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Jedi Council Robes

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Well Qui-Gon, I hope Palpatine is pleased with the newest skins.


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So I have reached the end of converting all the robes, and if some you noticed I left out 1 female skin. It was PFB03, because its color scheme varied so much from PMB03 I couldn't use it. Well, now that the bulk of the work is over, all that remains is to do some small edits and then I hope to release it.


What do you guys think?

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  • 2 months later...

Wow, last post on May 1st. Well thank you Phildevil and reivzje, even if it is a little late. Anyways, I've finally gotten around to finishing it up and adding it in game, here are some screens: (Images are on a Lucas Forum album so you'll have to be signed in to see the pics)


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Male and Female Jedi Consular Robespicture.php?albumid=764&pictureid=8360



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Consular In-game findpicture.php?albumid=764&pictureid=8358


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(hidden content - requires Javascript to show)
Male and Female Jedi Sentinel Robespicture.php?albumid=764&pictureid=8353




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Nemo's Drop and his Courtyard fix to matchpicture.php?albumid=764&pictureid=8351



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Male and Female Jedi Guardian Robespicture.php?albumid=764&pictureid=8356



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(hidden content - requires Javascript to show)
Jedi Guardian In-Game Droppicture.php?albumid=764&pictureid=8354


Well, that was a boatload of screens and yes I need to make icons and fix up a few spots, but what do you guys think?

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I think this will look great. You're doing a terrific job, FG.


I just have one question: Will these robes have new properties added depended on the class, like the Ultimate Class-Alignment Robes for TSL? Or will it just be the same old Jedi Robes from the game, nothing new as far as properties are concerned?

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  darthtyren said:
I think this will look great. You're doing a terrific job, FG.


I just have one question: Will these robes have new properties added depended on the class, like the Ultimate Class-Alignment Robes for TSL? Or will it just be the same old Jedi Robes from the game, nothing new as far as properties are concerned?

Thanks. They will have better properties. I was considering limiting Consular robe to the Consular class etc.


  SITH LORD 872 said:
Looks great, Shouldn't be so hard on yourself, You should see my first skin i tried Epic Fail!!

Thanks. Yeah, my first skin was also something of a disaster. Of course, that skin never reached public eyes.

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  Fallen Guardian said:
Yeah, my first skin was also something of a disaster. Of course, that skin never reached public eyes.


Well, that happens the first time. Usually the first time it's just for you, then every consecutive time it's public. My first mod (which was only new robes) only just came out.

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