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Cin Drallig and other WIP


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Hello everyone. (not sure how many people still hang around in this forum) I have a few more skins I have to get out of my system. I had started them all a few years ago but never finished them. I will probably need some help getting them in game, since I no longer have JKA installed. I have no problem posting the textures here for you all to download. Here's the first:


{Edit: updated screens below!}


Everything on this skin was done by me from scratch. I didn't want to have to wait for any permissions. I need to sharpen/touch up the textures and we are good to go.


If anyone wants to help with Icons, sounds, and other in game features, PM me or post right here.

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Holy crap a ghost! :D


Looks pretty damn good, my only crit would be about the outer part of the nasolabial fold, it looks extreme...it's all about where planes are connecting together. At this point you probably don't care so don't mind me ;)



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Holy crap a ghost! :D


Looks pretty damn good, my only crit would be about the outer part of the nasolabial fold, it looks extreme...it's all about where planes are connecting together. At this point you probably don't care so don't mind me ;)


My favorite modeler! I think we're the only ones here. Ahhh, good times. I definitely need to put some more work into the nose and the ears (which you can't see) Thanks for the reference pic. :)

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Lol thanks for the offer but i'll pass :p


Worth a try. :p Anyhow, here's Agen Kolar.




Uploaded with ImageShack.us


I don't know if I will continue this one. It's tough to skin the robes. I may just leave it at this.


Edit: Hair is not yet done. That's probably the last thing I will focus on.

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