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Shinobi: The Rising Darkness

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"Akagi! It's time we get going. If you could do you think you could have a few of your men cover us? I don't want anyone sneaking up on us."


Akagi nodded, but said nothing. A lot had happened in such a short period of time, and he couldn't afford to think too much about it. He still had the villagers to protect, and he wouldn't.....couldn't, let them down.


He looked to a nearby retainer warrior, "Form up on the road! We need to get a protective force around the villagers...no stragglers and no intruders get in. Keep them together."


Taking a deep breath, Akagi turned on his heel on the way to one of the convoy's flanks, when he suddenly saw Asuka.


A brief smile came to his face, "Asuka! What in heaven and earth are you doing this far in my lands!! It has been a long time indeed!"

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"I apologize Karela for what happened earlier. I had not rested in a bit, and I was a bit drained from the clones and the dragon. Takai will not take over, I can assure you of this,"


"That is not what I'm concerned about Takeda."


Karela stared Takeda right in the eyes. "First of all Takeda...congratulations on your promotion to Jonin. You really earned it during the battle against Gatoa." Karela smiled briefly and then the smile turned to a frown.


"And now I'm going to bring up my main concern. Takeda...I'm sorry that you have to hear this from me but I was really suprised and disappointed by the way you spoke to Asuka. Asuka helped us against the Arashi and without her we might not have been able to beat them."


Karela shook her head.


"What has she done to deserve that kind of treatment?"

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"What has she done to deserve that kind of treatment?"


She left me...you all did


Takeda simply crossed his arms, refusing to let his guard down. He wouldn't let his guard down, he wouldn't be soft.


"I meant no disrespect. Asuka is a talented fighter, and I would be honored to fight alongside her once more...to fight alongside all of you. If that was it, then I should go scout ahead," he said to Karela in the same emotionless tone.

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"I meant no disrespect. Asuka is a talented fighter, and I would be honored to fight alongside her once more...to fight alongside all of you. If that was it, then I should go scout ahead,"


Karela continued staring at Takeda. "Takeda...what happened to you? You seemed...happier a year ago then you are now. I don't know what happened to you since I left the village but I think something changed inside you."


She looked over at Asuka and then back at Takeda.


"Takeda...you can tell me what happened. I swear I won't tell anyone else."

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"Takeda...what happened to you? You seemed...happier a year ago then you are now. I don't know what happened to you since I left the village but I think something changed inside you."


Takeda let his arms drop as he stared at Karela. What had happened to him? That was an excellent question. Many things had happened to him since Karela and the others left the village.


Takeda had become a Jonin, and even taught some Genin. However the Genin all viewed Takeda as too tough on them, that he was constantly pushing them to their limits.The problem wasn't in his intentions, more how he went about it. Since the others left, Takeda has had a difficult time getting to know others. He fears he'll get connected to someone, only for them to leave him.


His missions were much different from when he was a Chunin. That wasn't a problem for Takeda. The problem was once again in his actions. He usually took missions to take down dangerous shinobi. He would not show emotion during any encounter, only the determination to complete the mission.


"Takeda...you can tell me what happened. I swear I won't tell anyone else."


Her words, they were reassuring...like she understood. His hands tightened into fists. He couldn't let his guard down, he wouldn't be abandoned again.


"Not again," Takeda said turning away.

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((Alright, time for us to reach the mountains.))


"Not again,"


Karela shook her head in confusion. She couldn't figure out for the life of her what was wrong with Takeda. Although she was still curious and very worried about him, she couldn't spend anymore time on him. They were coming close to the mountains and once they arrived she would have to discuss what to do next with Akagi and his remaining samurai.


"Well Takeda...I have to get going. I need to discuss our next move with Akagi and his men. If you wish to join the meeting and offer your own ideas then your more then welcome to."


She turned to look at the villagers and then turned back to Takeda. "If you ever do want to discuss whatever it is that is bothering you then you can always talk to me."


Karela then walked away and moved to where Akagi was. "I don't think the enemy shinobi are following us anymore, if they really wanted to then they would have caught up to us by now. We're only a few minutes from the mountains and I want to have a meeting with you and your men about what our next move is once we arrive."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Takeda took off the second Karela looked away from him. Running would help clear his head. He said he would scout ahead and he intended to do just that. Karela wanted to get Akagi's people to the mountains, and he would make sure nothing was waiting for them there. He was enjoying the quiet as he moved from tree to tree. That was until he heard an all too familiar chuckle. He ignored his demonic brother and stopped once he reached the mountains.


Ice is a powerful element Takeda. It is cold and deadly yet at the same time elegant and beautiful. You can use your abilities to be on the attack, like a deadly storm. Or you can defend others and yourself like a mountain.

His mother's words echoed in his head.


Takeda shook his head, lost in his past. He checked the area, and made sure there weren't any hidden attackers. After deeming the surrounding area safe he took off back towards the others. He stopped running once he reached the others. The first person he saw was Ryuu.


"The journey from here to the mountains is safe. We won't encounter any attackers," Takeda reported.

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((Alright, CQ gave me permission to take over Akagi until he comes back.)


"The journey from here to the mountains is safe. We won't encounter any attackers,"


Karela overheard the conversation and walked over to Takeda. "Good job Takeda. Now that we know the road ahead is safe the villagers can rest for a bit and we can discuss our next move."


She turned to look at all of the villagers and then back to Akagi, Takeda and the mysterious man who had assisted them back at the village.


"Takeda, I would really appreciate it if you could volunteer some possible ideas about what to do." She then turned to look at the mysterious stranger who had helped them. "If you have any ideas about what to do I would love to hear them as well."


A few minutes later


Akagi's men were watching over the villagers and handing out rations to them while Karela and Akagi moved over to the side so the villagers couldn't overhear the meeting. She beckoned Takeda and the stranger over toward her and Akagi.


"Alright Akagi, I know you must be angry about what happened to your village...but I need to hear some ideas that don't involve us going back to the village. What do you think we should do?"


Akagi paused for a moment. "In all honesty, I don't know what to do. We never anticipated that our village would be attacked. I would like to hear the ideas of the others before I decide anything."

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"In all honesty, I don't know what to do. We never anticipated that our village would be attacked. I would like to hear the ideas of the others before I decide anything."


Takeda nodded his head and began to do just that. His first thought was to bring the villagers to Leaf Village. However with Zarela back, that might not be a good idea.


You know thinking is difficult for you


Quiet you


I'm just trying to help Takeda


I don't buy it, and I don't need it


Takeda's eyes were beginning to blacken as Takai attempted to take control. Takeda shook his head violently and his eyes reverted back to their normal state.


"Perhaps we should bring the villagers to Yoroi and his village. I do not believe Zarela knows where that is," Takeda suggested.

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"The journey from here to the mountains is safe. We won't encounter any attackers,"


Ryuu nodded, the wind blowing in his face. The villagers should be safe, hidden within the caverns of the mountain.


Karela approached Takeda, open to suggestions as to what to do next. She turned to Ryuu, with the same question. Takeda was the first to respond.


"Perhaps we should bring the villagers to Yoroi and his village. I do not believe Zarela knows where that is,"


"We must also not rush into action. We dont know who these people are. Otherwise, they would not have sent me on a recon mission. If we find out exactly who or what we are dealing with, we can build a strategy. We need somewhere with a vast archive to determine who it is."

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"Perhaps we should bring the villagers to Yoroi and his village. I do not believe Zarela knows where that is,"


Karela shook her head. "For all we know, Yoroi's village may have already been attacked, it is also possible that Yoroi does not know of the attacks yet. As soon as I get back to the hidden leaf village I'll send a message to his village warning him about the attacks, but until then we need to take the villagers somewhere we know is safe."


"We must also not rush into action. We dont know who these people are. Otherwise, they would not have sent me on a recon mission. If we find out exactly who or what we are dealing with, we can build a strategy. We need somewhere with a vast archive to determine who it is."


Karela looked toward the villagers and sighed heavily. "We know a few things about our enemy. They seem to be coordinated, when they attacked the village they went right past the villagers and went directly for the samurai."


Karela shuddered slightly as she thought of Zarela.


"And it appears that they have the ability to bring people back from the dead. I know of only one type of jutsu that does that and from what I saw they weren't using it. This jutsu was something new."

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((Still in! Been hectic and busy... >< ))


Asuka stood there, ashamed and saddened. Now Takeda hated her. It was her fault. All her fault...


"No! I will not let negativity get to me. But I know what I must do." She turned to walk away, away from the others. She knew that everything changed. Even her friends and Takeda. They just didn't see that she had peace within her now.


"What happened? I mean I meditated and finally found peace within myself. But... why can't I just make things right?" She sighed and continued to walk.

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Takeda looked up to see Asuka. It looked like she was walking away from the group. Takeda turned his head trying not to notice.


Letting her get away?


Takeda ignored him and listened to the others.


I can feel her sadness. I can feel her regret Takeda...must be our bond.


Takeda looked back up at where Asuka was walking. "Do you have an idea on what we should do Asuka?" Takeda asked her.


Takai smirked inside Takeda's soul. He had drained Karela a year ago. Perhaps there was still a little trace of that in her. There was only one way to find out.


Karela... A cry Takeda couldn't hear. An attempt to communicate with Karela's mind.

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"And it appears that they have the ability to bring people back from the dead. I know of only one type of jutsu that does that and from what I saw they weren't using it. This jutsu was something new."


"I dont know of any group that fits with that description." Ryuu added. "Nor one that uses that particular category of forbidden justu as their signature."


He walked to the edge of the cliff, and gave a small rock a little kick down below. "Can match similarities with familiar organisations and syndicates, but... or perhaps they have advanced and developed new battle stradegies. Too difficult to decypher."


"Arashi are probably out of the question. Not many remnants left around the world to sustain themselves. Their prime motive was harvesting, to make themselves stronger."


He turned back to Karela. "Once we get these people to safety, you will probably need to consult with other villages. Konoha might have a large enough archive to determine who they are. Or perhaps even the Jōmae Village , but there it may be difficult to negotiate with them."

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Inside Karela's mind, two large red eyes slowly opened and looked around for where the voice was coming from. I'm sorry...my host is a bit busy right now. Whatever you want to tell her you can tell me. A slightly angry voice replied. Karela's sealed beast hated it when people attempted to communicate with her the way takai was. It always woke her up.


"Arashi are probably out of the question. Not many remnants left around the world to sustain themselves. Their prime motive was harvesting, to make themselves stronger."


Karela nodded in agreement. From what she had heard when Gatoa had been killed most of the Arashi had vanished into the criminal underworld.


"Once we get these people to safety, you will probably need to consult with other villages. Konoha might have a large enough archive to determine who they are. Or perhaps even the Jōmae Village , but there it may be difficult to negotiate with them."


Karela, who was busy talking with Akagi and the others couldn't hear the banter going on between her tailed beast and Takai thanks to the bijuu's actions.


"I was actually thinking that we could head to the hidden leaf village and see if they can give them shelter. The hidden leaf is one of the larger villages and it may have enough room. As for this other village...I've never heard of it before."

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"Do you have an idea on what we should do Asuka?" Takeda asked her.


Asuka glanced back, looking at Takeda. She came back, only to have an upset expression on her face. "You know what, Takeda? Before I answer your question, I have something really important to tell you. I know you still don't want to talk to me after the Shinobi incident, but that's fine. I have no reason to feel guilty. You know why? Because I sent a letter to you, saying that I was going to visit the monks to help me find inner peace with myself and that I would come back to the village. But you never wrote back. I was upset and stayed in that temple until I was free from my split personality side. I thought something terrible happened to you that day! I still love you, even if you hate me.


And that previous question you asked about what we should do? We should have all our family and friends back together. That's what we should do!" And with that, she stormed off, and sat by a river, looking down with tears streaming down.

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"I was actually thinking that we could head to the hidden leaf village and see if they can give them shelter. The hidden leaf is one of the larger villages and it may have enough room. As for this other village...I've never heard of it before."


"Jōmae is a village located within the Land of Keys. The shinobi residing there are experts in espionage and reconaissance. Arguably, they have the biggest information network in all of the Shinobi World."


"Of course, their services are not cheap. Their Information is a currency to them; it is their weapon. Their defence. And they would rather die then expose their secrets. Well, secrets regarding the safety for their entire village understandably."


Ryuu paced closer to Karela. "If this threat is outside their boundaries, then negotiation may be possible. But like I said: it wont be cheap. They will want something in exchange."

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"Of course, their services are not cheap. Their Information is a currency to them; it is their weapon. Their defence. And they would rather die then expose their secrets. Well, secrets regarding the safety for their entire village understandably."


Karela nodded. Any true shinobi would rather die than betray their home village. But this village to her sounded like a last resort option. In her opinion it would be better to try and search through the hidden leaf's archives first.


"If this threat is outside their boundaries, then negotiation may be possible. But like I said: it wont be cheap. They will want something in exchange."


"I think that before we do anything else we need to get the samurai and the villagers to the hidden leaf village and consult the Konoha archives before we do anything."

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"I think that before we do anything else we need to get the samurai and the villagers to the hidden leaf village and consult the Konoha archives before we do anything."


"Very well." Ryuu nodded. "Do you require any further assistance? I need to report back to the head of my Order, and give him an update. We may have to intevene, if this has become a serious matter."


Afterall, Ryuu's primary objective was reconaisance. Intervening in a battle wasnt exactly part of the plan, but it wasnt like he could stand around doing nothing while watching people get slaughtered. The code he followed was flexible enough to allow him to do so, within proper reason.


He needed to report back. The newest pupil, Kaneda, might be interested in what Ryuu had to say; what with encountering one of his old friends. And besides, he also originated from Konoha as well.

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"Do you require any further assistance? I need to report back to the head of my Order, and give him an update. We may have to intevene, if this has become a serious matter."


Karela thought for a moment and then put her samurai helmet back on as she motioned Akagi and the other samurai to come towards her, she then turned back towards the mysterious man.


"I think right now you should report back to the head of your order. It wouldn't be good if the enemy were to attack you without warning."


Karela smiled at him from under her helmet. "If you do need to contact the hidden leaf and what remains of the samurai then we will be discussing this attack in the Hidden leaf village. I will let the hokage know that you helped Akagi's village and thus can be trusted."


Karela then raised her voice. "Attention all villagers! As of now we are leaving for the hidden leaf village. It is a two day walk away from here and we will be at risk of attack! If you see anything suspicious on the way out then let us know immediatly!"


Akagi then turned to his samurai. "The Samurai will take up defensive positions around the villagers now! Do not leave anyone behind. Ready...Move!"


The samurai took up defensive positions around the villagers who slowly began to move. Karela jumped to the front of the group and continually scanned the area.


Two days later


Karela continued scanning the horizan even as the village came into view. She looked back at the villagers, some of them were limping and others looked like they hadn't eaten in awhile. They had been forced to leave the village without any supplies or water. Some of the children were now being carried by samurai since they were unable to walk anymore. As the village came into view Karela smiled and raised her voice again.


"Villagers! Welcome to the hidden leaf village! As soon as we enter you need to wait outside the hokage's office while Akagi and I will be discussing what to do with you. I will however make sure that you are provided with food and water while we meet."


Karela's words were greeted with cheers as she walked up to the gates of the village. Two leaf village shinobi stood in front of her. Karela was puzzled for a moment and then remembered that she was still wearing the samurai helmet. She took it off and smiled at the two leaf village ninja. "Karela of the hidden leaf village reporting in. I have survivors of a village that was attacked. Requesting permission to enter."


The two shinobi looked at each other and then nodded. "Permission granted."


Karela smiled and ran into the village with the villagers and samurai right behind her. She smiled brightly and then motioned for Takeda to come closer to her. "Takeda, I would appreciate it if you would join Akagi and I in meeting with the Hokage." She then turned to Asuka. "Asuka, it would be great if you could bring the villagers food and water while we speak with the hokage."


She looked up and sighed happily.


She was finally home.

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I'm sorry...my host is a bit busy right now. Whatever you want to tell her you can tell me.


Takai smiled widely upon hearing a voice...and not just any voice. Takai flash backed to a year ago. He had gotten Karela angry, so angry she turned into a demon that caused so much destruction it made him laugh...just like everything else. He recalled her using her power to fight that arashi guy as well.


The best part was that this demonic power had a voice of its own. If he wanted to communicate with Karela he'd have to do so directly, but now he could talk to this mysterious being inside of her and learn more about her. For now though he'd stick with speaking to Karela...and he'd do that when the time was right.


Takeda stood in awe at what was just said to him. A letter? He never recalled getting a letter, but that didn't matter. The letter would explain her randomly disappearing one day...but this didn't change anything. Why didn't she say goodbye to him directly? Why did everyone have to leave him?


Two days later


"Takeda, I would appreciate it if you would join Akagi and I in meeting with the Hokage."


"I will, I have to give the Hokage my report any way," he said.

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Two Days Later...


Masurao Kenjustu Academy - Land of Forests


Ryuu stood before the Warden - the head and the 3rd Generation Leader of the Masurao Kenjustu Academy. Her office was decorated with ceremonial weapons and armor. Pictures of her family stood on her desk, along with messes of paper and documents. She was a middle-aged woman, the colour of her hair matching her Yukata robe. Her most defining feature - a scar running across one of her eyes.


"And thats the full story." Ryuu finished. "Please forgive me. I had to intevene - innocent lives were at stake."


"You did well, Ryuu." Warden Kusanagi commended. "You provided us with the information we needed. Afterall, we (you especially) were very curious to what was occuring from your home of origin."


"Karela will be looking through Konoha's archives to find clues as to who these people are and their goals."


"And you say she's from Konoha? One of our recent pupil's friends perhaps?"


"I have already notified him; I thought it best that he needed to know. He was abit suprised to hear about Karela. Afterall, its been a year. He's writing her a letter to her now as we speak."


'No doubt. He is an excellent student. If we further investigate, it might be worth considering Kaneda Yamagato to assign it to him?"


"I'll consider it..." Ryuu said.

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((PK, would you like to take over Naruto for the meeting?"


"I will, I have to give the Hokage my report any way,"


"Good." Karela said as she walked over to the entrance of the Hokage's tower and got up to the top of the tower as fast as she could with Akagi right behind her. Before she could open the door to the Hokage's office however Akagi put his hand on her shoulder. Karela turned around with a puzzled expression on her face.


"Whats the deal Akagi? The sooner we get in there, the sooner we can come up with some sort of plan."


Akagi shook his head. He was still wearing his helmet so she couldn't see his expression. "I know that the leader of your village is an honorable man...but do you think he would even consider sending a force to my village so that we can take it back?"


Karela shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I think that before he considers doing anything he would need all the information we have. Plus we still have Zarela to worry about, Right now she's so strong I think even the hokage would have a tough time taking her on."


Akagi nodded and Karela opened the door to see the Hokage with his face down on the door and heard a snoring sound. Karela rolled her eyes, somethings never seemed to change.

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((sure, no problem :) ))


The Hokage woke up with a sudden disturbance. After his vision returned from its blurry state, he saw too all too familiar figures right before his desk. He had to pat the side of his head, to make sure he was not seeing things.


"Either the hangover from the previous night is causing me to see things, or I'm seeing someone I havent caught up with in such a long time.


He shook his head to make him snap out of it. "Karela-chan... its been... going on a year now I think!" Naruto scratched his head. Then his suprised face turned into a deep smile. He stood up to hug her. "Its good to see you! Konoha has not been the same without you!"


Naruto then stared at the armored man whom stood next to Karela. It took him a while for him to recognise that it was Akagi, the Samurai from the far lands. "Akagi-san? What a reunion. I'd come over to hug you, but... I know how Samurai are when it comes to personal space." he laughed.


He crossed his arms. "What brings you two here?"

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