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Who is the most powerful jedi knight ?


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I am putting my vote behind Satele Shan. Grand Master of the Jedi Council, the youngest jedi to do so. Survived the Great Galactic War, and she is a decendant of Bastila Shan and Revan. Maybe by a few generations, but that is still an impressive pedigree.


ON a second thought, would the Revan bloodline rival that of the Skywalker bloodline for most influential on the galaxy? Two very different time periods, but are they equal?

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I am putting my vote behind Satele Shan. Grand Master of the Jedi Council, the youngest jedi to do so. Survived the Great Galactic War, and she is a decendant of Bastila Shan and Revan. Maybe by a few generations, but that is still an impressive pedigree.


ON a second thought, would the Revan bloodline rival that of the Skywalker bloodline for most influential on the galaxy? Two very different time periods, but are they equal?


Maiby but still:cool::cool: you speak the true Satele Shan has Revan's bloodline but Skywalkers also is a powerfull bloodline but l don't known if they equel hmmm

now interested ;)

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I'd say they are equal, if not with Revan being superior - if Revan hadn't created his holocron, Darth Bane would never have discovered the Rule of Two, and the Sith would've been destroyed long ago - and that would mean the Skywalker bloodline wouldn't have any significance, as there would be no Empire.

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I'd say they are equal, if not with Revan being superior - if Revan hadn't created his holocron, Darth Bane would never have discovered the Rule of Two, and the Sith would've been destroyed long ago - and that would mean the Skywalker bloodline wouldn't have any significance, as there would be no Empire.


That is kind of a chicken before the egg argument. If things would have gone differently from the beginning of people using the force, it might have ended up that none of them existed.


I am talking about the accomplishments of each bloodline. The Revan bloodline was more the pioneer of the two, but the things that Revan had done, (for arguments sake, i am including Bastila Shan in this to, because you can't have a Revan bloodline without the mother of Revan's Children), do they outweigh the accomplishments of the Skywalker bloodline (including Luke, and his children, as well as Leia and her children). The Skywalker line accomplished a lot, while also being pawns in a bigger game by a more powerful sith. But in the end still "brought balance to the force" and included "the chosen one"


I can also argue that even though Anakin was "the chosen one", Revan still had a bigger impact on the galaxy for what he had done to stop Lord Vitiate, Emperor of the Sith. While Anakin did bring "balance to the force" by killing the last trained, and true sith lord, it was only for a short while. The galaxy was once again plunged into war between the Jedi and the Sith.

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True - purely quantitively, the Skywalker bloodline did more (though there are more Skywalkers, so that has to be considered).

I have my own theory that Revan is in fact the true chosen one - while Anakin destroyed the Sith (for a time), that wouldn't balance it so much as bring it totally into the light. Revan created a Sith empire, then destroyed it - he also trained as both Jedi and Sith, and served them both. That would make him truly balanced.

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