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LDR's Birthday


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Nobody ever wishes me Happy Birfday.... here or anywhere :weep:


Happy belated LDR, thirteen was an interesting time in my life....


The US had, the previous year, dominated the LA Olympics to the point that every kid I knew was fat and happy and still in a McComa from endless gold medal free foods....


I rode my bicycle all over the place, stayed out on the block until 11pm with the neighborhood kids, playing hide-and-go-seek, and Light-as-a-feather, stiff-as-a-board.


RotJ was barely two years old at that point.... and just coming out on HBO.


I was reading CS Lewis and Tolkien to the point of threadbare covers.


My nose was still quite disproportionate to my face... thankfully that has changed since then :p


I had fell in love for the first time, and also had my first N.E. I will not clarify that last one, as this is a PG site, but I wish that I had had more of them :carms:


Enjoy yourself.... 14 becomes 34 reeeeeeeeallll quick :D

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