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Retextured Droids


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A small mod i just started working on, not sure which droids i will include yet. I think the default protocol droids looks kind of dull, they look much better when really reflective (since this makes them look more metallic).



Maybe this is common knowledge for KOTOR modders, but the more black you have in the alpha channel, the more reflective the model will be - ofcourse, this requires the model to also have a normal map, and not all models have one, unfortunately. The Protocol droids had an almost pure white alpha channel, making them almost completely non-reflective.



I would love to add a normal map to HK-47.. anyone any good at modding KOTOR2 models (i've just started modding this game so i have no idea if its even possible to edit the existing models..).


Here's a retexture i did of HK-47.



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"Announce your brand new mods to the Galaxy!" sounds about right' date=' since that's what i've done.. Didnt see a section for WIP mods.[/quote']

Well Taris City Emporium is for completed mods, Holowan Laboratories is for WIPS. No harm done though, I've moved this across to the correct forum... Nice to see a new face around, and well done on the protocol droids they look a lot better than the vanilla game. -- j7

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The first one (no offence) looks horriffic. If your going to make it shiny then you have to get rid of the scratches. Make it look like its brand new rather than just shiny.


I really like the HK reskin though. It would look really cool if you made him slightly metallic. Like alluminium type of look.


But I think its a really good start. Texturing is always a good way to get into modding as so much can be done with it. Just don't ever give up.

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hmm it needs to look at least a little used imo :) Its not like scratches disapears magically if you polish something with scratches, they're still visible. It's also a bit hard to show how it looks in screens, looks better in-game. Thanks for the input though, i'll try out different versions..


I'll try to add a normal map to HK-47, i also think it would look more interesting with a more metallic look!

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C3PO thanked the maker for his oil bath on Tatooine, and he did look all shiny and new afterwards.


I agree thought, the first one (at least in the screen) seems "overexposed" as if a bad Gaffer was burning him up with a 12k when a Kino would have sufficed.


Have you tried playing around with the CM_Baremetal shader?

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A shader? Havent tried that. How do i use it, any tutorial maybe?


I googled some c3po pics to get a sense of how the metal looks, he's a mix of gritty and shiny.. like http://www.karlemo.se/wp-content/uploads/c3po-and-luke.jpg there's still scratches and he' still very shiny, pure white from the sun in some angles.. the models will probably look too shiny indoors though, so i might lower it at least a bit.


Just lowering the black level in the alpha channel will make it less shiny so its very "tweakable".

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