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Shinobi: The Rising Darkness

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((are they departing for the mission right now?))


Naruto sat at his desk, organising a collection of folders - each one displaying a thumbnail profile photograph of the individual. So far, he had Karela, Takeda and Akagi assigned; in addition to Ryuu and Kaneda imported from the Masurao Academy. There was one more member he was expecting a reply from - a member from the Hyuga clan.


He could have made things easier and selected Takeda as the main Jonin. But Naruto was aware there was something not at ease with the man. Therefor sending a second Jonin would be conventional enough. Besides, they could gather more information if the two Jonin split the team up.


There was a knock on his door.


"Enter." he replied.


Dren, the member from the Hyuga clan he was expecting entered the office. Naruto crossed his fingers.


"Its good to see you Dren." Naruto read his file. "I have come to understand that you are close to becoming a Jonin. You must be aware that there is a prerequisite before undergoing the examinations."

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((Not yet. I was going to have them all assemble in the Hokage's office and have a discussion with the Hokage before leaving. I was also wondering, do you think we could somehow include Tategami in the Rp?))


"I have come to understand that you are close to becoming a Jonin. You must be aware that there is a prerequisite before undergoing the examinations."


Dren crossed his arms and nodded. "I was told that there was some sort of requirement for this mission and I would like to know what it is. I was also told by the clan that you had people searching the archives for awhile but that they stopped searching a short while ago. It is my conclusion that you didn't manage to find anything worth finding in the acrchives."

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((yeah :) I can put up his character sheet up soon. And sorry for the delay))


"I was told that there was some sort of requirement for this mission and I would like to know what it is. I was also told by the clan that you had people searching the archives for awhile but that they stopped searching a short while ago. It is my conclusion that you didn't manage to find anything worth finding in the acrchives."


"Or simply on halt. We need to gather more data." Naruto closed the folder, and rested his chin on his hands. "We have been given a report of the existance of an unknown force. Not clear as to whether it is a syndicate or organisation. We do not know what their motives are, or what they are after."


Naruto looked out the window, overlooking the village. Tents were dotted all over the training fields. "They have just recently attacked a Samurai Village, and as of now the surviving villagers are taking refuge here in Konoha. We are dispatching a recon team to the Village, to gather more information on the group we are dealing with."


He turned back to Dren. "There also another reason why I chose you for this assignment. I want you to keep an eye on the one named Takeda; he is a Jonin accompanying on the mission. Once the mission is complete, I expect a report on his behaviour patterns and performance. He cannot know I asked you to do this."




"The Hokage hasn't decided on who will be joining us but he did say he was working on a team. I know Akagi and some of his men may join us while the others remain at the village."


"Akagi?" Kaneda echoed with excitement. "He's here? How is he--" he stopped short, because he realised he already had the answer to his question. Afterall, he too would feel a little shaken if his village was attacked and liberated of its population.


Ryuu eyed Kaneda strangely. Kaneda exchanged glances. "What?"


"Did I not tell you breakfast was a very important meal of the day?" Ryuu noted, acknowledging the grumbling sounds of Kaneda's stomach. Kaneda looked sheepish.


"Heh... so you did." he turned to Karela. "Come on, you! I'm starving, and theres a lot to catch up on."

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"There also another reason why I chose you for this assignment. I want you to keep an eye on the one named Takeda; he is a Jonin accompanying on the mission. Once the mission is complete, I expect a report on his behaviour patterns and performance. He cannot know I asked you to do this."


Dren nodded. "As you command Hokage." He was about to leave when he paused for a moment. "I understand that I will be working with the one known as Karela. The one who destroyed our home nearly a year ago."


He stared the Hokage straight in the eyes. "I lost someone very dear to me when she attacked the village. If she does turn against us once again I will not hesitate to take action against her."





"Come on, you! I'm starving, and theres a lot to catch up on."


Karela smiled and walked after Kaneda and then turned around to look at Takeda and Ryuu and motioned for them to follow her. "I'm sure that you two would be welcome to join us. The more the merrier I always say."


She took a quick look around. "Speaking of more...I wonder where Asuka and Akagi got to. Well...Akagi is most likely with his remaining samurai but I haven't seen Asuka in awhile."

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"The Hokage hasn't decided on who will be joining us but he did say he was working on a team. I know Akagi and some of his men may join us while the others remain at the village."


Takeda let out a slight grunt, but said nothing more. He wanted to see who this "Jonin" was, and why he wasn't good enough. Did the Hokage think he was still too weak? Had he not proven that wrong this past year? Takeda shook his head and kept quiet as the others talked.

"I'm sure that you two would be welcome to join us. The more the merrier I always say."


"I'll pass for now. I think I'll speak with Akagi and his men...besides I'm certain the two of you have much to catch up on," Takeda said with a small smile hidden behind his mask.

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"I'll pass for now. I think I'll speak with Akagi and his men...besides I'm certain the two of you have much to catch up on,"


Kaneda nodded. "Alright. Well, its good to see you Takeda." he said. "I'll catch up with you later..."


Ryuu decided to follow. "I might acompany." he added. "I hear Konoha has pretty decent ramen compared to other villages."


So they made it to their favourite ramen bar in the village. Kaneda snapped the attached-chop sticks with a flick of his hand and began digging into the bowl infront of him.


"I miss that taste. And aroma." he added. Ryuu stayed silent the whole time. Kaneda turned to Karela. "How have you been this past year? Sorry about not replying to those last few letters: you might understand what its like to be under preasure with examinations."

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"How have you been this past year? Sorry about not replying to those last few letters: you might understand what its like to be under preasure with examinations."


Karela was just about to dig into her bowl of ramen before pausing for a bit.


"I've been pretty good this past year. I managed to pick up a few combat techniques from the samurai and I even got my own set of samurai armor from Akagi." She said with a smile remembering how proud she was when she had been given her armor.


"As for the letters...Its alright. I was actually about to apologize to you for not sending more of them then I did. I was so busy helping out Akagi's village I barely had time to write."


She smiled at Kaneda. "I...It's really good to see you again Kaneda. I've been looking forward to seeing you for quite awhile."

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"I...It's really good to see you again Kaneda. I've been looking forward to seeing you for quite awhile."


"I'll say..." Kaneda added. "Seems like the both of us had lead pretty busy lives. I'm glad we can see each other in person, rather than having to rely on letters for communication."


There were alot of things on Kaneda's mind right now - things he didnt really want to discuss infront of Karela with Ryuu's presence. One thing running through his head was when he told Karela his feelings the previous year. The other thing was him coping with a part of Hokage Naruto's demon inside of him. He often wondered how Karela, a Jinchuuriki herself, coped with it all.


"I'm glad to see you too Karela." he smiled. "So... what did I miss out on? I hear Takeda's gone abit... funny lately..."

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"So... what did I miss out on? I hear Takeda's gone abit... funny lately..."


Karela looked down at her ramen as her discussions with Takeda came to the top of her head. "Yeah...Ever since I met up with him hes been acting a bit...off."


She looked over at Kaneda. "I think that hes angry. I've had a few discussions with him and I don't like what I've heard from him. I think hes mad that you and I left the village at the end of the Arashi crisis. This is just a theory mind you."

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Takeda watched the three walk for a few seconds before turning to go his own way. He wanted to check and see how the samurai were doing. The sooner they left the village, the better. He stopped when he found Akagi and the other samurai. He observed Akagi and his fellow samurai. Takeda was always impressed at how skilled they were at fighting. He approached his friend after a few minutes.


"It is good to fight by your side again Akagi," Takeda said.

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"I think that hes angry. I've had a few discussions with him and I don't like what I've heard from him. I think hes mad that you and I left the village at the end of the Arashi crisis. This is just a theory mind you."


Kaneda stared into his ramen bowl, suddenly losing his appetite. He instead played with the ramen noodles floating in the solution. It was because of some sudden guilt that he had abandoned his team mates.


"I thought he would have been happy for us." Kaneda replied. "I mean, we all have our own lives to lead. He became a jonin, you went with the samurai, I pursued my own goals." Kaneda defended.


"And anyway, what about Asuka?" Kaneda smirked. "Before I left, those guys couldnt keep their hands off each other. I'm sure he would have been a little preoccupied... or did something happen between them?"

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"It is good to fight by your side again Akagi,"


Akagi turned to Takeda and raised his eyebrow in suprise. He hadn't heard Takeda approach him.


"It's an honor to fight with you again Takeda. I'm sorry that we were to busy to say this earlier but...the villagers, my men and I are glad that you decided to help us fight the mysterious enemy that attacked our village. And if you are willing, we would be honored if you decide to help us when the time comes to take back our village."





"I mean, we all have our own lives to lead. He became a jonin, you went with the samurai, I pursued my own goals."


"Some people have a hard time accepting that." Karela said in agreement. "But sometimes I wonder....what would have happened if we had all stayed together in the hidden leaf?"


"Before I left, those guys couldnt keep their hands off each other. I'm sure he would have been a little preoccupied... or did something happen between them?"


Karela looked down at her ramen and frowned. "From what I can tell Takeda is angry at her as well. And Asuka is somewhere in the village but I haven't seen her for awhile. We actually encountered her when we were fighting to save Akagi's village and she came back with us."

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Asuka was meditating by a tree with legs crossed. As she meditated, she started to think about Takeda. All that they've been through and all the adventures they had. Deep down, he knew that she still loved her. And that she loved him. He probably didn't want to admit it.


"Why don't you just end your life...?" a demon said to her, that was in a black mist form. "He will never love you like he did before. Why waste your time? Time and life doesn't matter anymore..."


Asuka glared with her eyes closed still. "Go back to the shadows of the abyss, demon. I will hear nothing that you have to say to me. I found my peace. I will find a way to be with Takeda again. Even if he doesn't love me anymore..."


"You poor, misguided child. Takeda has given up on you. Face the facts. You know this to be true. Until we meet again..."


The demon laughed, and faded away. Asuka opened her eyes, sitting still with tears streaming down her blinded, angry eyes. "He still loves me. I know it..."

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"Some people have a hard time accepting that." Karela said in agreement. "But sometimes I wonder....what would have happened if we had all stayed together in the hidden leaf?"


Kaneda couldn't help but feel the same; if simply staying in Konoha would make any difference at all.


"If we had not gone our seperate ways, where do you think the Samurai would be had you not stayed with them?" Kaneda added. "Had you and Ryuu sensai not be there, their numbers would have trully shrunk."


"Its part of a growing experience, as well." Ryuu added to the conversation. "Of course you and Kaneda had to depart ways. It gives you a chance to for new challenges and experiences. Dont blame yourself for what others may think. In the end, its what you do that really matters."


"For example; I left the Samurai, because I felt I was not one of them. So I decided to try out something new. And here I am today, eating Ramen with my student and his friends."


Kaneda finished the last of his Ramen bowl.


"I have to go see my family... and prepare for what awaits me." Kaneda said dreadfully. "Most likely the loud bangs of party poppers, streamers and raining confetti all over me."

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"It's an honor to fight with you again Takeda. I'm sorry that we were to busy to say this earlier but...the villagers, my men and I are glad that you decided to help us fight the mysterious enemy that attacked our village. And if you are willing, we would be honored if you decide to help us when the time comes to take back our village."


Takeda bowed to Akagi. Even though he was his friend too, Takeda did not feel as if the samurai had abandoned him. He always knew Akagi would return to his village, and was honored at how much he helped the Leaf village.


"It would be an honor to assist you in that Akagi," Takeda said.

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"I have to go see my family... and prepare for what awaits me. Most likely the loud bangs of party poppers, streamers and raining confetti all over me."


Karela had to laugh at that. "You say that like its a bad thing Kaneda. And I'm sure your family really missed you while you were gone." Karela said as she finished her own bowl of ramen and stood up. "I'm going to go and talk to the Hokage before I head home. I plan on finding out whats going on now that the samurai are here in the village."




"It would be an honor to assist you in that Akagi,"


Akagi smiled. "When the time comes for us to fight to take back our home we will let you know. But in the meantime...a few of my men would like to train with you if it is alright with you."

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Asuka stood up and walked away from her spot. As she walked, she spotted Takeda and Akagi. She desperately wanted Kaneda to know that she never really abandoned him. However it was going to turn out, she'd still keep trying.


The young girl breathed calmly with eyes closed. "I can do this. I can do this..." She opened her eyes and walked towards them. She then stood a few feet from Takeda and Akagi.


"Hey, guys," Asuka said, smiling sheepishly, "How are you guys doing?"

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"When the time comes for us to fight to take back our home we will let you know. But in the meantime...a few of my men would like to train with you if it is alright with you."


Takeda thought about this for a moment. They probably had some time, seeing that Kaneda would probably want to visit his family. A training session seemed like the perfect thing to do while he waited.


"That is perfectly fine with me Akagi," Takeda said.


"Hey, guys," Asuka said, smiling sheepishly, "How are you guys doing?"


Takeda's body stiffened up at the sound of Asuka's voice. The last time she had spoken to him, she had stated she sent him a letter...one he never received. He wanted to believe her, and part of him did. It was just he had been under the impression she had abandoned him like the others did. He didn't know what to think anymore.


"For the moment alright," Takeda replied switching to the cold emotionless tone. He mentally scolded himself and let out a sigh. "A few of Akagi's men were going to train with me, you are more than welcome to join us," he added in, his tone much softer than before.

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"You say that like its a bad thing Kaneda. And I'm sure your family really missed you while you were gone."


"You know me; I hate suprises." Kaneda added simply. "But, yeah I still missed them."


"I'm going to go and talk to the Hokage before I head home. I plan on finding out whats going on now that the samurai are here in the village."


Kaneda nodded. He stood up and gave Karela a hug goodbye. "I'll see you later then. Oh yeah, before I forget: I received word that Tategami-sensei has just came back from his mission. He'll give you an even BIGGER hug than mine... and thats not necassarily in a good way."


He turned and walked back to his home, where his parents were waiting for his arrival.

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"That is perfectly fine with me Akagi,"


Akagi smiled under his helmet and slapped Takeda on the back lightly. "That is excellent news Takeda. I'm sure that my men and my villagers will greatly appreciate the help...but now...Shijra would like to spar with you."


A samurai wearing black armor stepped forward and nodded respectfully at Takeda. "I am told that you are a great fighter. I saw you fight at the village and now I would like to spar with you."


"Hey, guys,"


Akagi looked over at the newcomer and it took him a few seconds to recognize her. "Asuka..." He said with a smile. "It is good to see you again."


"A few of Akagi's men were going to train with me, you are more than welcome to join us,"


"Yes..." Akagi said with a smile. "It has been quite a while. Like Takeda said you are welcome to spar with us."




"I'll see you later then. Oh yeah, before I forget: I received word that Tategami-sensei has just came back from his mission. He'll give you an even BIGGER hug than mine... and thats not necassarily in a good way."


Karela returned the hug and smiled. "I'll be sure to be on the lookout for Tategami. But you do know that he'll most likely go after you first." She said with a smile as she turned and headed for the Hokage's building.

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"I am told that you are a great fighter. I saw you fight at the village and now I would like to spar with you."


Takeda returned the nod and got into a defensive stance. Akagi was a very skilled fighter, and if this Shijra was from the same village he knew this samurai would be just as good.


"Would you prefer unarmed combat, or with weapons for this sparring match?" Takeda asked.

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"For the moment alright," Takeda replied switching to the cold emotionless tone. He mentally scolded himself and let out a sigh. "A few of Akagi's men were going to train with me, you are more than welcome to join us," he added in, his tone much softer than before.


Asuka looked at Takeda sadly and looked down. Then she had an idea. "If I say yes, maybe this'll be a chance to win his heart back..." She looked back up and quietly replied with a smile, "Yes. Yes, I'd like that very much."


"Asuka..." He said with a smile. "It is good to see you again."


"Akagi!" She hugged him with a smile. "Good to see you again." After that, she smiled at the two and the samurai.

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Naruto smiled, as he looked at the list of team members assigned. Organising Ninjas to various missions and organising scheduals was a complicated business; he was glad to be finally rid of the task. For the week, at least.


He stared at the names on the list.




Takeda KUEI





Karela [insert surname] ((Your character doesnt seem to have a surname, Chev haha))

Asuka KYO







The classic eight-man squad, in Naruto's thoughts. Reminded him of the good old days when he was a genin. Then fast forwarding to the present, a year ago - when most of these named individuals were knuckle-headed allies. A year has passed, things will no doubtly be different.

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"Would you prefer unarmed combat, or with weapons for this sparring match?"


"I would prefer that we use swords and only swords. And if you will allow it I would prefer that you do not use any jutsu. I wish to see how good you are with a sword and nothing else."


Shijra walked forward and pulled a large sword off his back and held it in front of him.


"We may proceed when you are ready."



"Good to see you again."


Akagi smiled as Asuka hugged him and he patted her on the back. "It is good to see you as well Asuka." He said as he looked over the samurai who were watching Takeda. "If you wish to spar with someone feel free to ask."




Karela jumped from branch to branch as she headed for the hokage's building. She quickly and quetly landed on one of the tree branches outside the building. She could see the Hokage was working on a list, most likely a list of the ninja who would be sent on the mission.


Karela quietly snuck in the open window as quietly as she could and looked over the list before tapping the Hokage on his shoulder.


"So hokage...I see that you made up a list for the mission. Any idea as to when we're going to be heading back to Akagi's village?"

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"Yes. Yes, I'd like that very much."


Takeda nodded his head in approval. He was glad to see Asuka still had a will to fight. He turned his attention back to his samurai opponent who issued a swords only challenge. While he didn't have an actual sword, he could easily make one. Takeda was certain using his jutsu for the sole purpose of creating a sword would not bother the samurai as he still planned on sticking to the sword's only challenge.


"We may proceed when you are ready."


Takeda closed his eyes and concentrated on a sword. He began creating the handle then worked on creating the blade. Within a matter of seconds he had finished creating his ice sword. The sword itself was of average height, no where near as large as his opponent's. He took a defensive stance and opened his eyes.


"I'm ready," Takeda said.

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