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Kotor 3 UDK concepts


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NOT DONE BY ME.....Just sharing discoveries nice to see a next generation take on things


http://www.youtube.com/user/udkcom?feature=watch Heres the youtube channel of author---udkcom's channel



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Intro Ebon Hawk Concept


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Carth and Huntress/Bastila banter


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Dialog Concept


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Revan and Lightsaber concept


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Doesn't seem bad Mass effect meets Uncharted meets Star wars. Id try it out



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Very Nice.


3 things might be improved. The ebon hawks landing gear should come down a little earlier, Revan fighting moved looks recycled from K1, and you should get some original voice actors ( I don't have a great mic, otherwise I'd volunteer myself).


But this looks really good.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Guys im heading up a forum dedicated to the development of kotor 3, im putting together a team of volunteers to build test and develop knights 3, built on udk, i have my own company and im based in the UK. it would be great if anyone who is interested in getting involved, sign up on my forums, ill be posting some more stuff on there after the weekend as this is a full time project for me, and it would be great if i could get people on board!!



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