggested to drop by his friend's house.


"That simply won't be needed at present. Maybe after we find most of the map, but remember that if it was made by the Atlanteans, I have my doubts anyone can translate it, unless of course the map has been translated by someone else." Alvaro did have to admit, however, that is was rather unlikely any of the map was translated. On the other hand, Alvaro had heard rumors of an English translation of the map - much to his annoyance, wishing that someone had put it in his native language of Portugese - though whoever had done it was probably dead by now.


"And what I said about the artifact is what I know. It simply grants the owner near-immortality. Nothing more, nothing less. I also happen to have a rival that's trying to get the amulet himself. From what I've gathered, he probably has or is very close to getting one of the maps. However, I know something he doesn't know - I know where one of the gems is." Alvaro paused, allowing that fact to sink in.


"There is one problem with that, however. The person who owns it is a French privateer. I have met him in combat before, and he cost me my old crew," Alvaro paused again, remembering that brutal skirmish. Given, his old crew was technically MIA, but he wasn't putting his chances on them living. "I have however, inflicted some damge on his crew and his ship. He's good anough that we might not win even now, but we may just have a chance. If we don't win, we'll have to gamble on getting captured and imprisoned, but at least we'll still have a chance for the gem."

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One of the crewmemhers rushed into the cabin without nocking. " Sir, three English sloops twelve guns on each, closing in fast!"


Blaze ran outside of the cabin and up to the helm where the pilot maneuvered the vessel as best he could. The ships were closing in fast. However, since Blaze was by far one of the most senior crew members on the ship next to maybe Nathaniel and Alvaro though he knew next to nothing about him, he could tell that one was indeed a twelve gunned sloop. The two other ships were a sixteen gunned lugger and an eighteen gunned schooner, obviously the flagship. Dawn was approaching, so they had to work fast. Blaze rushed back down to the cabin where he found Clarke, Hawk, Muerta, Dias, and the crewmember. "He's right, three light ships closing in. We are out-sailed and outgunned! We need to get all thirty-five of our small crew to the guns!

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((Te Darasuum, I believe I said in the Casting Call rules No one-liner posts. You really need to greatly expand your post. As a suggestion, you could also have one of your characters respond to my character's explanation.))

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Do you mind if my friend joins the rp?


((If he wants to join, then he should simply post in the Casting Call. Anyone can join at any time. And if he wants to join, then I expect him to ask it to me from himself, and not through somebody else. And please put (( )) for out of character conversations. For future reference, try not to make enemies come out of the blue. It's rather disruptive when your character is trying to explain something. Please. Be. Patient!!!))




" Sir, three English sloops twelve guns on each, closing in fast!"


Alvaro sighed. Seemed like he would have to wait for his crew members to finish their questions. He ran up on to the deck. There were three ships closing in, one of which was slightly whead of the others. Alvaro at first thought they could engage the ships in combat, but then decided it was better to outrun them, and possibly lure one of the ships away from the group.


"Make sure the wind is directly behind us! I do not want to engage all three ships!" Alvaro yelled to the crew. Although he believed that having a skirmish would give the crew some experience, Alvaro was smart enough to know there would be no experience if they all died in one battle.

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Nathaniel Spoke up, "Alvaro, we only have a small crew, and the sloop has almost reached us. Our crew is better at fighting than theirs, I can tell by their unorginization. Maybe if we attack, we could recruit the men to join our crew and we would have a better chance fighting that privateer friend of yours. Its up to you if you still want us to flee."

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Alvaro simply looked at Nathaniel. The sloop's crew looked far from "disorganized." They may have been a bit hasty, but they certainly didn't look disorganized. It was the British Navy - possibly the most powerful in the world.


"I am simply trying to lure one of the ships away from the others," Alvaro explained to Nathaniel. "Once we do that, we can engage the sloop closest to us. Order everyone to man the cannons, now!" After a few minutes of dodging cannonballs and outmaneuvering the British sloop, Alvaro belived the crew was ready to engage.


"Steady....Steady....FIRE!!!" At Alvaro's order, his ship's cannons roared and shot their projectiles into the British sloop. Alvaro saw men fly like ragdolls and splinters fly everywhere on the opposing ship. Then the sloop returned fire. Alvaro immediately hit the deck and barely avoided a flying splinter.


"Fire, again!" Alvaro called out. His ship returned fire, and even more men on the other side went flying or were split in half.


"Get your weapons out, we're getting ready to board," Alvaro said, hoping the crew could get on the deck in time.

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