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Recruit Batu Beta Testing


Should I continue work on this mod?  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I continue work on this mod?

    • Yes
    • No
    • IDC

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This is a beta for a new mod I just made. I joined Lucas Forums JUST to request this mod, and darth-acbar suggested that I work on it myself, but I made no progress. I just got to work on it, and pretty much finished it in an hour or 2. Well, this mod is a beta that allows you to recruit Batu Rem (the assassin Batu), and it's a beta that is bare-bone, with no new dialog(except for the recruitment dialog). Just say "I'm no Jedi" and continue from there. Tell if it works or not.


Heres the link:



Thanks, noname35

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I'm not gonna say you shouldn't work on it, but you should realize that this game is getting pretty damned old. I have a friend who tried to run it on his new computer, but it wouldn't run because his computer was too advanced for the game apparently. :xp:


But another thing, if you want people to test it, you might wanna give them a download link. hehe. :p

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  noname35 said:
:ugh: I feel so dumb, thanks. And you have a point, but I still love it and apparently so do a lot of people.


No problem. :xp:


And I still love it too, just haven't gotten around testing if it'll work on my new comp. heh. I think you should continue it, since you're still passionate about it. Everyone else be damned, it's your mod not theirs. (:

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  Ziost said:
No problem. :xp:


And I still love it too, just haven't gotten around testing if it'll work on my new comp. heh. I think you should continue it, since you're still passionate about it. Everyone else be damned, it's your mod not theirs. (:


Thanks for the advice.

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As sith holocron said, and maybe I should have pointed that out to you, it will probably be incompatible with GenoHaradan but if you want to work on it, do it, but be warned that you will lose a fair few downloads. I would suggest making an interesting and unique storyline for him, it will take a bit of work but it will entice players more.

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  darth-ackbar said:
I would suggest making an interesting and unique storyline for him. it.


Of course, since this character isn't Batu Rem, you'd have to come up with a new name for him.


Make sure you have voiced dialog. Of course, you'll also have to redo the lines for him that are already present for the "false" Batu Rem character in the game.


I don't know about everyone else but recruit mods that don't have at the very least voiced dialogue and an interesting character quest don't inspire me to replace a character that's already in the game that has voiced dialogue and a quest. (Yes, I realize that Disciple's personal quest was cut.)


Speaking of replacing characters, whhic standard NPC will false Batu Rem be replacing?

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  DarthJango/Weasley said:
Looks nice. But my TSL dosn't work :p

but arn't you working on recruit Bendak?


Yeah but I had to take a break becuase my kotor isn't working :( I guess it's another problem with my override :(. And Exile007's mod has something to do with the impostor Batu Rem

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  noname35 said:
Really? I always thought he was some random BH



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I really don't care if you if make a recruit Batu mod, although it likely will be incompatible with the GenoHaradan mod. But you really shouldn't make a mod based on how many downloads you think your mod will get. We're not getting paid for this after all. :p What matters is if YOU are happy with the final product, not the public. If you want to make Batu recruitable, go for it. If you want to make a new characters, that's great too.


Good luck! :)

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Yeah it does. I probably wont be able to make this mod because the script that the dialog runs is a cutscene :ugh: . I might just spawn an NPC with Batu's apperance and make that the "real" Batu Rem and you recruit him. All progress is down though because I had to reinstall the game and now I keep getting a runtime error and haven't had enough time to fix it (same thing happening with my K1 copy)

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