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The Tale of Jebord Esio - Introduction

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Hey all, here is the first part of my total conversion mod The Tale of Jebord Esio. It's taken me a slow 2 and a half weeks to complete this part. But in that time, my modding experience/knowledge has doubled. All the big thanks are in the readme. I hope you all enjoy!


Name: The Tale of Jebord Esio: Part 1 - Introduction

Author: JebusJM

Email: PM me here instead

Type: Total conversion

Version: Open beta (v0.2)

Released: 25/5/2011 (open beta)






The Tale of Jebord Esio is what it sounds like. You take on the role of young Jedi Knight, Jebord Esio, in a deadly mission to infiltrate the Sith. In the introduction, you will some of the core characters and start your main quest. Be sure to speak to a few of the Jedi scattered throughout your Academy, they might give you a few more quests to take on.






Put these in the modules folder:




Put the rest of the files (.tga) and the "hanhar.dlg" in the override folder.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Start a new game and then type "warp introduction" into the cheat console without the tags. You will be able to access the module via Trask's dialog once the mod is out of beta. And for the sake of canon, make a MALE charater :)



Special thanks:



Dak Drexl - The wonderful retexturing of the Enclave and his continued support.


TimBob12 - My scripting nightmares would of been endless if it wasn't for him.


Fastmaniac - The script he provided will save me countless hours of workaround.


Ferc Kast & JoFlashStudio's - They are the people who provided me with the first scripts to kick-start this mod.


LordDeathRay, JoFlashStudio's, Dak Drexl - The beta testers that made sure the part was released bug-free (at least I hope we got all the bugs :))


And all the greet folks over at Holowan Lab's who made this mod possible. If I forgot anyone, my deepest apologies.




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One slight problem...


In this screeny:




The droid tells Jebord he was born in 3692 BBY...


Well, BBY stands for 'Before the Battle of Yavin' so a droid 4000 years before said battle wouldn't have used that term...


Might want to revise that for the next release. :p

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  Marius Fett said:
Well, BBY stands for 'Before the Battle of Yavin' so a droid 4000 years before said battle wouldn't have used that term...


I've searched for the correct date format, but to no avail. If anyone has any ideas what they used back then, it'd be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for the support everyone!

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  LordDeathRay said:
ABAF? After the Battle of the Star Forge?


AJCW? After the Jedi Civil War?


AMW? After the Mandalorian Wars?


Those seem to be the most reasonable/canonical. Since we have not really had anything that has used a dating system other than BBY/ABY, BBE/ABE (which is barely used), and BTC/ATC (which was recently introduced to us because of TOR).


I would choose the biggest event that this plot occurs after (which through some research seems to be the end of the Jedi Civil War (or the end of the Old Sith Wars, whichever you prefer).



Oh and btw I love this. Very nice job! I can't wait to see the entire project finished.

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