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Shinobi: The Rising Darkness

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The Hokage had reviewed the list once more, to ensure of no time colision with other priorities. All of a sudden he felt a tap to the shoulder. The shock scared the heck out of him as he yelped.


"So hokage...I see that you made up a list for the mission. Any idea as to when we're going to be heading back to Akagi's village?"


"Next time, please use the door." Naruto said sternly. "The preparations have been complete. Tategami has returned, but its mandatory for every shinobi to take long break inbetween missions. So two days from now, you'll be sent back to Akagi's village."


Naruto gave Karela one of those "I trust you" looks.


"Between you, myself and another; Takeda's progress will be monitored and assessed. I trust you to not inform him about this?"

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((As soon as everyone posts and I finish up the sparring match we're going to to a two day skip to the morning when everyone leaves the village.))


"I'm ready,"


Shijra slowly circled Takeda, looking for the best area to launch his initial strike. He paused for a moment and then ran at Takeda and brought his sword down in a series of quick yet powerful strikes. He was holding the sword so that when Takeda would hit back he would be able to quickly pull his sword back so he could defend himself better.




"The preparations have been complete. Tategami has returned, but its mandatory for every shinobi to take long break inbetween missions. So two days from now, you'll be sent back to Akagi's village."


Karela sighed. She would have enjoyed going now but the Hokage had said otherwise. And she knew that he did trust her not to take off to the village early.


"Very well. I'll make sure that everyone is ready to leave on the morning two days from now."



"Between you, myself and another; Takeda's progress will be monitored and assessed. I trust you to not inform him about this?"


"Of course Hokage." Karela said quietly. "I have seen his recent behavior towards others recently and I am concerned. He's really acting...odd."

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Takeda backed up and began blocking the incoming attacks. Shijra was indeed a very powerful samurai. At this rate the samurai would back Takeda into a corner and that would be the end of the match. Thinking on his feet he jumped over the samurai as soon as he brought his sword down. Takeda quickly turned and swung his ice sword.

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The moment that Takeda managed to jump over him Shijra instantly began to rethink his strategy. From what he had seen so far he knew that he could not underestimate Takeda, not with his ability to form ice weapons and his combat experience.


Alright...watch out for his ability to create ice weapons and don't let him get behind you and you should be fine...He thought as he turned around and blocked the strike with his own sword.


Shijra slammed his sword into Takeda's ice sword and watched with satisfaction as a dent appeared in the ice sword, the satisfaction abruptly vanished when he saw a crack appear on his own sword. He narrowed his eyes from under his helmet and launched a barrage of sword strikes against Takeda.

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Takeda barely had time to react as Shijra slammed his sword against his. Takeda felt his sword receive a dent, but he held his ground. The samurai's sword had also taken a bit of damage. Unlike Takeda, the samurai's sword could not be so easily fixed, so Takeda would not add more ice to his sword. He was back on defense as Shijra began swinging his sword again. The final hit knocked Takeda back into a wall. He got to his feet and decided to be more offensive. If Takeda could close the distance enough, his massive sword wouldn't be able to get Takeda. Takeda attacked Shijra with a combination of quick and slow attacks, making sure to mix up the two.

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"Of course Hokage." Karela said quietly. "I have seen his recent behavior towards others recently and I am concerned. He's really acting...odd."


"Then you will understand that it is for his own good." the Hokage added. "Perhaps even the village as well. Of course, it may be nothing at all."


One of the Hokage's assistants entered the door, holding a stack of documents.


"I apoligise, Hokaga-sama. But we have some forms we need you to sign immediatly."


The Hokage sighed. "And here I thought I was ridded of it for the day."


"Well, if you got them over and done with in the first place, you'd have more time enjoying your luxuries." The assistant sternly pointed out. The Hokage resigned.


"Very well, put them on my desk and I'll sort them out. Pardon me, Karela. I've got work to do."

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"Very well, put them on my desk and I'll sort them out. Pardon me, Karela. I've got work to do."


Karela saluted smartly and then smiled. "Of course Hokage. I'll hopefully see you in a few days. Good luck with the paperwork." Karela smirked when she saw the amount of paperwork he had to deal with. She then quickly jumped out the window and landed on one of the tree branches. As soon as she made her way down to the ground she turned and began walking towards her own little apartment.




Shijra was having trouble holding his own against Takeda's constant attacks, he could never seem to tell where the swords strikes were going to come from until the last moment.


He managed to deflect one of the stronger strikes and was about to try and bring his own sword down on Takeda's ice swords when the swords was knocked from his own hand and sent flying into the air. This was no small feat since his sword was quite heavy.


Shijra jumped back and held his hands up. "I yield." He said as he held out his hand to show that the match was over. Akagi walked over and smiled. "I must say Takeda...I am impressed. Shijra is one of the strongest samurai under my command and sometimes even I have trouble sparring with him."

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Takeda had brought his sword down, but the samurai was able to knock Takeda back this time. Takeda saw the samurai getting ready to swing his own sword down on him. Takeda changed his grip on his ice sword and swung up with great force. He managed to knock Shijra's sword right out of his hands.


"I must say Takeda...I am impressed. Shijra is one of the strongest samurai under my command and sometimes even I have trouble sparring with him."


"Thank you Akagi...I've had a lot of time to get better over this past year," Takeda said.

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((Alright, it is now time for a two days timeskip. We're all meeting at the village gates.))


"Thank you Akagi...I've had a lot of time to get better over this past year,"


Akagi smiled again. "I see that your skills have improved and we have not forgotten how you fought for us at the village. We have a gift for you."


Akagi turned back towards the crowd of samurai and motioned one of them forward. "This sword belonged to a friend of mine...who is no longer with us. But I am sure he wouldn't mind if his sword went to an honorable warrior."


The samurai handed to the large sword to Akagi who held it out for Takeda to take.


"Take it...I am sure that it will help you a great deal in battles yet to be fought."



Two Days Later


Karela sighed as she contined leaning against the gates of the village. She had been waiting for the others for nearly ten minutes. She was about to call it quits and head back to her apartment when she spotted a familiar figure in samurai armor walking towards the gates. "Hey Akagi!" She shouted out, "Over here!"


The samurai looked over at her and changed directions even as he looked around for the others. "I take it the others haven't arrived yet?" He asked as he walked up to her.


"No...I hope they show up soon though. I'm eager to start this mission. Hey...wait a minute. Where are the rest of your samurai?"


"They are going to be staying behind. I need them to watch over the survivors from the village. I also thought we might be a bit...noticable if we had a squad of my men following us."


"Good point." Karela said as she continued watching for the others.

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Kaneda walked with his sensei towards the village gates. Kaneda was constantly yawning, Ryuu looked down at his pupil.


"If you went to bed early, you wouldnt be in this state."


Kaneda replied with another, yet particulary louder yawn. Kaneda held his jaw painfully.

"Ahrr, no. Extended Jaw too far..." he waited for the pain to fade away. "Dont you just hate it when that happens?"


The two arrived at the village gates, Karela and Akagi were already waiting for them. Ryuu was the first to speak. "Sorry we're late. It was hard enough gettiing this one out of bed without his parents waking him prior."


Kaneda gave another yawn. "I see not everyone has turned up yet..."

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Takeda was making his way towards the main gate. He was still proud of himself for his victory two days ago. He now had the sword his was given on his back. He saw Karela, Akagi, Ryuu, and Kaneda all by the gate.


"My apologies, I lost track of time during my training" Takeda said.

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"Sorry we're late. It was hard enough gettiing this one out of bed without his parents waking him prior."


Karela had to stop herself from laughing. It seemed that Kaneda had picked up a few habits from his sensai. Still...she had done the same thing quite a few times so she really couldn't blame him. Akagi looked over at Kaneda and had to smile. "You didn't sleep well did you Kaneda?"




"I see not everyone has turned up yet..."


Karela was about to respond when Takeda showed up with a large sword strapped to his back. Karela raised her eyes in suprise. That was a samurai sword that she had seen a few times during her time in the samurai village. "Hey Akagi...isn't that one of your swords?" She asked.


"It belonged to a friend of mine who is no longer with us...Takeda earned it during a sparring match with one of my men."


"Really?" Karela said as she looked over the sword. "Well...congratulations Takeda." She said with a smile.


She looked up as a dark shape jumped down from the gates and landed behind them. The figure walked out of the shadows and nodded at them. "I am Dren of the Hyuga clan. I have been assigned to your squad in case we see combat.


Karela couldn't help but notice that when Dren looked over her his eyes seemed to narrow.


"Wait a minute...Where's Tategami?" She asked. "I thought that he was going to be on our squad."

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"I thought that he was going to be on our squad."


There was a sudden tap on Karela's shoulder. Kaneda watched amusingly.


"Sorry, I didnt want to spoil the suprise."


A very tall and muscular figure stood behind Karela. His hair was tied back into a pony tail and thick moustache covering his upper lip. As soon as Karela turned around, the muscular man wrapped his crushing-oversized arms around Karela. "It has been a far too long time, Karela-chan."


"I did warn you before." Kaneda pointed out. "He could crush an entire mountain with those arms of his." he laughed.


Kaneda took note of Karela's reaction, and frowned at his old sensei. "Umm... could you please let go of her, Tategami-sensai? You might kill her, or something."

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Asuka watched everyone, smiling. She was glad that everyone was together again. But since that last time everyone seperated, things didn't feel the same anymore. She looked down, saddened and trying to hold back the tears. Then she looked back up at everyone again, smiling.

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"Sorry, I didnt want to spoil the suprise."


Karela looked over at Kaneda and was about to ask him what he meant when she suddenly turned around as she sensed someone behind her. She looked up and saw Tategami but before she could say anything he caught her in a crushing hug.


"It has been a far too long time, Karela-chan."


"Its nice to see you again Tategami-sensai." Karela managed to gasp back as he continued to hug her.


"Umm... could you please let go of her, Tategami-sensai? You might kill her, or something."


Karela nodded her head at Kaneda as she tried to muster the strength to speak.

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Without knowing it, Takeda was thinking the exact same thing Asuka was. The group was back together...minus Dai, but it did feel different. Takeda nodded his head at the Huyga clan member Dren. Now that Tategami had arrived, it seemed everyone was finally accounted for. Ready to leave, Takeda pulled out his map and walked over to Tategami.


"It is good to see you once more Tategami sen...Tategami," Takeda said as he was a Jonin as well now. "I think its best we go now that everyone's here. I've gone ahead and planned a route for the group, as well as labeled resting points," he said showing Tategami the map.

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Tategami restrained himself and let go of Karela. He beamed, and ruffled her hair. "I sincerely apoligise." he added. "I tend to get a little too embracing when I have not seen a dear friend for to me seems a lifetime."


Kaneda sighed. "His vocabulary skills havent lightened up I see..." he mumbled. He stared at Tategami and smiled. "Its good to see you, sensei."


"It is good to see you once more Tategami sen...Tategami." a familiar voice spoke, coming from the masked man he had worked with before. One of his pupils, Takeda. Tategami was amazed at his transformation from chunin to Jonin.


"I think its best we go now that everyone's here. I've gone ahead and planned a route for the group, as well as labeled resting points...


Tategami examined the map. He pointed to some of locations labbeled on the route. "Well labbeled, Takeda-kun. But there is a slight problem with the selected route."


Tategami pointed a finger along a road to the north east. "In this time of the year, the Devil Hornets swarm this area to gather resources to prepare for winter. We're going to have to take this alternate pathway that avoids the swarm."


He followed his finger along the first resting point. "This area I would highly recomend we avoid.... unless some of you can withstand migrated Manchurian Wild Boars during their mating season."


Tategami crossed his arms. "The rest of the route is satisfactory. Just as long as we avoid those areas for no complications."

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