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Animation Questions


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Well everybody, I'm starting work on my jawa party member, but I've hit a snag. Apparently the jawa model doesn't have a weapon hook on it because the weapons don't show up. I'm guessing that this means jaws don't have weapon animations either? I need this jawa to have all the normal animations, what do I do?

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You have to add the animations to the model. I think to do this, take an existing model with all the animations, then put the jawa in instead of lets say Darth Sion. Then export the model and import it to the game. Im not sure if this works as I have little knowledge of animations. But I hope this helps.

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No I've never played the Korriban Expansion mod, sorry :) I've heard it's good though. So did you do something similar, or not.


Can I have permission to use the jawa jedi anyway? It'll make my life easier :D Oh, can you remember if it had gun anims as well, or just the saber ones?

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